
AXIS COMBINE FACE CRITICAL SITUATION ATLANTIC VOICE air The outcome of the historic meeting of the great leaders of our United Nations at Casablanca in North Africa will, undoubtedly, foil Hitler programme for a conquered universe. The ten days conference between Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 Presicent Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, the representatives of Fighting France and the several mem YEAR VIII LIMON, FEBRUARY 6th, 1943 No. 360 bers of the High. Commands of the respective nations have, we are told, perfected the plans for the launching DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENT CALDERON GUARDIA RETURNS of an offensive destined to utterly destroy civilization VISTTUR FROM NICARAGUA common enemy at no distant date.
Mr. Ri bruce, the Press Rumours are rife regarding the manner in which Urticer of the Britisn Legation By special air transportathis move will be made and the place or region whence The religious ceremony was in San Jose, was a visitor to tion His Excellency Dr. Calde effected during the evening it will be launched; and these have been augmented our city during last week. On ron Guardia and his highly of Monday last and is said to by the inore recent visit of Premier Churchill to Turkey the nights of Wednesday ancesteemed and respected wité, have been one of the most and his two days talk with President Inonu and the nursday he entertained large doña Ivonne, returned last spectacular witnessed in the Turkish military Chiefs.
crowds in the Teatro Moder Wednesday from Managua Capiial of our neighbouring no with the presentation Official circles believe Turkey will either soon be 01 where they participated as Republic during recent years.
whril. ing war films. In fact, hel primeros padrinos at the ma As it happened in Panama actively participating in the war or be indirectly aiding wrougnt vedy important teatu triage of the illustrious doctor His Excellency and party we the Alliad nations in their plans for an invasion of the res of the conflict to us in Guillermo Sevila Sacasa to the re extended the most pleasEuropean Continent in which the Balkan countries may pictures. Very interesting com Señorita Lilliam Somoza, the ing hospitality by the govern ments have since been heard, distinguished daughter of Ni ment and people of Nicorasplay an important part. So fearful of this latter phase is Hitler said to be that he has ordered the immediate particularly with respect the heroic deeds being cons General Somoza.
to caragua popular President, gua.
construction of additional defence works for the occutantly performed by the Bri 70 pied Balkan regions.
tish Navy and Air Arm.
Happenings of a dramatic character may take plawas most welcomed, and we adopt, MAZIS TOTALLY LIQUIDATED IN STALINGRADE ce at any moment, we opine, especially in view of the this medium to express Liextraordinary and continuous successes being obtained SECTOR mon gratitude for the presen by the Sovlet Armies and the losses being experienced tations and other useful by the Axis forces on the North African and Pacific bal knowlecige imparted concern which says a rever There is an age old maxim them. Little did the Berlin tle fronts.
ing the war in which we are ken a sieeping Lion. The des he was awakening, of thea awa. Dictator think of he lion doing our part presentation was given truction, piunder, murder and dauntles warriors he was rous URAVY FIGHTING IN SOUTH PACIFIC the people of Siquirres rape committed by the Ger. ing.
The big air and naval battl rendered to the Allied troons Tuesday before an enthusias mans against the Poles, the Failing in his effort Ggainst started some days ago in the after accepting the condition tic gathering. More than 000 Chechs, the Norwegians, the Moscow, he turned his atten archinelano of the Salomon immosed on them. Othere Duish, the Belgians, the Slavstion elsewhere and launched of persons witnessed the three the Greeks, the French Island, between North Ameri the enemy forces are said to shows.
anc simultaneous attacks against others on the Continent can and Japanese unts, pre be exposed to the systematic of the important industrial cenceeds in intensity with heavy llier attacke hi and on and quarters reports tha Allied Europe, did not satisfy the ter of Stalingrade and the losses, it is believed, on both air and are without font mo units are aggressive appetite of the Na Caucasian regions. Here the continuously sides. No information hos, ho dicine, clothes or the means attacking the Japanese naval zis. The rich grain and pe fiercest of modern Warfare wever, been yet afforded thr or the means of obtaining soy and air tases a. ong an exten Union were too great a temp streets of the city of Stalintroleum fields of the Soviet wasw aged and the very public.
of ohnining some sionof more than 2, 500 kilo The too have been offer metros in New Guinea and 50 his partners in crime But that of bloody conflicts. Still tation for the Feuhrer Meantime, from Guadalca ang grade converted into Scenes nal comes the sensational re nd and openrtunity tf curren kilometros southwest of the was not all they desired Ru heroic defenders held out ond the port that a large number of derina, important enemy base ts Sala 12 Japanese land forces had sur General MacArthur head, maua.
ssia as a food reservoir in have finally suceeded in nidUnits of the Japanese Air their scheme for the invasion ding their beloved city of the force are said to have attack broke with Stalin and invad of Stalingrade has been won.
of England. To that end they hated intruders. The battle THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ed the positions occupied by the North American forces on ed his territory.
Of the 300, 000 and more Na Guadalcanal during two nig Filled with an unworthy con zi soldiers who endeavoured Patience and submission are to be carefully distin ceit because of his earlier vic to dominate the city in comin succession guished from cowardice and indolence. We are not tories against his crstwhile formity with Hitler orders to repine, but we may lawfully struggle; for the calapartner, Hitler poured his over 230, 000 are said to have LIMON VITAL mities of life, like the necessities of nature, are calls to crack troops and his high gear perished while 91, 000 ed mechanized armies into now in the hands of the Rus labour and exercises of diligence. When we feel the STATISTICS the Soviet Union and sent the sians ar prisoners, among pressure of distress, we are not to conclude we can only According to the obey the will of Heaven by languishing under it, any informa flower of Germany manhood them twenty four generals and deeper and deeper into the Field Marshal Von Paulus the more than when we perceive the pain of thirst, we are ion recently released by the dath trap which Russia mi Commander in Chief Department of Civil Registra litary strategists prepared for!
to imagine that water is prohibited.
ion, San José, 47. 764 births cok place throughout the Re ublic during the year 1942, he deaths are said to have to GERMANY MOURNS FOR STALINGRADE alled 18, 369 and the marria Address all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos je 6, 582.
DISASTER ineering Requirements to de Inceniería dirijase a In Our Province the births amounted to ROIG 1, 622, the deaths to 859 and the marria of a radio broadcast, that the he ordered that all public pla After admitting, by means (Goebbel address, after which is ses to 258. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319. 3201, or 2929 battle of Stalingrade had ter ces of amusement be kept clo al SAN JOSE minated, the German Minis sed during a period of four ter of Propaganda Goebbe days in memory of the dead.
nbr Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos is renorted to have eulogized Following the example of. as the sixth Nazi army who we Goebbels it is stated thot Quis alm annihilated by the Rusling ordered a three days pe SCHEME TO CREATE MORE PROPERTY sians. three minutes silenceriod of mourning throunghout.
in all the transmitting sta Norway posi OWNERS tions followed the close of!
idad The Atlantic Voice the farmer will exercise a Learns that the Administra great amount of interest in 1s tive Personnel of the Banco his agricultural activities Nacional have advanced a and enlarge his cultivations GRAND OPPORTUNITY No proposal which aims at the as far as may be possible.
parcelling out of their lar As production is now one of LA SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC ge farms for the purpose our vital needs and high! y of creating a larger nun necessary as a contribution can be purchased at very low prices.
ber of property owners, who to the efforts of our fighAll in serviceable condition.
se individual efforts wili sti ting nations, it is hopedi mulate our agricultural pro that nothing will intervene duction.
to prevent the materializa: Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
The opinion, is held, and tion of the Bank welco GENERAL ROKOSSOVSKI, we think rightly so, that med proposal.
the hero of Stalingrade who is JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella possessed of his titled land, only 30 years old.
ore NOTICE sa re nc en no Tot mit ert Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerInvasionNazismPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSovietStalinURSS

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