
ATLANTIC SATURDAY, JANUARY 301 1943 VOICE PAGE as SIC all 011 aso battles Mr. Peter Muir Again Heads Burial Scheme Society LIMON CIVIC FIESTAS ON THE NORTH AFRICAN BATTLE FRONT Official reports declare that hte under the command of General Interwoven with the regular continues to discharge the duweekly general meeting of the ties of Vice Chairman. Mr. An From an authorized sour Allied offensive have obliged the Leclerc, have united with the whorn Port Limon Branch of the Ja tonio McFarlane occupies the ce it is learned that the Axis troops to effect hurried re 8th. British army with maica Burial Scheme Associa important position of Secretary customed Civic Fiestas treats on both sides of the Tu they are now incorporated. They 373 The Norih are in actual pursuit of the de.
tion onthe evening of Thurs. with Miss Gaynor his will be observed in this city Inician battle fronts.
month American forces have broken feated forces of General Rom day the 21st. instant, the installa Asistant. Mr. Obadiah Bartley during the coming tion of the officers, to guide the retains the office of Treasurer. of Februry. The usual fea through the German defences in mel, who are fleeing westward.
Heavy fighting is reported in.
destiny of the Sociery during Mesdames Brown and Flizatures associated with such the sector of the Ousseltia Valley the ensuing six months, was Douglas are respectively Irner an event will be in evidence, while the eighth British army is progress in the region between effectively performed by Mr. and Outer Guard. As Trustees it is stated for four days and said to have definitely establish Sfax and Gabes. The result of Harold Smith, in his capacity as Messrs. Brotherton. Ha nights commencing from the tier of Tunicia from Tripoli and believed entirely cut off ed a pathway toward the fron the Allied activities will, it is de Representative of the Supreme rold Smith and Dehaney 18th. of the month.
Council of Jamaica for the Li were re elected.
to be further castigating the means of further retreat for the Among the Should no untoward cir rearguard of General Rommel troops of General Rommel.
1809 mon Sphere members of the Investigating cumstance intervene the co beaten force.
33 By the medium of re clection Committee are Mrs. o. Gayie mmercial and social activi strong contingent of Frenen Cairo report states that the Blake and Pell. ties of our city will be great British troops Singalese soldiers, fames Mr. Peter Muir heads te Ad the Misses had contacted the bravest of all the ministrative Personnel as Chair and Messrs. Westney and ly enhanced by the celebra the enemy rearguard west of African warriors have native OR sailed man, while Miss Vera Gillings Gutzmer.
Zania, which is thirty miles off from Dakar to join the Alied Tunez and 70 west of Zauir forces on the Northern LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI The Fighting French forces, fronts.
TOMORROW PLAN PARA EL SORTEO DEL DE FEBRERO DE 1943 OUT DOOR GAME Emisión de 25. 000 billetes numerados del 1001 al 26. 000 SPLENDID SOCIAL TREAT a razón de 10. 00 cada uno Football enthusiasts will divididos en décimos, a 00 el décimo have the pleasure of witnes Valor en premios: 157, 515. 00 colones sing the Jupiter and LimonAmong the many regula the opening address, and, in tions which, in his great turn, the Rev. Evans premio mayor de 50. 000. 00. 50. 000. 00 Junior teams in action tomg wisdom, Solomon inaugura delivered the response and premio de 10. 000. 00 10, 000. 00 rrow on our playground.
10 premios de 1. 000. 00.
10. 000. 00 Both teams have earned ted during the construction pronounced the Grace. For of the magnificent Temple more than two hours after 10 premios de 500. 00 the 000. 00 great distinction for Brother60 premios de 200. 00 12. 0000. 00 achievements during the Seal he built for the worship of wards, Mesdames 60 premios de 100. 00.
and God, was that which suspen ton, Delpratt, Brown they 000. 00 son matches and as ded his workmen from their Wade, who were responsi57 premios de 50. 00. 850. 00 are both equipped with ag labours in order that they ble for the supplying of the 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 angressive and dauntless playteriores y posteriores) de 200. 00 cada ers, it will be difficult should enjoy some recrea edible amunition had an ex to back perience equal, almost, to 000. 00 stake a wager regarding tion. On a similar ground did Mr. Daysley, that of the fast flying Spit 10 aproximaciones al segundo premio (5 anthe winner of the event, across the English teriores y posteriores)
Our military Band is sla the Musical Director of the fires de 100. 00 St. Mark and Philharmo Channel.
una. 000. 00 ted to be in attendance to nic Choirs, arrange the high enliven the occasion.
An un precedented com99 aproximaciones al resto de la centena del social treat evidenced in the bination of entertaining it.
primer premio de 20. 00 cada una. 1, 980. 00 Parish Hall on Tuesday ev ems were, on the other 99 aproximaciones al resto de la centena del segundo premio de 15. 00 cada una. REMINDER ening of the week in course. hand. poured out, and a1, 485. 00 The choristers had 24 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del as mong those who delighted their special invitees the their hearers were Mesdapremio mayor, de 50. 00 cada una. 1, 200. 00 This medium is utilized as Rev. and Mrs. Evans mes Heron, Lawren225 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del a means of reminding the and Mr. Jos. Thomas. ce, Gray, Henry (the premio mayor de 40. 00 cada una. 9, 000. 00 teachers of the English pri The sensibilities and capabi lamp lighdem. Evans, 2250 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio vate schools throughout this lities of the participants in Gayle, Walker, the mayor de 20. 00 cada una.
45, 000. 00 Zone of the session to be the eve ng programme Misses Gaynor, Tyn convened tomorrow, Sunday can not easily be described. dall, and Blake, 2916 premios Valor: 157. 515. 00 31st. commencing at p. The refreshment table, a Ford, Jonah, Messrs. in the Recreation Hall dorned with a white cove Brotherton, Corniffe, o the Tomas Guardia ring and strewn with roses Me Creath, Messam and School. The meeting will be and ferns accommodated Jos. Thomas. Mr. Daysley held under the auspices of more than a score and a delivered the summary and the Private School Teachers half of enthusiastic partici closing remarks.
cked hangars and administrative buildings on the edge of the airfield at Jedabia, after the British 8th Army had driven Marshal Rommel forces from the city near the borders of Tripolitania.
EL AVANCE EN EL DESIERTO AFRICANO. Hangares destruidos y edificios ardiendo. Este fue el resultado de los bom bardeos de la RAF, que obligaron al enemigo a retirarse a Jedabia, cerca de la línea fronteriza de Tripolitania. Jedabia está ahora en poder de las fuerzas del Octavo Ejército.
REMEMBER We pay the best Prices When in Limon fro mthe Line Towns, Branches or Coasts you should have your hair cut or shave at Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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