
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, Februery 20th. 1943 CHARMING WEDDING RECEPTION LIMON TRADING COMPANY RUBBER t COCOA Surrounded with a Bevy in newly weds were Messrs.
fascinating attirement and Gouldbourne, Chas. Gourthe allurement of the spacious zong, Wiliams, Wa hall in the living apartments rren of Beverly, Steele, Mrs of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shaw, Bernard, Mrs. Susan Hylthe charming wedding recepton, the mother of the Groom, tion of Mr. and Mrs. Allan and the Misses Steele, Hylton was celebrated on Sun Calder, Gaynor, and day evening the 14th, instant. Johnson and Cunningham PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR The Bride was a character Due to illness, the Brides fa of admiration as, seated by ther, Mr. Williams, was the side of her husband, she unable to attend, but sent. a graced one end of the well highly worded letter of excuse laid festive board. She was and his expressions of hearty gowned in Moré tafeta on good wishes. Mesdames Ber high grade satin background, nard, Robotham and with a natural rose Chaplet Spencer of Moin were ferven supporting her faille laced, tly eulogized for their solos.
veil At the opposite end the The climax came when Mr Hyl re was the pleasing presence ton expressed his thanks of Mr. and Miss Buela Mr and Mrs. Shaw for Williams, brother and sister great courtesy extended his of the bride. They were the wife and self as also to the Bestman and Chief Brides friends who had honoured maid, respectively. Blue tafeta them with their presence.
COCOANUTS COPRA was the Chief chosen shade, harmonizing with pink ro HEALTH RESOLUTIONS ses and pink gloves. The flo rol decorations on the table were of choiced variety and To cough and sneeze into included Gloriosa, Glorinia, a handkerchief and prevent the WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Jasmine and American Beau: spread of coughs and colds. To leave business and ty.
We do not attempt the dif. other problems behind at mealtimes. Cheerful conversation is ficult task of naming the ma REMEMBER an aid to digestion.
ny highly esteemed persona. To take a short walk each ges who were in attendance to honour two of our widely and prevent the occurrence of day. It helps to expand the lungs regarded citizens. As Master AN EXPLANATION: disease there.
of Ceremony, Mr. Jos. Tho To dig for victory and so RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO mas, offered the Grace and cultivate health as well as vege.
effected the other duties in tables.
EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, cumbent on his appointment.
LIMON Mr. George Cuthbert of this To avoid waste of medici When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come Much humour was witnesed nes or take them unnecessarily city has adopted this medium to the above named Restaurant. the service you have with the traditional cake (one aspirin will do the work to emphatically brand as fal long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool cutting contest. The contes. of two if taken, with a warm se the report in circulation that drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
tants were Miss Buela he was discharged from his OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Iliams and Miss Hazel Gooden, Finally, to keep cheerful work on the SE San Pablo as We buy Costa Rica Lottery the former triumphed TH. and to remember that worry the result of unpopular senti OCTAVIUS THOMPSON entertaining features were never did any good. No matter ments on his part The report (Better known as Edwin)
rather enchanting. Among tho how hard the way, we are going has ben discovere to be entirely Proprietor. Box 52 se who efectively toasted thel to win the war.
without foundation and we are told that the perpetrator had selfish motives for vilif Mr. Cuthbert relinguished his has been repeatedly ying Mr. Cuthbert. It has been work on the vessel for purely to resume his work. Let us call GRAND OPPORTUNITY further disclosed by a source personal reasons. This is con der unto Caesar the thin which we do not doubt, that firmed by the fact that he that are Caesar SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC Pilotos Peruanos can be purchased at very low prices.
Wi drink. All in serviceable condition.
Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella IDLENESS NO VIRTUE Si However, slow the progress Or hard the fight to win, Tis sweeter, than idleness Doubting if to begin.
Active, hearts are consisting Toward the brotherhood; Idleness, this resisting, Destroying humanhood!
Being, inactive no good brings When much, there is to do; Arise, and do uplifting, Idleness, tis no virtue.
However, slow the progress Or hard, the fight to win; Don forget, this happines, Than to remain idling.
EDUARDO MITCHELL Diez oficiales de aviación peruanos completaron su curse en una estación aérea de la Marina de los Estados Unidos. La foto fué tomada el día de graduación de los jóvenes oficiales peruanos. De izquierda a derecha, alférez Manuel Gutiérrez; teniente Raul Pinollos; alférez Daniel Peña; teniente Hermán Muñiz; alférez Carlos Soto; teniente Eduardo Montero; alférez Jesús Gabilonodo; teniente comandante Gavett, de la Marina de los Estados Unidos; teniente Teobaldo González; alférez Jorge Debernardi y teniente Enrique Debernardi.
Parents vote unanimously, wives and sweethearts fifty to one in favour of Dixon Barber Shop for men and boys. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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