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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATUE DAY, JANUARY 30th, 19 13 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN brawny Al with are men הו the was NATIVE POLICEMAN NEGROES IN PANAMA NEGROES FIGHT IN UNITED NATIONS SHIP! SENEGALESE WILL SAVED MARINES BRITISH ARMIES JOIN FRAY The role being played by the The Booker Washington Isthmian Negro in the defence com10, 500 ton. Liberty ship NEW, YORK, JAN Howa of the Panama Canal, that viMany thousands of British manded by Captain Hugh Mul At least 50, 000 Senegales six foot Melanesian tal gateway between the Atlan Negroes are today serving with zac, first Negro captain in the soldiers will shortly join this native, Sergeant Major Vouza oftic and Pacific, assumes increa their fellow citizens of the Bri United States Merchant Marine forces of the United Nations in the British constabulary in the sing importance. Volunteer Ci tish Empire in the fight against returned recently after its first the battle for Africa. The Se Solomon Islands, saved a detachvilian Defence Corps have been the Axis. Britain spearhead voyage. The crew handoicked negalese, rated among the bes: ment of American marines organised and established for the now being used by Captain Mulzac, represents Negro troops in France coio Guadalcanal from discovery by blacks and whites alike.
increasing effectiveness seventeen nations and territo nial empire, distinguished them Jap invaders, though Japs tor efforts are being reached to against Germany, has its Negro ries of the United Nations and selves in the Battle of France seamen tured him until he fell uncons: prevent possible Axis infiltra airmen; coloured cious, is told in a cabled dispat htion in any form in the Repu braving Axis submarines and more than half of the members in 1940, and are regarded a from London received by the blic. Defence headquarters, ait dive bombers in the Battle of are coloured. The chief engin particularly good fighters. More British Information Services, in raid shelter construction squads, the Atlantic. On the various cer, four deck officers and wire than 25, 000 Senegalese are less operator are Negroes.
this City The stationed at Dakar, Frech West first aid stations, frican fronts, coloured African emergency trip waseuneventful, but it did African naval base which reThe date on which Sgt. traffic conductors, auxiliary po troops have played an imporMajor Vouza performed his lice, all these and more have tant role. In the United King: prove that a mixed crew can cently went over to the United be commanded by a Negro. Nations. More Senegalese are heroic feat is not recorded. His been organised and establisnes dom, where there are few nealso taking a scattered throughout the resi actions, typical of many such to prepare for any emergency groes, they are little local actions overlooked The Negroes in Panama have vital part in civilian defense as NO DISCIPLINARY ACTION of which is now virtually under of France African empire, al in official communiques and shown the same spirit of prepa air raid wardens, stretcher bear Allied control. Already some press dispatches from front redness and cooperation that has ers and ambulance drivers. Cavas necessary daing the vy. Senegalese, advancing north line correspondents, might been evident among the colou. nada, which has a comparatiage, and the captain stated ward from bases in Morocco and have gone unnoticed had fais red people elsewhere. They are vely small Negro population, inas name not appeared in the New solidly behind the United Na coloured men marching should proudly that his was a United Tunisia, have attacked Genera Nations vessel. Captain Malzac Rommel retreating Axsi forces with white the Year Honors List as recipient tions in sentiment and desire to er is a native of St. Vincent, Wind and have menaced their right of the George Medal.
serve. They have been made fa steadily growing armed forces ward Islands, British West In flank in the desert.
Vouza, member of a formerly miliar with passages from there.
dies and has been in the mer cannibalistic tribe, was sent on Mein Kampf. and realize that Hundred of expert Negro fo chant marine since he swned as would secret intelligence work behind an Axis victory usher resters from British Honduras ARMY 93rd an ordinary seaman with a NorEngland for the Jap lines. He was captur them into another period of have arrived in ed and tied to a tree. The Japs, slavery.
tree felling work. In a northern wegian ship at Si. Vincent in DIVISION English port 1907. He studied at the Swanthere has beer, sure he knew the whereabouts oponed a new hostel for colour.
sea Nautical School in South of American marines and Aus.
Wales. The countries tralians in the region, put him reprered seamen, engaged in GREAT NEGRO The new Ninety thiri Divithrough a brutal third degree.
work of convoying war supplies sented in the crew are Belgium powerful group of When he remained mute to their MUSICIAN in their posts with the Merchant Honduras, Russia, British Gui sion is a questions they thrust bayonets Navy. They come from Nigeria, ana, the Philippines, Turkey, fighting coloured troops gatherinto his arms the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone. Ireland, Great Britain, Sweden led from all parts of the United and shoulder.
Then they went to work inutilai Ruldoph Dunbar, the coloured Aden, and Malaya, and each one Holland, Mexico, Norway, Gree States. Equipped with the best of these Merchant Seamer ce, Yugoesavia, the British West instruments of war, it is in pro ing his face and stomach. musician, had a personal cess of training in the science of Still he would not speak, and umph when he conducted 1he plays a valuable part in the war Indies and the United States modern warfare. Its regiments finally, when his unconscious London Philharmonic Symphony effort of the United Nations.
include some of the oldest and From Indies body sagged against its bonds, at the Royal Albert Hall in Lon another large area of coloured NEGROES 10 OF most famous negro units in the they cut him down and left hindon. When concert Army units which for dead.
announced through the press have joined the fighting forces population, hundred of Negroes FORCES have a long tradition of gallantRecovering consciousness, and over the radio, the Nazi pro Many colured technicians from ry in battle. The Fort is in a Vouza freed himself from the pagandists grotesquely enough Jamaica and the West mountain canyon, seventy miles Indies ropes still dangling from bis attempted sarcasm. They referThe latest report reveals that across the desert from the nearhave volunteered for war work wrists and ankles, and crawled red to it as a propaganda stunt and have been allotted to vari American Negroes comprise 10. est town.
painfully through the jungle He The spontaneous ovation given ous taske.
percent of all Army perknew every inch of the trails, the coloured conductor by mere sonnel The coloured soldiers It should be remembered that and just where he would fird than seven thousand people who all Negro participants in have entered the America NEGROES FIGHTING Bri.
the leatherneck commander. crowded the hall to hear the Inhalting English he made his concert sufficiently refutes this armed forces, in the Merchant They are now on active duty in tain war effort, whether in the Army in percentages proportio nate to the Negro population THE AXIS report, and then Army insinuation. Noe Dunbar name Navy, or in technical positions, all of the overseas theatres doctors dressed his wounds is well known throughout the who are residents in the coloof No white man could have musical world. It was the first nies, are volunteers. Conscrip troops are stationed. There are Africa has proved invaluable to where other American The support of the people of survived such injuries. said time that a coloured musician tion has not been applied to one Army surgeon.
had ever directed the Londen bring them into the ranks.
Negro units in Great Britain, the cause of the United NaPhilarmonic The concert was The contribution by the Em Trealand, North and West Africa tions. The Republic of LIBE.
arranged under the auspices of pire Negro population not including Liberia. Alaska. RIA cooperated secretly and THE DOORS MUST the British Colonial Fund for only to the war effort but to the Australia, New Guinea, and the completely in the forces. The, BE UNLOCKED the negro soldiers who are fight peace time activities of the post West Indies. Many of the Ne coloured Governor General of ing against the Axis. Rudolph war period is steadily expand groes have volunteered for acti French Equatorial Africa, Mr.
Dunbar was born in British ing. Those colonies are ve service in the armed forces. Felix Eboue, has been a mainnow Guiana and studied music in In large sections of the United stay of the Eighting very important manufacturing Recently in an enemy occupiFrench States, the negroes volunteered under General de Gaulle. Hasta ed country a film show inchio. New York, Paris and Leipzig. factors in the war effort. They for war work in vital munition Selassie troops gave the Bri ed shots of a number of pre and was the London correspon cial support.
Later, he became a journalist have given Britain great finan.
factories and shipyards wher: tish valiant aid in swecping the war events. Next day the local dent of the Associated Negro they counld not enter the arni Italians from Ethiopia, and are Nazi controlled paper published Piess in America.
ed services.
now said to be participating in a stern editorial complaining THEY CAN TAKE IT.
the drive against the Axis forces that the audience devoted its in Libya. Several thousand na loudest applause to the British American Negro soldiers in THE NIGERIANS tive troops from the Belgian White Ensign. What a cevealing DO YOU KNOW THAT Liberia are proving they can Congo took part in the Ethio light that throws upon the hopes take the worst this jungle coun.
pian campaign and continued and longings of an enslaved try has to offer. Members of the The Nigerians know that Naz: afterwards in pursuit of the nation!
In two years British vessels of engineering units have worked domination of their colony enemy. These examples only It is almost impossible br us the English Channel Mobile Ba through the wet season into the would be the end of all politi suggest the large support which to imagine life in a Nazi occupi lloon Barrage have steamed dry period building airports. cal, intellectual, social and com the land and people of Africa ed country with its physical 227, 000 miles and protected emergency landing fields and mercial freedom. Since the war, are furnishing the United Naprivation and ill treatment, with more than 3, 000 merchant ships docks. Ships have to be un. they have shown their loyalty tions, the arrogance of an ever present in convoy, only one of which loaded and supplies dispatched. to England. The Nigerian Govconqueror. Think what could has been lost?
Both the soldiers and he ernment has been inundated have happened here but for the More than 100 Italian generals natives have adjusted themsel with spontaneous offers of serBattle of Britain.
and nearly 300, 000 Italian ves to the transformation. The vice. One Emir offered to raise where they have done very vaThese men and women look soldiers are already prisoners Liberians are cooperating per a battalion for the Nigeria Re luable work. They have been to us and our Allies to unlock of war in British hands fectly to meet the demands of giment. Financial assistance has employed with the Army in the doors of the prision house. Forty two tons of vegetables the soldiers and native workers been freely offered. Some native all sorts a work such krr They have endured terrible have been grown this year in have come to help keer back Administrations wished to give driving, road construction, main things. Let us try by every flowerbeds in Bath parks?
the jungle undergrowth. In six up a portion of their reserves enance, commissariat work, means in our power to hasten In three years there has been months of work, an airport has to help towards Britain war stretcher bearing etc. They are the day when food and freedom an increase of 1, 750, 000 women already been comumeted from expenditure.
trained and disciplined like the will be carried by sea and air to engaged in munitions making which planes and supplies will The coloured soldiers white troops and are officered the peoples of a torturer con and esential industries in Cireat go to the Middle East, to Inciia serving not only in Nigeria by white men; non commissiatinent.
Britain and to Russia itself, but also in North Africa, ed officers are coloured, war are Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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