
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE tense 22 our In the journey of life, some are left behind because they e naturally feeble and slow; some because they miss the ay, and many because they leave it by choice, and, instead pressing onward with a steady pace, delight themselves.
ith momentary deviations, turn aside to pluck every flower Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 ad repose in every shade YEAR VIII LIMON, FEBRUARY 20th 1943 No 362 GEORGE WASHINGTON INTENSE FIGHTING GRAVE IS THE NAZI SITUATION IN RUSSIA IN TINISIA But a few short hours separate us from the two hundred As each day passes the sied by the enemy when they id eleventh anniversary of the birth of George Washington, tuation of the Nazi forces ope fled the city.
ma became the first President of the North American Re ture is officially reported fronts in Russia becomes mo neral Phillip Golikov, the libe Fighting of an intense na rating on the several, battle The victorious forces of Ge ulic, and who laid the grand foundation on which now ands the mighty and tremendous country composed of forty where the Germans succeein the territory of Tunisia, re grave, rator of Kharkov, are continu ad eight States.
ing their offensive with the im Washington saw the light of day on the 22nd, of Fe ded in making an advance The loss of Rostov followed portant cities of Poltava and of something more than ruary in the year 1732. His was a nativity destined for a reat service. Though not hidden in a basket of hull rushes, thirty five miles and caused so closely by that of Karkhov Konotop their next objectives.
cpart from the many other Other strategic positions in was Moses of immortal memory, the record associated with the North American forces defeats of minor import, is the south are also likely to place of his birth nevertheless gives the idea that water to retire to a new line of de, said by military experts to fall under the Russian control nehow influenced his cradle days, and so he became the fence, to the west of Kas threaten the disaster of the en in a short while it is stated.
Moses of his day. Founded on a ponderous courage. that serine. further advice hotire Nazi army in South Rus The evacutaion of imporastanding courage by which he soldiered his Continental wever, states the 8th British sia and may be a decisive fac tant positions by the Ger.
orces to victory, the ideals of Washington are now more pro Army had by a rapid ad tor in the war activities. mans indicate military experts inent than ever in the life of his nation. There still lives vance aleviated the situaThe streets of the Ukraat same fighting spirit, that same determination to do or tion and had initiated an in nian capital are stated to ha efforts against the Soviets.
say the general defeat of their attack against the ve been covered with the bo The strategic position of was Washington supreme intellect, his far reaching troops of General Rom dies of slain Nazis, as well as Orel is being menaced by the sion and pursuit after absolute freedom that pioneered his mel from a southerly di with a large quantity of tanks Russians from four direcsuntry Declaration of Independence, Today, the people rection while the first Brithe North American Republic can with true pride and tish were pressing from the and other equipment abandon tions.
able gratitude speak of the blessings received from the north.
Pather of the original Thirteen States. That same spirit Berlin announces that BRIGHTER DAY IN THE MAKING FOR LIMON hich motivated Washington to seek the freedom of his peo the Germans had captured le has now so stirred the teaming millions of his fellow the railway station at Met. As a consequence of the ford our farmers an appre ationals that they suffer and are prepared to suffer untold aeui, miles west of many healthy propositions ciable aid and pave the crifices in the defence of human rights and liberty. We Gafsa and had, at another being advanced, the dawn way for the reconditioning in in paying tribute to the honoured name and memory of point reached the frontier of a brighter day seem ap of the large number ot eorge Washington. May his nation unswervingly follow in of Argel.
proaching for our hard. farms which have been 2is footprints The North Americans a pressed Zone.
bandoned We anxiously re reported to have sug: Among the more impor. await further and fuller par ANANA FLOUR INDUSTRY AGAIN SUGGESTED fered heavy losses. They ha, tant of the projects under ticulars.
ve since, we are told, con consideration is that regar There is also the other solidated their positions in ding the establishment of important project connecsuggestions are once again Flour and other elements of the central regions of Tuni a new Banana Industry unted with the exploitation ng made regarding the es diet should no longer be delay sia.
der the protection of the of our Balsa wood. The mat plishment of milling facili ed.
General Montgomery Government of the United ter is already taking snave in this Province for the We are given the assurantroops have occupied Tun States of America. At thel and from all we gather bids Traction of flour from ce that for some time Tatahuin.
Curequest of the Minister of fair to play an important nanas.
ba and Ecuador, two of State, the Governor of our part in our economic activi Mr. Emmanuel Money, an sister Latin Republics, have THE OPENING OF Province, don Abel Robles, ties.
fustrial chemist of San Jose, been producing this flour has been obtaining all the We also note the very in said to have conducted ex which is accepted generally by THE CIVIC FIESTAS data possible with respect isive analyses, through the their people, and has, in con to the approximate number teresting and far reaching citations of our energetic sequnence, largely superceded The Fiestas begin with ced in this Zone and of stems now being produ proposal which is receiving the the attention of our Minisoptimistically disposed the imported wheaten flour fitting distinction. By Tues prices at which it will beter of Agriculture for plae the Moris Money has expreso about one hundred thousand Say Hosessenere arrived the possible the platforms iculturistMr. Fernando to. day to purchase the ing ten thousand acres of his approbation with res bunches of bananas are being Band of the Military Schoolong the rail way lines. We under a the lands of the Republic it to the food value cisco lost weekly by the agricultu and a great number of ot understand that the cultivation of the plan! Quina or Cinchona (Pe ed by his experiments, and rists of our Zone. May advanced the suggestion hope that some immediate ac accorded a Wher passengers, who were will not entail grade or num ruvian Bark) plant for the fine welcome ber of hands on a bunch. exploitation of the Qur ne the establishment of a tion will result from the sun by some of our Authorities, Though it is quite natural Industry on a seale whicn in this Province for the estion the Military Band and hun that the price which will will enable Costa Rica nufacture of the Bonong dredos of citizens. The artis be offered for the fruit will to supply the needs of the tic and fanciful decorations not be on a par with those United States of America HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA along Commerce Avenue, previously established by and other countries. It is sta LIMON CITY brought something to life the Costa Rica Banana Com ted that a part of the magnitude and its diversity, pany, we believe it will be 10, 000 acress may be locanis Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac with the joys and bewitch (after a rate which will af ted in this Zone. the sea, and its Bar and Re:taurant, with an excellent ing wonder of materialism sisine sei vice, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that As the evening shadows fell Pis at their orders in the present year as in the past, with everywhere became a sea fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient of humanity with the bri BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT civice at all times by its new Proprietor, lliance, the attirement and impressiveness of the seaERNESTO CECIL LEWIS LA PROVEEDORA son. Everything visible held an appeal. In semblance, Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket Hippy days had returnShare in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
ed. The city rose magestiON THE PACIFIC WAR FRONTS cally to the grandeur of the Red Beans, lb. 35 Starch, Ib. 45 Fair. The air was charged Milk, evap, large. 00 Wire Sponges. 25 Following on their victo troyed. Forty eight tons of ex strains of the Band of the with the melodious musical Kerosene, bot. 60 Potted Meat, tin. 75 is operations in the Salo. plosives and more than 500 Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot. 75 Islands sector, units of incendiary bombs were launch (To page 11)
Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 Allied air force are report ed against the important ene Sugar, lb 25 Dats, lb. 00 to have attacked the Jope my base of Rabaul in New HEARTY WELCOME Island Palm Soap 60 Kerosene, bot. 60 e positions and bases along Britain. Heavy enemy losses entire southwest area of followed.
We extend a hearty welcome We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh Pacific. Serious damajes Merchandise Chungking reports that Mrs. Navarro and her inflicted the bases at Am the Chinese forces had de who are recent arrivals on a Dobo, Dilli, and Lae. feated the Japs in several en visit to their husband and fa LA PROVEEDORA ber of ships in the habour gagements in the Canton Zo ther, the Honourable GerLIMON alamanca in the north ne. Fighting of an intense na Navarro, Venezuelan of New Guinea were desture was also reported from Consul in this city. We besd.
central Hupek province. Ene peak for them a happy fami city of Dobo is said my landings were effected only reunion and a joyous so If it is the Hair Raid alarm, the best Hair Raid shelter Je been completely des. the neninsula of Linchow. journ in this country. is at Dixon Barber Shop. est of the City Market.
our on son man Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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