
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 CARD OF THANKS LOUISA COWARD AND FAMILY; JOSEFA RODRIGUEZ AND FAMILY; EMMA MATA THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO by this medium beg to extend profound gratitude to their many friends and sympathizers who manifested their condolence by means of Cards. Teiegrams, Letters, Fioral Offerings or otherwise on the occasion of the death of their Mother and Grand Mother RUBBER?
are rnon.
sources The STANDARD miR. SALUTE NAZIS ON TENTH ANNIVERSARY To those who had gathered tion was engaged in a gigan to celebrate the tenth anniver tic war, and that each CINE MUNDIAL life sary since Hitler and his par sacrificed would mean the se ty started their regime in the curing of future generations. LIMON Third Reich, the tribute poid) trom narrow confines and that bi them by of the Royal Air For their present sufferings we ce must have been most as re nothing in comparison to at tuonding; more so, as their what will come if babarism Fuehrer representative little extends over Europe. SAD ANNIVERSARY, NAZIS THREATENED WITH OTHER SERIOUS Goebexpected it. He had repeatedly bels is reported to have assur stated, during the clays of the ed the gathering that in the The ever onward march DEFEATS IN RUSSIA Nazi advances, that British German language the word of Time brought us, last pilots would not dare ascend capitulation does not exist. Wednesday, to another anContinuing their victo way pont 65 kilometros off the heights over Berlin, espe The German forces cornered, niversary of the day on rious offensive the Soviet for the Sea oc Azov. After cutting cial y on such ond important in the Stalingrade battle front which one of our truly po ces are reported to be prepar the enemy principai line of cccasion. Both Goering and thought differently however, pular and promising citizens ing the stage for the intric defence, Stalin conquering Goebbels were greatly disturb Goering stated that Russia obeying the Grim Peaper tion of another serious defeat army threatens the two impor ed and effected long pauses had long been preparing for call, left us for the Great on the German armies operat tant Gewman bases of Kursk during their talks.
the war with the object of The visit by the rapid flying squeezing the world, while Hi The passing of three long important ing in the various sectors. The and Orel.
emeny hases of Uncomfirmed reports decla Mosquitoes occurred while tler exhorted his fellow natio years may have swaged Rostov, Kursk and Orel all are re that Rostov is being attack Goebbels was reading Hitler nals to fight to the end and the poignant grief of the present main objectives.
who loved be proclamation which stated in not allow themselves to ed by the great Russian caIris Eugenie Three Russian armies Lord, but while we breathe part that the German na slaves to the Russians.
Informed declare the breath of life we shall encircling Rostov, while the re ever fondly remember her. the Caucasian region, estimat evmber last and the close of in that betwen the 19th. of No mainirg forces of Hitler ed ta 300, 00 men, are without the Stalingrade campaign the the maens of retreat except by German losses in man power way of the strait of Kerch tatalled more that one The troops under the com Ilion.
mand of Marshal Von List ha In various sectors of Ukra If you are every particular International Briefs ve been obliged to beat a renia the German troops are re treat toward the peninsula of perted completely disorganizABOUT YOUR CLOTHES Taman. In their advance ed and in full flight from the from the south toward Rostov advancing Russians.
If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at An official declaration pla the Societs annihitated a ba Over 370, 000 Nazis are re ces the marine losses of the ttalion of enemy infantry and ported annihilated in the sec THE STANDARD United States of América dur destroyed many, tanks at a rail for south of Rostov.
ing last year at 3, 200 units.
is certain to please you disastrous fire, which recently destroyed three parts NELSON and SON TAILORS SASTRERIA MODERNA of the city of Cailuco in the Republic of Chile, left more 75 Yds. NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT than a thousand families homeNEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS THE CITY MARKET We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, Twenty seven French ComElegant Fittings.
munists Deputies, held prisoners in North Africa by the Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds, East DISASTROUS BOMBINGS BY Vichy Authorities were a few Unidad Sanitaria.
The important industrial, was directed, mainly, against days ago set at liberty by orOver SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES center of Cologne in Germa the submarine and other na der of General Giraud.
ny was the object of an inten val manufacturing industries 900 political prisoners have seантисание cured their liberty, it is said, se attack by units of the RAF which suffered heavily.
during the night of Tuesday Palermo and Messing in Si since the Allied Command ob FIRST AID BRIGADE PREPARE FOR tained control in the French te last. Thousands of bombs we cilv were also hit during the Iritories re launched on the city da day tight hours of the 4th.
mage of a very serious nature instant.
EMERGENCIES The Governor General of was effected North American heavy bom Freich West Africa announces Important industrial cen bers raiced Emden and Wil that there are 100, 000 men There are times when the that happens the combatant ters in Belgium and France helnshaven by day light on listed in Dakar to join the All Bull gets the best of the requires prompt medical ca have also ben attacked dur Thursday. The attacks did ied troops in the fighting fronts fight and, generally, whers re. This being so, it is uning the past few nights with much damage to both impor in North Africa.
derstood that the Limoit satisfactory results to the Britant naval bases.
First Aid Brigade is prepatish Air Ministry Turin, Spezzia and other ring to adequately eat Germany second city ot points in Italy were severedy any every emergency importance, Hamburg, was bombed on the night of the which may occur during bombed during the night of 5th instant.
EXPERTO MECANICO EN the approaching Civic Fies the 3rd. instant. The attack REPARACIONES tas.
EN LOS SIGUIENTES RAMOS DE MAQUINARIAS: The information has been Calculadoras, Registradoras, de Escribir, de Coser, gained that the personel NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA Refrigeradoras y Motores de Gasolina.
of the Brigade wild be Servicio a satisfacción en mi taller y a domicilio. on duty at all important The best assortment of first class lumber Dirijase a DANILO SANDOVAL points on the grounds of APARTADO 336 LIMON the Fair. Should a Laurel and Cedar lind nature grant us the pleasu: Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour re of a bright moon, there Saw Mill in Siquirres. We buy Logs Parents vote unanimously, wives and sweethearts fifty are likely be some move!
to one in favour of Dixon Barber Shop for men and boys. happenings.
mm less buyon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional.
Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
Tito 319


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