
Cómodamente situado. El mejor servicio de toda clase.
According to the informa many insurance institutions. In common with the other Buenos alimentos, sabrosamente preparados.
tion recently released the Ma It is undestood that ano Latin Republics which consLOS VISITANTES NOS PREFIEREN PORA nagement of the Banco Naciother distribution will shortly titute the solidarity of our We NUESTRO AMBIENTE FAMILIAR.
nal de Seguros have distribut be declared in connection with titute the solidarity of ABIERTO DIA NOCHE. PRECIOS DE SITUACION our ed an amount of cash, in the other policies.
Western Hemisphere, Cuba ARTHUR PEARSON Propietor form of a dividend, among a has given an assurance that number of holders of fire poli We heartily congratulate she is ready with fifty thoucies whose periods of insuran the Bank Managament for sand well trained sons of her SOME SPORTING EVENTS THIS ce had expired.
this additional display of in soil to join in fighting the This is a new departure in terest in the economic welfa enemies of democracy on any AND TOMORROW the activities of the Bank and re of our people. No proper of the battle fronts.
ine which should advance its ty owner or businessman General Benitez is the Com lier sporting events, we men Entri In addition to today ear the Bath house at 15 popularity, for not only does should omit to safeguard his mander in Chief of the Cubantion some of those to follow.
may include swimmerg the distribution represent a interests against the effects of troops.
from San Jose. The events lowering of the amounts actua a disastrous conflagration In the very accommodating are open to both sexes. Prizes polly paid as premiums for the which might, in the space of stadium erected in front of will be awarded the winners.
upkeen of the respective po one or two hours, destroy the ISIDELIGHTS OF THE exercise will the Cuartel, a Bull fighting Aa 10 a. the National licies, but should be an incen labours of a life time, more commence at Champion Football Team of tive for addicional business so now that by the Bank ac WAR three with the military San Jose will engage the Bar transactions, as it savours of tion he will be paying a grea Band in attendance. At Well informed the celonians of our city on the a mutuality characteristic of tly reduced rate of premium. Washington predict an circles in small recreation park in front playground. This exercise has tense North American aerial cano, there will be a musical will no doubt be most thrill in of the Hotel Hispano Ameri aroused great enthusiasm and MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS offensive against Japan from concert at five o clock. Ano ing. sensational Baseball ARCHITECT AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER certain bases in China.
ther exhibition of Bull fighting game will be presented at one Years of practical knowledge, SHOP will be presented at 30.
efficient, neat, accurate.
o clock between the Costa Ri These The Nazi authorities have Through the courtesy of the ca Club of the Capital and the Located in front former my bighest ambition Any design removed 23, 000 civilians from British Legation, San Jose, o Cubs of our city. Bull fight in wood turned out with gratiMotive Power Club in 3rd.
Avenue is the new parlour of where there is an important ven at 10. 30 the city of Brest, France, sterioptical show will be gi ing exerises will be presented fying results. Office and shop 6th. Avenue, North the only Oriental Barber Shop submarine base.
at and 30 Another CHAS RODEN.
in this city. All sanitary Tomorrow list include the serie of films will be present arrangements. Barber with following: it is expected that the units ed at half past ten by the Press years of practice in all classes of the French Navy lying in THE RESETTER WITH IMPROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. trial 30 a. grand cycle Officer of the San Jose Bri the harbour of date Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most Alexandria race between representatives tish Legation. Generel merrys located on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
will be placed at the disposal of the San Jose Cycle Club making will continue to mick of the Allied Nations.
when the fectivities)
and our riders. The race will, night, almost opposite Teatro Arras LIONEL MONDOLL ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
anticipatingly, be one of endu will be officially declared ter service. THOMAS PARCIMENT Due to the exigencies of the rance. The start and end will minated.
ipigo Hair Specialist CABINET AND UNDERTAK war, Coffee is now being ra be in front of the Public Bath Judging from the granduer ING SHOP, Specializes in mak tioned in the United States house. The route will cover six of the festivities up to this ti WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Ing ang repairing furniture and of America after the role of miles approximately. Me me of our writing our friends ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of wood one pound per person for sixdals will be awarded the first along the Lines should not chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked. week.
and second finishers. Cham fail to come in and share a Pin to a Crane We Nee as before going elsewhere.
pion swimming races will take some of the pleasures. org assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. Street, The Vichy government is place in the bathing beach of Springs and other useful things entrance to Gamez Lumber said to have decreed general at all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, corpulsory labour through REDUCTION OF CANAL ZONE WORKERS North Fifth Avenue.
out France during the next THOMPSON, Proprietor.
two years.
MOOTED Word has been received be a demand for the services The exiled Greek Goran from some of the Costarricans of those who may return to prepared by Crawford and can still be had at ement has released the son Grant, Genuine native and forReasonable Prices at mation that an average of now at work on the Panama this country, we do not expe eign liquors stocked Our CusiJACK ORANE Sucs.
Canal, projects that they ex rience any pessimisms with two hundred persons die daniy ne service the most up to date.
the possibility, THE PEOPLE HOUSE CRAWFORD AND is. nens from inanition des pect large reductions will, in respect to GRANT, though we hope those who Limon Proprietors.
pite the consignments of food a few months, be effected in which recently arrived here the working personnel, in view cre yet at work on the projects, from Canada and Great Brie of the rapid pace at which nearing completion, will be tain the work is moving toward com aliotted employment otherwi pletion.
PERSONAL SHORTS CORRECTION As we anticipate there will DECEPTIVE WAR Its rather delightful to have Due to an unfortunate inad WEAPONS BATTLESHIP RICHELEAU REACHES Mrs. Carmeta Smith of San vertence at our Printers, the Jose with us. Mrs. Smith is a name of Miss Etta Dell, the The North American NEW YORK Limonense of wide esteem mother of Mr. Stanley Lam troops and the Bases The French modern and unched in the month of and much felicitations have bert, was omitted from the adopting colourful ptoted powerfully equiped battle April 1940 and was badly been showered on her by for report of her son marriage, tion for the total war.
the Richelieu. of damaged by British naval last mer friends and well wishers. which appeared in our Military installations are 35 thousand tons, regarding units at Bakar in July of Miss Minett Barnes of San issue. We very much regret concealed by means of pa whose whereabouts and pos the same year. The ComJose is also, we gather, on a the omission int, fishing nets and foliage ssible captue or destruc mander told the American visit to her parents, Mr. and branches, while troops, cantion by the Axis much public that the vessel and Mrs. Robert Barnes, of Guaci JOSE ACHION Ng.
non, motorized equipment doubt existed, has arr. ved its crew were at the dispo mo Junction. We expect Liand amunition assume an at the port of New York. sal of the United Nations mon will also be afforded the Comerciante detallista surrounding land.
appearance typical of the It was accompanied by the to be utilized as deemed enjoyment of her presence, as Enemy cruiser Montcalm. and best in the fight against the Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, pilots in search of factories, the destroyers Terrible common enemy. The ships a visit to her sister. Mrs. o. Ru Artículos de Ferreteria y Eléc shipyards, aerodromes and and Fantasque, and ca have left New York for an en bie. We hope Miss Barnes ex and other industrial centers, rried its full complement other port where, it is este establecimiento.
periences a happy time, both only observe places having of 1, 670 men, The trip. a pected, they will undergo in Guacimo Junction and our the appearance of orchards, cross the Atlantic is said to the necessary repair PRECIOS DE SITUACION city cemeteries, dwelling houses have been effected without In addition to the above or irrigated lands in prodve any, difficulty.
ships, we note the announ The Richelieu was la cement by Vice Admiral You are invited to have your hair cut and shave done at tion. In the snowy declivi West of the City Market.
ties, the defending troop, Dixon Barber Shop.
Raymond Fenard that the uity in their white uniforms, are bles a camp building or a battleships Georges Ley.
almost invisible. It is not po sandy hill may be a depo gues, and Gloire. six lighé GAMEZ LUMBER YARD ssible for the enemy ae sit of airplane gasoline. An cruisers, one airplane car4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops rial observers to gain com air base can be made to jerier, nine destroyers. 14 sub FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE plete. views of rivers, rail semble a collective farm nou marines and 10 auxiliary Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to way stations and cities, on a se. Some factories have the boats now at Dakar, Casawhole, as such enxironments appearance of neighbouring blanca and Alexandria are GAMEZ LUMBER YARD can be altered by the mili houses. Enemy forces have ready to unite with the AllWe never have a dissatisfied Customer a tary engineers who possess to look and re lock to belied fleets, as all the officers the means of disguising in able to find their most ima and men of the French PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET dustrial and military objec portant objectives. Conden fleet desire to fight along COMMUNICIMJE SHAYARIDOBUSTANG Itives. That which resem sed from En Guardia. Iside the Allied Powers. English Tweeds Sergs RESTAURANT. The Best drinks se.
ilie ship, exAC HINNATEAU wobs beroIsto Unioda nut HOND ni sababu Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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