
SATURDAY, February 20th. 1943.
ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 reNOTICE 20 CHITTI ca CH, BISHOP WILSON RECIPIENT OF CORDIAL Guapiles Produce High FOR SALE WELCOME Grade Peanuts It would be no exaggera Mason and that of the Girl GREAT BARGAIN tion if we refer to the Hall Guides by Miss Gertrude We owe a debt of gratitude of the St. Mark Parish as Clarke. The chorister we to the firm of Messrs. Browne One mile of second hand Tram Rails in very good one of Fame. when duere again lustily applauded and Abrahams of this city, by serviceable condition. Each length measures metros.
consideration is given the at the close of the rendition whose kindness we have secur large number of outstanding of the chorus Every ed a sample of a very highAPPLY. STEPHEN DALEY 1412 Miles or Box 330, Limón personages who have gra day will bless Thee. grade Peanut produced at Gua ced it, and the dignified ce In his response, the Bis piles on the Old Lines casions which were the ſhop was both impressive Our sample averages three means of securing their pre and humorous. He referred, quarters of an inch in length THE RUMOURS REGARDING HITLER sence.
in part, to the perilous sea while the majority are trippled We now record the splen lanes through which he pas podded. This product repreMuch speculaton is rife re. military oficers had issued an aid scene there on the eve sed on his trip, last July, snts the great value which lies garding the whereabouts and ultimatum and separated him ning of Thursday the 11th. to the Mother Country. Ho in the agricultural regions of physical condition of Hitler from the active direction of the instant, and the eloquence wever, the joys which ca that section of our Province, who has not been occuping his war.
associated with the Welco! me to him in consequence The Peanut is grown by Mr accustomed place at certain im me extended His Lordship of the generous christian Walter Mora who also speciaportant political and Party Other information, obtained the Assistant Bishop of the manifestations of the Angli lizes in beans, corn, vegetables functions latterly secretly in London, from the Anglican Cure, who was cans and others, in England, and other plants. He is In certain circles the opinion Continent, state that he did on a visit to this section of toward the Overseas Chur presented in our city by Mesrs.
exists that since about one not take part in the conference his diocese.
ches, more than compresa Browne and Abrahams. We month ago he has suffered an of the High Commanding Orted for the hardships eclipse in the military and po ficers which took place in Ber with the Bishop, the Rey. It is my desire to The platform was graced countered on the en heartily congratulate Mr. Mo.
ra for his agricultural activilitical orb of Germany. Impor lin on the 7th. instant. It is and Mrs. Evans Mir.
again ties and wish him further suc tant military orders were said generally thought that the se Daysley and the combil emphasize the necessity for cesses.
to have been signed by the rious reverses his troops have us to always remember our 90 high Command and not by him been meeting in Russia have ned choristers of the Church Christian brethren in our in We understand there is personally and that though he so effected him that he is ex Land Philharmonic. The Recltercessions to God. remar a steady demand for Peanuts is nominally the Comander in periencing a physical and mentor preluded the occasion ked His Lordship.
in the interior markets.
Chief it is believed the high tal break down.
with prayer and presided over the well balanced pre gramme.
The chorus, Great is the FOUND! FOUND!
Lord. was spiritedly rende red. In very seasonable ex small leather purse containing a very meagre amount Address all your EngPara todos sus trabajos pressions Mr. Daysley ini ineering Requirements to of Cash and a few other things For further particulars interde Ingeniería dirijase a tialled the addresses which he extended on behalf of view the Editor of this Journal with proper identification, ROIG the Vestry Committee. Miss Gaynor spoke for the St. BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 Mark Choir. Mesdames He SASTRERIA MODERNA SAN JOSE ron and Grey, Messrs. Cor niffe and Messam were sen Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS sational with the singing of a quartette entitled Oh, be We fit the triost fastidious; expert attention, joyful. Mrs. Lawrence Elegant Fittings.
JAPAN DISASTROUS EXPERIENCE IN THE delivered the greetings in the name of the Sunday Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds, East SALOMON AREA School. The solo Oh eyes Unidad Sanitaria.
The in mation released boats, that are weary. was melo by the Marine Department other units might have been Doris Gray. The were sunk while 11 diously rendered by Mrs.
SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES TCT of the United States of Ame sent to the bottom of message the rica with respect to the ac ocean. 112 were from the Mothers Union seriously tivities in the Salomon Is damaged. The North Ameri Evans, Redemption was delivered by Mrs. Large Class of Candida tes Confirmed lands area, disclose that Jacan losses totalled 30 naval the effectively sung quarte was pan suffered tremendous units sunk. These included tte by Mrs. Daysley, Mrs. capacity seated, on the occa. the whole, was spiritually cap The St. Mark Church was the sacre Rite. The service, on losses in all her military di two airplane carriers, seven Grey, Mr.
Corniffe and sion of the Confirmation ser tivating and stood out in hold 59 of her ships which in ve transports, and one car garet Guild was represen day morning.
cruisers, 14 destroyers. Mr. Gray. The St. Marvice, at nine o clock last Sur relief for the penitent cluded two battie ships, 11 go boat. Japan aerial los The Bishop sermon on the ted cruisers, 24 destroyers, 13 ses throughout the by Miss Alfreda So DThe service was leed by the words Serve, you will see transports; and cargo campaign totalled 874 units: the Boy Scouts was rende tor, while His Lordship the Rt of St. John, was most peentrat entire bers, while the goodwill of Rev. James Evans, the Rec Jesus taken from the Gospel in the last phase of THE OPENING.
the red by Scoutmaster Adrian Rev. Douglas Wilson, Assistant ing.
fight, the North Americans 7)
The Rite was confered on lost 22 planes, the enemy Bishop of the Belize Central!
Military School of San Jose 60. Buring this period. Mothers Union to CeleAmerican Diocese, performed ten males and nineteen fema and those of our city les, in addition, six others, 60. 000 Jap soldiers we.
as who had been confirmed elsethey started from opposite re liquidated on the Island, brate Anniversary directions, that of the Capi According to Tokyo, the where previously were also re SALOMON CHIN tal Marched ceived into the Anglican Faith.
westward anti aeria) batteries and from Vargas Park toward air fleet of Japan destroAnother candidate who arrived the Cuartel, while our musi yed 73 Allied airplanes in It has been announced that Estrada at a late hour by train front cians came East and com the regions of the Salomon the Anniversary exercises of Guapiles, was confirmed by manded all and sundry and Aleutian Islands during the St. Mark Mothers Union LA IBERIA His Lordship at the Young Peo The passing was effected at the fortnight ending the will be observed tomorrow, Sun ple Service at pm the intersection of Second 15th. instant.
day 21st, and on the following Evensong conducted by the Abarrotes y Licores Avenue and Third Street, RAF inits inflicted much afternoon Tomorrow event Rector and the discourse of of in front of the city market. damage to the enemy aero will be entwined with the di Bishop Wilson was also In the serenads around the drome at Heho in the intervine worship in the church whi Precios Económicos great spiritual benefit to those who were in attendance.
city, there was a streamlinerior of Burma, also tole the entertaining features of mummery y buffoonery, their position in Shwebo, will be presented in the Parish bearing the head designs of situate 83 kilometros to the Hall, We understand it will be Men and Boys halt about fura To Dixon Quick some of the most ferocious northwest of Mandalay. in a Tea setting.
march. Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market, animals. The thoroughfares were picturesquely conver Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back ted into a modern Field of de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: the Cloth of Gold. The mi micry was emotional. Life Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This bill must be paid at our office before becamo reinforced with vithe 10th of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes gor. Oh, what fun had been Be so good as to comply with this request and do not provided for the citizenry, Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which especially the youngsters.
de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
The indebtedness which the gay participants and the Sherlocks, owe to Governor Abel Robles and our Municipal Fathers is incalcula(From page COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON ble.
1992 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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