
PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. 1943 HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA LIMON CITY This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac.
ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient service at all times by its new Proprietor.
Among the many citizens who took the regular pas. hearty welcome to Miss senger train for San Jese Doris Davis, who is on on Wednesday of the week. visit to our city from San REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA with in course were the Rev. Jose. She is staying and Mrs. Evans of our her relatives Mr. and Mrs Anglican Cure. They leit Nicholas. It is hoyed for diocesan duties in the her stay will be a very en.
joyable one.
The Rev. Fr. Acosta of the Catholic Par sh was a so a passenger, destined for IN PROFOUND MEMORY his Charge at the Siquirtes Mission.
It was distance which prevented the fulfilment of The Rev. Forde of my yearning to gain a last mortal glance of my the Bajtist Sphere was also dear affectionate Mother effecting a trip for a pasto rial visit to one of his MSsion Stations along the REBECCA OAKLEY nes.
who slept in death on February 5th, 1942 at her residence in Port Antonio, Jamaica, On this anniversary of her sad demise, believe Angels are chanting her Requiem amid the millions of It was rather pleasing to those who died in Christ, and have the blessed have had the opportun ty assurance that she will, when time shall cease, pass of saying a dios to Miss through the ranks of the shining ones. the Well Eleana Douglas. nur former done and well regarded young ci LOADING UP. TRIPOLITANIA. Trolley loaa of Diana Gayle tizen. She was at one time bombs, ready to be loaded on Fighter Bombers, are on the nursing staff of the placed before the planes at an advanced landing groSan Juan de Dios hospital.
und in Tripolitania Latest reports from the Libyan Front She was accompanied. on indicate that the British 8th. Army, having received her visit to this city by the reinforcements, is ready to launch fresh attacks on the attractive Miss Sylvia Nazis within the next fow days.
Chong of Panamá, who is vacationing in this country.
They were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Wright LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY Another visitor who was warmy welcomed was Ni pa Amada Richardson of FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS the San José Educational Staff. Nina Amada was the Directress of the official School at Cieneguita for ma.
ny terms, and occupies fervent spot in the hearts PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD of our citizenry. She came on a vist to her father Mr.
Marcelo Richardson, one if (Fundada en 1910)
our much appreciated collaborators.
General ANDREWS Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS LONDRES, UP. Oficialmente se informa que el general Andrews ha sido nombrado SALOMON CHIN comandante en jefe del ejercito de los Estados Unidos en la zona Estrada de operaciones europeal.
APARTADO 41711 MON LA IBERIA ON THE SICK AGENDA The numerous friends of sorry to learn she is suffe came indisposed and Abarrotes y Licores our former and widely es ring from impaired health. transferred to San Jose, was Methodists Conclude teemed citizen Sra. dona Precios Económicos Adela de Parker will bel eighteen months ago to ae ing special medical company her adopted daug.
ment. The Atlantic Voice We are greatly hter, Mrs. Vivien Skipton, hopes she soon regains her thankful for You are invited to have your hair cut and shave done at to Golfito. She recently be themarvellous spiritual good health.
Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market, lawakening to rightenousness land the things that are God as were in evidence, almost Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back everywhere, during the several de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: past weeks of our Evangelistie Programme. remarked the This bill must be paid at our office before Rev. Holmes of the MeEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month thodist Circuit to nur Scout No de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which These soul stirring meetings de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
were, as we understand, conducted in the city and line chur tehes of that denomination. The closing service was at the Siquirrés church and, according to the report, reached high devotional water mark.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
LIMON SOAP FACTORY E GARRON e HIJOS Doña Adela left us about where she is now undergo Evangelistic programme COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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