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BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ment: a toher spare a enemy fire.
TWO BROTHERS FLOATING RADIOS PAT COOKED IN TWO DOGS WHO HAVE BEEN RE MAKING THE Win CREAT WARS DECORATED WORLD Radio is, of course, the greatLONDON, Feb. With the est live saver of all. That is The Blue Cross Medal which Proudly serving her country is awarded by Our Dumb Someone hes called the comawarding of the Victoria Cross why boats often make a to Major Victor Buller Turtter, point of shelling wireless in her second war, is forty twoFriends League to animals ing of the American troops to temporary battalion comman cabins in the ships ie they are year old Sergeant as Plates the who save human life is called Britain The Return of the used to who der in the Rifle Brigade in the about to sink.
Western Desert, Britain most mean that it was often impos brothers in this war, and three the of the animal world. Mayflower. The sons of the The first men and women, who, in the hassible to send out an in the Great War of 1914 18. of this war coveted award for valor was Mayflower and many other exSergeant Pat. who was gone to two brothers for the and survivors of ships which second time in history. sank far from the regular ship born in Aboyne, near Aberdeen won by La Cloche who rescued peditions, left Europe because his master, a Fighting French they stood for democratic govShe Major Turner elder brother, ping lanes stood only a small served in the last war.
Second Lieutenant Alexander chance of being sighted. joined the Women Army Au seaman who was unable toernment and freedom of were swim, when his ship was tor ship, and who have built Buller Turner, won the award Portable, buoyant wireless xiliary Corps as a cook in 1916 pedoed. La Cloche dived from in the new world a great nation at the Battle of Loos in Sep transmitters, no larger than when she was only sixteen the deck, seized his master, dedicated to these ideals, are tember, 1915. The only previ suitcases, provided the answer. years old. When this fact was and dragged him nearly 200 now fighting for their mainteous case of brothers achieving These sets, which are now ca discovered she was forced to vards to a life boat.
nance throughout the world.
the Victoria Cross was in the rried in most ships, can be take her discharge.
Many dogs have displayed The American troops have when thrown overboard directly Pat then waited until she Indian Mutiny of 1857 great courage during air raids proved themselves welcome the honor was gained by Lieu ship is attacked. They float was old enough and in April. rescuing human victims trap guests and stout comrades at tenant Hugh and Major Char and can be picked up by the 1918, joined the Women Ro ped under debris. Peggy, a the battle front. This comrales Gough, both of whom were survivors in the boats. yal Air Force which had then five year old wire haired ter deship must not end with the afterwards knighted and beca They have a range of about only just been formed.
rier, rescued a mother and war. The future of mankind 200 miles and an automatic me generals.
child when their home was (depends upon our standing toMajor Turner inspired lea attachment which sends out a CATERED IN destroyed during a raid n gether in a brotherhood of free dership and bravery was de tream of signals when stinctively the dog found the peoples in the re making of monstrated a month ago and is switch is presed. No expert On her demobilization in spot where her mistress and the world.
described as follows in the of operation is required.
1919 Pat continued as a cook. the baby were buried, barling The leaders of the United ficial War office announce One boatload of survivors going to America as a chef and scratching in the debris States have often of late affirwere rescued within a few caterer and working in clubs until rescuers arrived.
med that this is the purpose On October 27th. in the hours by a destroyer which in New York, Kansas City, Bos GAVE THE ALARM of their nation. Their words Western Desert, Major Turner heard their signals 90 miles ton and California.
Another dog who holds the are warmly echoed here.
temporary Lieut. Colonel) led away. But for the suitcase She returned to Britain in Blue Cross Medal is Chun, his battalion of the Rifle Bri set they might have drifted 1924 and from then until 1939 twelve year old Airedale, who PETTY THEFT MEANS gade by night 4, 000 yards for weeks.
worked in London in several of saved a woman, with whom he.
through difficult country Special waterproof charts the prominent West End Club. was unacquainted, when she DEATH ward his objective, where he they survived test immersions In March, 1939, Sergeant was trapped under debris. He captured 40 Germans. He then of a week in sea water. have Pat realised that her coun cleared a passage to let in fresh At for lifeboat try might be needing the ser air to the woman who was in the organized the captured position been developed German military headquarters in Kodoszyn in for all round defense, being use. They cover every ocean vices of qualified cooks again danger of being gassed from a continuously attacked from in the world and give a mass so she joined and com damaged main.
Poland, 28 year old Franciszka 5:30 in the morning until o of information about winds and pany of the spending ali posthumous award has Bialek was employed as a cleclock at night. He was unsup currents.
time trainning been given to Bob who subse under forced labour laws anal aner. She had been conscripted ported and his position so isolAs a final safety measure, younger women in cooking. In quently died from distemper.
ated that it was impossible to ships now carry special rafts, June, 1939, she was transfer He saved his master life when given work which brought he be launched into red to the newly formed Ser they were both blown into into daily contact which send up ammunition, owing to which can the hated enemy concentration and accuracy of the sea at a kick from a sea vice, the crater and covered by debris man boot when there is no She was when a bomb crashed in the always hungry, XMAS PUDDINGS The battalion was attacked time to get the lifeboats away.
middle of a street. The dog Her husband had been deporfrightened and overworked.
by 90 German tanks in suc They can be used either way managed to scramble out and ted to Germany and she had cessive waves. All were re up and are fitted out like life She is now in charge of a rushed through the street to pulsed, 35 being shot up in boats. bright white electric cookhouse of an unit his home where he gave the whom she could neither feed been left with three children flames, and 20 immobilized.
light, fixed to each raft, auto in the London Area, and re alarm. But for Bob. no nor clothe. Throughout the action Ma matically switches on as it cently celebrated her twenty would have known that a man jor Turner visited his defenses touches the water, so that sea eigth year in cooking by su was buried in this bomb crater. lying on a table a small packet One day at work she wherever threatened, and he men may swim to it and res pervising the production of the The rescues which animals was to be found wherever the cuers be attracted.
unit Xmas puddings.
of sweets, some cigarettes and have accomplished during air fire was heaviest. At one point, Sergeant Pat is a a reel of cotton trifles issued OWNED CRYSTAL SET, rosycheeked woman plump raids have not been confined to the German soldiers as finding one six pounder gun with a to human life. After a raid or only of a group still in action, LOST LIFE cheery smile. She becomes se London a little mongrel dog matter of course, but to a Polish woman served by an officer and a serrious only when she telis you attracted the attention of a rr treasures which of how her three alder bro cuer and led the way to a wreccumbed to the temptation, picno money could buy. She sucgeant, the rest of the crew One day in September two having been knocked out, he thers lost their lives in the Ar ked house where a cat and her himself. acted as gun loader German boats arrived at Ot my in the last War, and of the two kittens were buried.
ked the thiugs up and put them in her pocket.
and with his two companious teroeys, an island off Namsos three young brothers she has in Norway. Some fifty lost in this war, two on destroyed fiv That night the Germans de.
enemy tanks.
OUR PLEDGE TO THE troops came ashore. They de operations and one in the Navy cided the search all the cleanhe Wounded in the head, clared that there refused aid until the last tank legal wireless set on the island was an il at Naryik.
OPPRESSED ers before they left for home. There only one brother and They discovered what Fianwas destroyed. His personal gallantry and complete disre. and asked for a young boy me left, she says. But we re ciszka Bialek had done, arrez called Stokke. Stokke gard for danger as he moved working in the field, but ap carrying on. m good for an tation that we have continued death. Amid the wreck and misery ted her, sent her to trial at was other twenty eight years of of nations it is our joint exal. Poznen and condemned her to about encouraging his battalion peared immediately when they cooking!
to hold out to the end, resulted called for him superior to all that ambition in a sever defeat of the enemy One of the Germans struck and despotism could SAYINGS effect; DO YOU KNOW THATtanks. He set an example of him; the boy became afraid and our still higher exaltation leadership and bravery, which inspired the whole battalion the door behind him.
and ran into a house. closing ought to be that we provide have not only for our own safety but the people of Britain The and will remain an inspiration Germans surrounded the house the younger people and the now bending under the Most people particularly hold out a prospect to nations paid as much in taxes in the to his regiment.
iron last six months as they paid News that Major Turner, her and began to fire at it with their automatic pistols. After men and women in the Servi yoke of tyranny that the exduring the whole of the first second son to win the Victoria a while Stokke came out with want. They want, when ces, know quite well what they ertions of a free people can Cross, had achieved that ho his handsraised above his head. is over, a firm assurance that 1804.
three years of the last war?
this effect. WILLIAM PITT. Fighter Command, in the five nor, was conveyed to Mrs.
He was wounded.
months up to July 1st, 1942, Charles Buller Turner, of As he came down the steps fective steps shall be taken to it won happen again; that efThatcham, Berkshire, in a spe with his hands raised, be was sank more than 25, 000 tons GETTING DIZZY of shipping?
cially decorated Greetings shot dead. Theri the Germans make impossible a repetition British tank consists of 8, 000 Telegram from the War Offi ransacked the house for food, of these crimes of aggression replaceable parts. It costs ce. This came close on the and went away. famous naval officer told from 15, 000 to 20, 000.
heels of an earlier telegram Stokke lost his life for pos after victory.
They want unbroken peace this story in London recently.
The standard wireless which announced that Major cessing a crystal set. Mr HUGH convoy was on its way to installed in tanks consists of Turner had recovered in the DALTON Russia under enemy observaa further 3, 000 parts?
hospital from a head wound, and arrived in the British lines tion for practically the whole inflicted in the action which with a convoy of German We must go forward in the often long Arctic summer the officer got fed up with the won him the cross.
trucks. Later he and a few faith that new miracles can be days. Focke. Wulfs circled Focke Wulfs and sent then a No wʻrds can express my men were left behind when wrought and victories round only 100 feet up the signal: You are making us pride. Mrs. Turner said. support had to be withdrawn won in our harvest fields at whole time spotting for dizzy. Please go the other way Earlier this year when the and wandered six days in the home as well as in the fields boats. The officer in charge of round.
Germans took him prisoner, desert, foodless and almost of battle overseas. Mr. the convoy ordered every efThe Germans promptly Major Turner turned on his without water, before reaching, HUDSON, Minister of Agri fort to shoot the planes down heyed. News Chronicle captors, made them prisoners, safety.
No one had any luck. Finally (London. one saw a set new Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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