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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAII NATIONAL SOCIALISM a her CAPTAIN SAVES LINER IN QUEST OF WORLD ANGLO AMERICAN ERITISH WORLD PEACE ACCORD By pretending his torpedoed LEADERSHIP was CO On January 30th. 1933, Hitler ship, the liner Laguna, came into power. Since that time sinking, Capt. Grant Hoodwinkand GREAT IDEALS OF WILSON London, Feb. The jostuous London, Feb. The po 191 the German people have been ed a Boat commander AND ROOSEVELT rumour that the British auths and dynamic quality of n under his complete nation. sailed the vessel 600 miles to port.
rities are muddying the water leade ship. Of maang Yes What have they gained by it?
Two Presidents of the US of French North African polisies portance for the shaping of When the torpedo struck, the in this What has Hitler brought them?
century Thomas cargo helped to keep the ship Woodrow Wilson and Frankin Eisenhower with a British e Zealand newspaper Welling in order to replace General post war world states the afloat but the Geraran com Delano Roosevelt, will always neral, has been denied, on ne Evening Post. Prime Minis HE BROUGHT WAR mander of the boat was not so be held in honour by those who half of the British Government, Churchill flights, in whieh Hitler fortunate.
care for freedrom and peace.
up promised peace over and ove The Navy caught and ramn by Mr. Clement Attlee, and illis politically a pioneer Rragain. On October 10th. 1933.
Woodrow Wilson was Presidenial cannot be repeated to world events. the paper he said: As a National Socialist ed his lin fish and when Cep dent during the first Great War.
tain Grant who lives at Kinross professor before entering pol rumour that promots it nas often The vicious treasonable on to say. Everything con on the ground of our peinciples, a led with his recent flight refuse to conquer and annex road, Wateroo, Liverpool, brou tics, he was a highminded, inte strong, authentic stench of Nazi Casablanca to Turkey and a with blood the livás of those ght his torpedoed shio to port, ligent, benevolent man, who he saw a naval vessel bring in hated war, and strove to keep ruption of the excellent rela history is writing a new propaganda, aiming at the dis. Turkey to Tripoli show who are dear to us, the people the boat commander who had America neutral.
of other nation: By unprovoked But the in tions between Britain and the land is approaching blank sunk the Jiner.
aggression and annexation of tolerable tyranny of the Ger United States.
on which will be written ti The bluff that tricked 1e Austria, Czeco Slovakia and Po.
mans at length made neutrality Nazis was It has also been suggested that may decide thewb simple land. Hitler brought the whola Grant ordered Stand by the entered the war on press of the political situation During the interval between Captain impossible for a free nation, and that criticism in the Botish trend of the twentieth centa world to war. to abandon ship.
people nearly 000. 000 Germans our side in 1917, to moke the in French North Africa hasi een two great wars Britisk ste The boat commander sub world safe for democracy have lost their lives in foreign merged, apparently satisfied that inspired by the British Cirivern manship was crticised for 11 battlefields.
another British liner had acne Step Forward ment for the same purpose. This ing the attitude of attack.
to the bottom.
is of course equall. false. The can be said no longer. That was his biz bimcer. The idea of the League of Na British Government has no ore. writer closes.
HE BROUGHT MALNUTRIThe sunk liner was very much tions was Wilson creation, and control over the Br tista press TION. The average German conafloat.
it was he who insisted on its than the United States adminis.
sumer received 15 les caloric insertion in the Treaty fo Ver tration has over the American NAZIS ATTACK value in 1937 than in 192? In CREW WERE GRIND.
sailles. Although through the press.
1937 20 less fresh filk, 72 There was not a whisper of folly, laziness and wickedness The British Government is in CATHOLICS less total fats, 17 les meat, complaint from a single memof the nations the League has full agreement with the Govern.
36 less fruit and vegetables, ber of my crew. saia Captair: not been wholly successful ment of the Uniter States that were consumed by working class Grant.
arrangements are London, Feb. The nazip They were grand the hitherto, to have tried to put whatever families than in 1927 into practices at all as a made now, even if ideally sa. in Holland has started way they went about the job tremendous step towards world tisfactory to the United Nations series of attacks on the Cabe saving the ship.
In spite of the gapios holo peace.
HE BROUGHT DISEASE. The which the torpedo rade, and to the people of Pronchlic bishops in that country Franklin Delano Roosevelt North Africa, they do not create religious newspaper The the number of cases of scarlet lever Laguna lost only 250 tons of her Navy during the fast war. Nations in het inre The post opposition shown by the Cat was Assistant Secretary of the a commitmen by the Unitej blet reports, on account of infantile paralysis aud dysente. 000 tons of cargo ry have risen 200 in these ten When the Laguna met After the war he was struck war government of lic hierarchy tothe compulsa French years. The mortality of children torpedo she was Nº 14 in a con but by a down by a form of paralysis. territory can be decided only labour service. Evidence fr between the ages of one and voy supreme moral and by the French people and only private sources. The Tablet ke five has increased by 12. and physical effort he dominated after they have been liberated on shows that the Catholie that of children between five another convoy for the home After her seins she oined his disability and contincel his by the victory of the United Na bishops have a good reasof and ten by 25. Examination ward bound trip and was asein political career.
tions over the Axis powers.
opposing this forced laboum TE of the Hitler Jugerd in 1959, NO 64.
He was elected President in sending of workers to German showed 70 foot. deformities.
Her cargo was desceibed as depression, and at onca began 1932, during a great economic is a real forced deportation and Under the Weimar Republic something that will give the FRITZ there is not even any difcere there was one doctor for every Axis a headache.
his New Deal, spending uge liation between the worlu 300 people. In 1941 there was sums on farm relief ant eons JOINED CHARGE who have jobs and those one per 15, 000.
truction programmes to provide are unemployed. When the HEALTH employment nual or black coated wo This is a story of a German are deported in this way HE BROUGHT SLAVERY. The EXCELLENT The Four Freedoms non commissioned officer who, Holland, they are told juet Nazis abolished Trade Unions Mr. Roosevelt ideal world, an fed up with the Nazis, wished to fore leaving that they will August 1933, seizing their funds London, Feb. The lugh he told Congress in 1911 is become British.
no pay unless they sign and arresting their leaders. In standard of health maintained founded upon four essential He was captured during some voluntary contract.
1934 the Labour Front was in the United Kingdom has lifreedoms: freedom of speech of the heaviest fighting in Tucreated with virtually compul greatly impressed the American and freedom from fear While nisia by men of a famous BriSAYINGS sory membership. This resulted medical authority Dr. Syriens worship, freedom from want, tish regiment, and though later in the abolition of Works. Com tricker, who has just spent a and freedo mfrom fear. While offered his freedom preferzel to After the war the fate of mittees and the abolition of year studying wartime natal America was still neutral in the risk his life with his captois. people wil depend upon the workers rights to strike. tional and rationing polices in war, his openly declared policy Fritz, as the men of the regi power to put first things firs England, states the leading was to give all possible material ment christened him, said he was in this phase of man liistory it Georgia newspaper Atlanta aid to the nations resisting very happy to be a prisioner. Pis in the economic sphere that During six pre war years the Constitution. What is perhaps agresion. On August 14, 1941, many of the most urgeat and the most remarkable aspect status of the workers siyowed a Mr. Roosevelt and air. Chur TOLD TO HIDE testing of his problems anusi be faced. We must rise above steady deterioration Overtime Dr Sydenstricker states is the chill met at sea in the Atlantic, He remained in the front line domination by our up, as they said, became the rule. Industrial ac skill with whica child health and drew econoc cidents mounted from 327. 60)
is being maintained. It was certain common principles during heavy fighting doing odd machine. Mr. Herbert Moi in 1932 to 766, 000 in 1938. feared at the beginning of the on which they base their hopes jobs and helping with the couk son, Home Secretary.
Even in peacetime, workers war that tuberculosis, ihe surest of a better future for the worid ing until he could be seni to a prisioners camp.
were subjected to the most se index of a nation heaith stan. the declaration known as the Germany has definitely in vere restrictions. The Decree of dards, might rise sharply as it Atlantic Charter.
The regiment, however, founded the peak of her possibili 1938 stated that: All Germans has done in German and On December 1911, Japan itself surrounded on three sides The news which received can be obliged by the President German occupied countries.
attacked the American fleet in by the enemy, and had to charge the beginning of October of the Labour Board to work at The health figures published in Pearl Harbour, and America out.
cerning the split between HT any place assigned them for any 1942 have more than dispelled became our ally against the Axis told he had better hide to the hand and the military oppost Before the charge Fritz was and the Nazi party on the ca this fear. They show that aihong powers.
British children there is an in.
hills until after the attack and tion on the other has proved credibly slight percentatge of birth up to ten years of age then rejoin his own regiment, accurate. Dr. Benes, Presi as he British were unable to dent of Czechoslovakia.
HE BROUGHT DISTRESS. By tuberculosis cases. Throughout amounted to not more than the law of land inheritance of 1941 only 1, 1516 deaths occurr 6, 936. Since there are 8, 843, 000 take him further.
Fritz agreed, and the charge. The British Empire beyond October 1933, half a million led from all forms of tuberculo children in this age group, the peasants sons no longer had any sis between children. to fif percentage of 0007 is ayain took place, the British breaking all others in the past possesses the saving faculty of growth claim on their fathers farm hola teen years o fage. As there are negligible. This result has been through the enemy.
ings. The peasants incomes 10, 250, 000 children in Britain achieved by careful scientific and change. That, indeed, is the When the troops re formed have declined In 1939 almost a under fifteen, this represents a planning of the nationai tiet and the roil secret of its witality. It give was called, out million less men were employed negligible percentage of only and by the skilfully orvanized stepped Fritz.
constant proof to its people of the reality of progress.
on the land than in 1932. Since 0, 00015. Even the total number priority in certain essential 1939 the number has steadily of cases of tuberculosis notified foods for children. the article He had taken part in the Vincent Massey, High Commis in the vital age group charge ioner for Canada.
gone down.
from concludes.
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    DemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerNazismSocialismWorking Class

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