
CACIQUE Comerciante detallist Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaler Artículos de Ferretería y tricos: todo se encuentra en este establecimiento.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION ON VACATION el cigarrillo que mantiene siempre en alto el justo prestigio de que goza!
CIGARRILLOS LIVERPOOL. We ver sincerely delighted to se our amicable and well res pected district foreman, Reggie Clarke, take th freight and passenger com bination of Wednesday, th 3rd. instant, for San dos where he intends to spent a deserving vacation unde the influence of the mil climate. He was accompe nied by Mrs. Clarke.
Though it is understoo he goes for only a brie stay, his pleasing personal ty and winsome ways wil nevertheless, be greatly mi sed. It is hoped he and Mr Clarke will experience very pleasant time in th much admired metropoli and safely return to ou village.
CACIQUE Una fabricación de la Tabacalera Costarricense We Frui the further trouble and so pr NEWS AND VIEWS LABOUR TROUBLES IN BANANA ZONE ON vented an amigable settle ment. As soon however a (By Drumnond, Cristobal, Canal Zone)
PACIFIC COAST Dr. Calderon Guardia law ded at the airport on The way people are commit having a party, but the girl poAccording to the informa about four hours. While he nenday, he again interester ting suicide these days, one litely declined his invitation and ang would think they are being paid staggered back to her room. tion released by the San Joy is stated to have carefully himself in the affair to do it. couple of weeks ago, moment later she jumped thro se dailies. labour troubles listened to the complaints of conferred with the Offidal: in Panama City, a guy just wal. ugh her window, on the second of a somewhat serious cha the leaders of the dissatis Company high Thi ked right into the sea clo floor of Lara building, and fell racter have been occurring fied men and assured them that same afternoon.
thes and all. When dragged out sprawling on the pavement. Her in the Banana Zone of the of the Governments ready resulted, we learn, on al a few minutes later, he was a life returned to its Giver. country Pacific region. assistance for an adjustment most all the workmen retu strike is said to corpse. day later, in Colon, a have of their allegel grievances ning on Thursday to thei cabaret girl got broken hearted last week end started on he made it quite clear that work pending a complete over some happy go lucky guy.
the farms of the Costa Rica no act of violence would af solution of their difficulties She had some drinks to tone up Banana Company in the ford them better conditions. with the Company.
her nerves, it is supposed, then fied with his catch. Less than and rapidly extended to ot sident intervention would the Pres. dent action But the devil was not satis Quepos and Parrita districts It was hoped that the Pre We sincerely appreciate walked over to a neightbour next door and asked for a light. derworld was sitting in Ella Bar, 24 hours later, a girl of the unher cultivated areas.
and have smoothed out the situa thank him for it. Costa Ri Vecino asked her in he was On being informed of the tion, perding a general and ca cannot afford to harbour on 13th. Street, all fed up of life. She had a few drinks and trouble and of its likely permanent settlement of labour troubles at this time of consequences, His Excellen the matter, but certain of particularly, such as tend PEEP OF DAY those heart breaking composi dy the President not only the more determined men to retard her agricultural in tions. Shepulled the cork from had what was considered were apparently out for terests.
a bottle of lysol and put the a sufficient munber of po (By bottle to her head. Frowningly licemen immediately dispat MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS she gulped down several ounched to the affe areas, On the evening of BUILDER ces. few minutes later she but travelled himself to the ARCHITECT AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER 20th of the past month had a convulsive look on her zone where he visited So Years of practical knowledge, SHOP These the Baptists in Matina had liquor red face; she staggered me of the farms and discus efficient, neat, accurate.
Located in front former the pastoral visit of the and crumbled to the floor and sed the situation with the my bighest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 3rd.
Rev. Forde, who conduc went into a coma. She was rus strikers, during a period of in wood turned out with gratited one of his monthly serhed to the hospital but passed Tying results. Office and shop Avenue is the new parlour of the only Oriental Barber Shop vices. An outstanding num. out into the arms of the under Confirmation Service sth. Avenue, North LA CHAS in this city. All sanitary ber of adherents and friends taker.
by Anglicans arrangements. Barber with were in attendance.
THE RESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all classes The Pastor sermon was PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. trial very soul. refreshing and few weeks ago It has been announced that Kate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most fell, it is hoped, on much caught up with The Owl Bang the Right Rev. Wilson, bcated on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
fertile soil. He elaborated hart and Terrible Touhy. Assistant Bishop of the Angli almost opposite Teatro Arras LIONEL MONDON on the christian virtues of They knew all the rackets can Diocese in Central Amerity. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
St. John the Divine, and liquor, bank stickups, kidnap ca, will administer the Rite the ervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT of John the Baptist, the Ad ping: When the prison official Confirmation in the St. Mark Lair Specialist.
CABINET AND UNDERTAKvocate of God and Christ. asked Banghart his occupation, Church in this city on Sun.
ING SHOP. Specializes in mak m Reference was also made to The Owl boasted a day the 14th. instant commen workSHIP OF QUALITY AND ing and repairing furniture and the words of the Psalmist thief, pal.
cing at a. ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of woodDavid Such as me and ehinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked.
my house, we will serve the a Pin to a Crane. See us. Wel Yee as before going elsewhere.
Lord always. The Rev. gen HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA carry an assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. Street, tleman closed his exceedinSprings and other useful things intrance to Gamez Lumber CIUDAD DE LIMON gly interesting discourse by at all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, North Fifth Avenue.
saving let your light so Manager shine before men that they Avisa a su estimable clientela que siempre está a las orde. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
nes en el año para complacerloss en todo cuanto desean, to.
NEW HARLEM BAR may see your works and be AND led to glorify your Father do confort y buena atención. Tanto su Restaurante como English Tweeds Serrs RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Cantina con buenas bocas y a precios ridículos.
in Heaven.
prepared by Crawford can scill be had at Atendido personalmente por su Propietario Grant, Genuine native and forReasonable Prices at Baptismal and Harvest eign liquors stocked Our Cusiservices were announced for ERNEST CECIL LEWIS JACK ORANE Suc. ne service the most up to date.
YE PEOPLE HOUSE CRAWFORD AND Sunday the 28th of the cur GRANT, rent month.
Limon Proprietors.
133 EUR Namitha and MONITURE JUHEND Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Presidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaViolence

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