
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Virtue, presented singly to the imagination or reason is so well recommended by its own graces, and so strongly supported by arguments, that a good man wonders how any can be bad.
the which our SADLY DISAPPOINTED It is our information that the employees for one of the larger Companies located in this Zone having ap.
proached their principals for increases in their wages and salaries and the adjustment of certain cond tions, are sadly disappointed with the unfavourable decision given their petition.
In view of the alarming increasis in the prices of our every day necessities, and the abnormal manner in which our general living expenses have soared, there is a sumewhat general feeling that the men solicitation did not savour of unreasonableness that they only endeavouring to provide themselves with the wherewithai with which to maintain themselves their fa milies and relatives.
We neither disacknowledge nor undervalue the many impor ant considerations and privileges extended our workmen, an and we are confident that they who are enjoying the betterments are appreciative. But in the face of existing conditions the solicitation was no exaggeration. In this respect we woula impress on those immediately concerned that honest, faithful services cannot be obtained from a dissastisfied body of workEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR VIII LIMON, FEBUARY 13th. 1943 NO 361 THE ANCESTRAL HOME OF DR. CALDERON JAPS EVACUATE GUARDIA GUADALCANAL Having regard to His Ex However all this may be, cellency Dr. Calderon Guar it is most interesting to lears Owing to the result of the dia recent visit to our that the grandfather of the recent naval actions in the area Islands, the neighbouring Republic of President of the Republic of the Salomon Panama, the following, cu of Costa Rica, Dr. Rafael Japanese forces have been with blished in that country will first saw the light of day in Saintis endeavoured to recapture lled from a newspaper pu Angel Calderop Guardia. drawn from Guadalcanal, position vainly we have no doubt, be read the little city on me aZrati.
with more than passing in. According to the finding from the North Americans. Their terest.
of Dr. Hector Conte Bermu efforts, in this respect, are said capital of dez, well known PENONOME.
attorney to have cost them the lives of the province Cocle, is not a and local historian and a 75, 000 of their man power, and large town as towns go, but member of one of Penono the loss of 150 ships and 1, 000 it has been the birthplace me prominent families, dow airplanes.
of his number of Panama Victor de la Guardia y Aya in Pue control of the Island and The leading citizens, prominent la, President Calderon Guar both in public and private dia grand father, was born are strenghthening their posilife. There is something a in the Cocle capital in the tions to meet whatever other bout the place which seem year 1808, In bringing the move the Japs may make.
ingly puts zip in those born matter to attention, Dr. Con According to official advices there under fasowable te provided a copy of the an the Japanese left between four stars at all, perhaps it is tecestor s, bapt smal, certifi and five thousand dead bodics onde stars at all, pershaps it iscate along with some verses because of the soft breezes witten by don Victor de la The enemy Icrces in New which blow nearly the year Guardia y Ayala and publi Guinea have been decisively around; perhaps it is be shed in Panama in the mid routed it is reported by cause of influences exerted dle of the last century.
North American and Australian by the surroundings, such, The revelation that Costa troops.
for instance, as one of the Rica President has Pana Plans for a general offensive Republie prettiest rivers manian blood in his veins against Japan are supposed to the lovely Zarati. Perhaps cannot but serve to make be the principal result of the it is not due to any of these the close ties already exis recently concluded conference actuations, but rather to in ting between Panama and between representatives of the nate character handed her sister Republic all the Allied Nations held in the East.
down through generations stronger.
since the conquest.
were ers.
the We are all experiencing the ill effects of the World War, but our labouring people, whose only means of keeping themselves and their families alive is their weekly earnings, do so to a far greater extent. If the earnifs of these men cannot meet their very moderate demands, they and theirs must go under. a contingency which would seriously affect the interests of every: employer.
It is sincerely hoped there is yet the possibility of the Matter being adjusted in a manner as will leave all concerned fully satisfied.
HI A MEZ LUMBER YARD BY AUTOMOBILE 4th Street toward the Northern Machine Shops FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE FROM ALASKA Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to GAMEZ LUMBER YARD TO PANAMA We never have a dissatisfied Customer WASHINGTON. Advices PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET rece. ved recently from El Salvedor mention the construction of a bridge over the river Goaswhere the HITLER GREATEST DEFEAT NEAR AT HAND coran, at a point inter American highway which Unable for further oppose the sive movement in La Doga, ieads from Honduras joins the Soviet offensive in the Khericus Military circles think there is section front El Salvador. This area which ie being attacked the possibility of Hitler aban indicates that within the next from three distinct directions, doning Estonia and a part of few months it will be possible the Nazis arc reported to be Latvia.
o journey by automobile from evacuating the impărtant city, According to the information Alaska to Panama.
is further possible under violent gu fire, War Information Depart; Adm. nistration of public road COOPERACION ANGLO FRANCESA. Marineros infrom the Russians.
one million, and a a half of men ways of the United States are gleses y obreros franceses trabajan juntos para realizar In the Rostov sector the Rus. have just completed their train. co operating with the Central las reparaciones que son necesarias después de cesar el sians have cut the ra lwav hae ing in Russia and are ready to Ameriean Republics for the fuego en Mers el Kebir, al noroeste de Orán.
which could have been used by go to the aid of the fore on purpose of hastening the consthe retreating Germans, they the various fighting fronts.
truction of the section between have also blocked their retir The casualties suffered ly Guatemala and El Salvador. CHANGES IN RAILWAY CO TIME TABLE ement by way of the Don. The the Germans in Kursk ar? stat.
Elsewhere, in this issue, we publish an announcement regard Russians are also making suced to have been exceptionally ing certain changes which have cessful progress in their offe great.
been made in the runnlag of trains of the Northern Railwa ON THE AFRICAN BATTLE FRONT and effective as from Monday, next the 15th. instant GRAND OPPORTUNITY General Harold Alexander, of troops, tanks and air units The following are among the Commander of the British forces for a final offensive against changes. The passenger train in the Near East, has announced Tunez.
SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC leaving this end for San Jose that Egypt and Tripolitania have North American air units each Sunday, Monday, Wednes.
can be purchased at very low prices.
been completely cleared of recently attacked an German day and Friday, will do so at enemy troops. The eighth British air base near the holy city the hour of 10 a. instead All in serviceable condition.
army, commanded by General of Kairouan, in the intericr of 11. The one leaving San Jos Montgomery, now in Tunicia, is Tunisia, off the port of Sousa, every Sunday, Tuesday, Th Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon, rapidly closing up with the British planes also attacked the day and Saturday, for remaining force of General Rom southern front.
will do so at 455 JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella me whose only chance of offer Unconfirmed reports declare of 30. These trains ing opposition will it is said be that North American forces to arrive in San Jose at in the Gabes region. The Allied have initiated activities against 15, 57. and in this If it is the Hair Raid alarm, the best Hair Raid shelter Command are, however, said to lhe Rommel army in the Ben at 40 15. 40. is at Dixon Barber Shop. cst of the unity pMarketBiblioteca Ndabhalnaksiobggdheampie CumewadratislbioteGardamerio arenxa y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    HitlerSovietWorld War

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