
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE Day welco nothing med the members present LAST SUNDAY MEETING OF TEACHERS and gave them a brief outli ASSOCIATION ne of the afternoon agenRESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO da. The minutes of the mee EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, LIMON Line taken that Association cannot be under tutelage of de tings of December 5th. 1942 and January 15th were When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come nominational School Board. Satisfactory Financial read and confirmed. The to the above named Restaurant. the service you have report submitted question of the new scale of long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool school fees, applicable in drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
The regular quarterly mee Loriel Brown, Messrs.
OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ting of the English division Johnson, and Chas. Mason, all schools, town and coun We buy Costa Rica Lottery of the Educators Associa also Mr. Sawyers and try, that operate under the OCTAVIUS THOMPSON tion was held last Sunday Mrs. Iris Williams, visiting Association was fully discu ssed and approved. Better known as Edwin)
afternoon in one of the class teachers, who later became Proprietor. Box 52 rooms of the General To members. Don Juan Pe.
The attitude of the school mas Guardia School.
ralta, the Director of the Board of the local Seventh Present were, Mr. Jos. Governme Boys School, Adventists toward Thomas, President; Mrs. who fathered the Associa this scale of fees was JUPITER LIMON. JUNIOR FOOTBALL MATCH not PE Bernard, Vice President; tion, was also present.
satisfactory to the Associa Mr. Corniffe, Secretary: After the meeting had tion. It was felt that no bo last Sunday afternoon in one fecting half side plays a ron Occupying the playground, Ulloa could not keep from of Mr. Davidson, Asst. been called to order by the dy of trained, intelligent, of their regular League mat. dition which increased the dit Treasurer: Mr. Ah. President prayer was offe men and women could be ches, the players of the Jupi ficult task of the referee. The bolt, Vocal: Mesdames Car red by Mr. Chas Mason under the tutelage of negie and Weeks, the Mıs At the close of she devo Board of men who ater and Limon Junior Foot respective goalies were conskcowball teams were seen in a ni tantly on the alert and wardses Stennette, Whynn, tion, the President whatever about nety minutes exhibition, with ed off many well directed the teaching profession. the usual rest period interven shots. Is is mentioned that ha The Association felt thai ing.
ving failed to whip the Juniors the proper procedure for LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPUI Each side attacked and coui the chance of Jupiter gaining any denomination school, ter attacked without gaining the Season Champion howhich had its own scale of PLAN PARA EL SORTEO DEL DE FEBRERO DE 1943 fees, was for that schooll nown reason the fastly kicking led.
a single point. For some unknours is automatically paralyz to discriminate between its, Emisión de 25. 000 billetes numerados del 1001 al 26. 000 own scholars and outsiders a razón de 10. 00 cada uno who sought instructions divididos en décimos, a 00 el décimo there, so as to be in line GAMEZ LUMBER YARD Valor en premios: 157, 515. 00 colones with the Association. The 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops premio mayor de 50. 000. 00. 50. 000. 00 Secretary was instructed to FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE premio de 10. 000. 00 10. 000. 00 write the Seventh Day AdLumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to 10 premios de 000. 00.
ventist Board 10. 000. 00 accordingly and to forward a copy of 10 premios de 500. 00. 000. 00 GAMEZ LUMBER YARD 60 premios de 200. 00 12. 0000. 00 the letter to the urch We never have a dissatisfied Customer head office in San Jose.
60 premios de 100. 00. 000. 00 57 premios de 50. 00.
PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET 850. 00 Don Juan Peralta was gi 10 aproximaciones al primer premio (5 anven the courtesy of the floor Sum Шипітисшитиснитисакцинантних teriores y posteriores) de 200. 00 cada to address the meeting. He una. 000. 00 spoke on the aim of to help in its work; also The teachers present agre: 10 aproximaciones al segundo premio (5 angovernment to nationalize from Mrs. Jessie Wright, As ed.
teriores y posteriores) de 100. 00 all educational programmes Mr. George Sawyers sistant Secretary, and Mr.
una. of and Mrs. Iris Williams we 000. 00 and would like all English Cranstan, Director School Teachers in the coun the Old Harbour School. re enrolled as 99 aproximaciones al resto de la centena del members.
primer promio de 20. 00 cada una 1, 980. 00 try to be capable of explain These were dwelt, with in the financial report for De ing to their scholars in Spathe usual way.
99 aproximaciones al resto de la centena del cember, as handled by the segundo premio de 15. 00 cada una 1, 485. 00 nish that which they teach The meeting recommen. Assistant Treasurer, Mr.
in English. The address was ded the 24 terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del opening of all Davidson, was read premio mayor, de 50. 00 cada una 1, 200. 00 well received.
schools at seven o clock in unanimously accepted.
the morning the classes to Adjournment was 225 terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del effec.
Correspondence was read continue until nine. and ted with a short prayer by premio mayor de 40. 00 cada una 9, 000. 00 from the Rev. Evals from one to three o clock Mr. Abbott.
2250 terminaciones a la última cifra del premio of St. Mark stating his in the afternoon; which will mayor de 20. 00 cada una 45, 000. 00 willingness, as an honorary be in line with the hours of Cyril Corniffe member of the Association, the Government 2916 premios schools.
Secretary Valor: 157. 515. 00 the and VERY PLEASING MOVEMENT LIMON TRADING COMPANY PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR. The large number of passen pe, our city commercial in gers who arrived in this city terests will be sure to derive.
last Sunday, by the Guapiles a greater amount of financial train was pleasingly noted. benefit, for this location being The majorty were workmen co within easier reach for train ming in from their week teil Iconection thah the Monte Ver at the different locations of de Branch, the workmen, who the Abaco Industry. In addi usually made their purchases tion to the visiting of their fa elsewhere, will now do so in our milies and others, their presencity.
ce, from a commercial viewpoint, was rather welcomed. It It was somewhat of a gala was Pay Day and somehow morning last Tuesday, when their contact with the train the Railway station was invad was effected and though it arried by the families and others ved one hour later than the re gathered to say a dios to those gular schedule it was apparen who were returning to resume, tly congenial to all concerned their labours. The seating capa With the extension of the city of the local combination Abaca cultivation at Good He was almost at a premium RUBBER Never visit Limon and leave without calling at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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