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The surprise meeting Between monstration in the House of blitzed Britain are a revelation ports that salvage increased in the Turkish President and Pri Commons against the latest de of its spirit. The débris began February marked the begin the third year of the war by 3me Minister Churchill, coming velopment of Nazi outrage reto be moved when the raids ning of an American air offen83 over the first year and right after the Casablanca con flected the mood of the nation. were scarcely over. Men took sive after a long period of pre 35 over the second year. The Terence and with the United By standing in silence as one pride in office and home in im paration in Britain. It showed Ministry figures for the year States as an invisible participant, man, members of all parties provising and carrying on with how the fortress of Britain, once are: is another dramatic temen: witnessed to the indignation the minimum of interruption held so precariously, has become Metal: 300, 897 tons, or suftion that the United Nations and resolve that has stirred us Now the ground is largely clea a springboard of attack, has ficient for five aircraft carriers, have seized not only the niilitary all. The silence was more vocal red for the rebuilding that is been built up gradually against five battleships and three cruibut also the political initiative than many words. It was an uncoming.
a background of blood and sers.
and that the two combined ale precedented and moving gesture. Europe is a devastated area. tears, toil and sweat, which Rags: 22. 975 tons, or enough now drawing a noose around War is inevitably cruel but Not only material ruins need the British knew to be their to make battle dress overcoats Hitler neck. It is a demonstre. this is worse than war. Such removing but the evil débris of fate in 1940. Then, under enemy and blankets for a million men, tion that with the balance of cold. blooded predetermined Nazi domination. Foul smelling fire and the dark threat of in and 200 sq. miles of paper for power shifting in favor of the massacres of men, women and ideas poison the atmosphere. vasion, they realized one thing charts.
Allies and the Nazi war ina childred by the thousand would Much must be cleared away be and one thing only that if the Bones: 15. 576 tons, or enough chine functioning in reverse, one make the most ruthless conquefore we can be ready for re German hordes were ever to be to make 160 tons of grease for nation after another is able to rors in history. shudder with construction. The news from defeated, Britain, the bridge lubricating oil and cordite, 1, 737 come out from under the disgust. These are fould crimes Russia and North Africa shows head of Europe, must be held tons glue, 579 tons feeding meal THREATENING SHADOW of bestial murderers, that the United Nations are get Now, as the offensive begins for cattle, pigs, and poultry, and of Hitler might, and to reassert Hitler and his butchers are ting down to the job with a will, to take shape, the tremendous 211 tons fertiliser a new independence which au: litttle likely to pay attention to Reconstruction is a useful value of this island springboard Kitchen waste: 299. 233 fons tomically brings it closer to the protests. But even for them Reconstruction is a useful word becomes more clearly recogniz lor sufficient to feed 18 000 pigs United Nations camp. For the perhaps there come hours of but it is not an ideal word. Ited. The defensive fortress, the from birth till bacontime.
meeting at Adann is merely the nightmare when their victims might suggest putting up again refuge of European government Rubber: 11. 408 tons.
climax of a whole series of si call vengeance upon them. Well the old bricks in the old way. It and their armed forces, the milar developments in the re many they tremble as they see does not suggest the new spirit gathering place for Donnion cent past, which saw Iraq decla Justice armed in might pressing that must animate the builders forces, is now a base for allied some large and small.
re war against the Axis, which in upon them on every side and of national and international attack. this is the transition Many owe their success to the saw Sweden issue a formal mexorably drawing nearer. life if the world that rises from which the people of Britain haie warning against any fact that they have been kept German These crimes shall not esca the ashes is to be stable and brought about over the last three secret. All remind the Germans aggression in its direction, ch pe retribution. That is the voi beautiful and worthy of human years.
that twenty miles from their saw Spain adopt a more sym ce of outraged humanity, speak habitation.
own territory lies the base of pathetic attitude toward defea ung through the declaration URGENT DEFENCE. The first the United Nations.
ted France, and which, finally, of the Allied governments.
chapter in the building of the lied gover witnessed even Finland express SAYINGS springboard for attack was the brilliant and spectacular Battle ONSLAUGHT BY AIR. By Jaa new appreciation of An. erican OUR HOPE AND of American friendshio and open of Britain. It did more than crip nuary 1943 the bombers of the resentment of Goering asper THEIR HOPE The brilliant League experi ple the German luftwaffe, more Royal Air Force had dropied sions on its fighting prowess. As ment and the bitter experience than remove the immediate dan on Germany itself more than for Turkey own stand, We are going to win the war of the last 25 years place us in ger of invasion. It spurred the 60, 000 tons of high explosive have Mr. Churchill words for and we are going to win the a strong position to build better British people to ever greuter bombs, excluding as astronomi.
it that the meeting was peace that follows. And in the next time. Let us not despair efforts as they forged their own cal number of incendiaries. This MOST FRIENDLY. dark hours of this day and of the future, where the human arsenals under fire. Meanwhile is the measure of the British air and that their views are very through the dark hours that may material has proved so good and losses were being made good. offensive against Germany. an much like our own. How could be yet to come, we will know the cause so great.
The Ex The allied governments in exile offensive which has made a mathey be otherwise? The long that the vast majority of the periment will yet be the suc were reforming their armies, jor contribution to the wearing drawn out intrigues of the arch members of the human race are cess. General Smuts and re equipping them with the down of the German war maintriguer Papen have had no on our side. Many of them are products of British factories chine, and which, with its at We have made the Medite And the British factories were tacks on production centres, Ueffect on Turskish sentiments, fighting with us. All of them and the German confusion over are praying for us For in re rranean not only safe but hope equipping too their own arnies, boat bases, airfields and transthe development is indicated by presenting our cause we repre we shall soon go beyond that which had lost all their weapons port, is paying they way for an the confused Axis propaganda sent theirs, as well as our hope and make it a jumping off place in France and Flanders, the offensive on land.
which sees Turkey joining the and their hope for liberty under for a great offensive. Mr. small but offensive Eighth Army war on the Allied side one day God. President Roosevelt, Attlee, Deputy Prime Mi in the Middle East, and expand and receiving Allied peace pro December 9, 1941 nister, ing Home Guard training in de FIRST STOP. AFRICA. When fence of Britain.
posals on the next. Just what the United Nations swung over the practical results of the meet. SCHOOLMATES MEET It is not possible to trust to to large scale the methods of the ast seace THE HITS BACK. In rations in November, offensive ing will be remains to be seen.
and Britain Mr. Churchill warned ASHORE. of private enterprise without the early summer of 19 came was the base and starting point.
against speculations which might national planning. to vring the first signs of the offensive. The Royal Navy was primarily embarrass the participants. As Merseyside Merchant Navy about the necessary readjust Squadrons of British fighters responsible for the safe arrival the main Power of the Middic skipper recently guided his da ment of our productive effort swept out across Channel. of 850 warEast and guardian of the Dar maged vessel into an American in the difficult transition period carrying the air battle over ene Ships of all sizes, engaged in this danelles, Turkey holds a key shipyard after the war. Sir William my teritory, and inflicting losses greatst amphibious operation in position of utmost The foreman of the yard came Beveridge, far greater than those indicted history. Two of the three major IMPORTANCE TO ALLED aboard to discuss repairs. After by the luftwaffe in British skies convoys sailed from the United STRATEGY a few minutes talk, the Captain The enemy si still powerful, a year before. These were early Kingdom. and to German. According to suddently shot at him: What still concentrated, but a ring is daylight sweeps. a prelude to official Turkish statements Mr. school were you at? Liver being drawn round him and the bombing attacks still growChurchill did not ask Turkey to pool Institute. was the reply limit set to his conquests.
ing in intensity. which pushed BASE AND ARSENAL FOR enter the war, and the Turkish So was I, said the Captain.
Mr. Alexander, First Lord the air front back over eneny AMERICAN TROOPS.
Government did not undertake. The While they were talking, the of the Admiralty.
teritory. And with the Royal importance of Britain as a base commitment. That Company agent came aboard Air Force flew squadrons from for American operations has leaves a wide latitude for inter and joined in the conversation When the war is over the story the Domions, squadrons of Poles, been made clear by Mr. Edward pretation. The British Turkish Very soon he also got the same of Britain part in North Africa Czechs, Fighting French, and Stettinius, the United States military alliance of 1939 provi query from the Captain: Where yesterday and to day will be members of all the nations Lend Lease administrator. Supdes for active military coope were you, educated. Liver one of the noble sagas of history, whose armed forces were based plics, he said, other than buildration in the war moves to the pool Institute, replied the For the free Commonwealth of on Britain.
ing materials, to the Anierican British nations and for eastern end of the Mediterra agent.
Great forces in the United Kingden nean. and the American and 272 Britain have nothing but ad THE ENEMY ON THE JUMP. between May and November British promise to helph Turkey is more, it creates essential safe miration and infinite respect. During the last days of 1941 1942 would have needed 1, 200, materially to consolidate her guards for their Slank in case Mr. Wendell Willkie.
came news of a fresh kind of 000 tons of shipping if sent from own general defensive security the Allied armies now fatheroffensive warfare. The combi the United States, and Britain suggests that this treaty is ing in Africa should try to inva We should never have won ned operations raid on Vaagso was paying 60, 000 weekly in NOW BEING GIVEN FORCE. de Europe through the ancient the last war but for the guts of Island was the first of a long wages for civilian workers diAt the very least, this implies gateway of the Balkans. And the merchant seamen. We series of small scale attacks from rectly employed by the United that Turkey is determined to the seriousness of this threat is should not win this war but for Britain designed to keep the States force. Britain has also fight against any German move indicated by the sudden rush of the guts of the merchant seamen enemy on the junıp all along wis provided the American forces toward the Middle East, which German reinforcements to that and the guts or patriotism of long coast line, stretching from with large quantities of amriuputs up another bulwark against region which in turn helps the Naval Reserve. Admiral the North Cape to tire Bay of nition and equipment from the Nazis and helps to close the to weaken the Germans on the Stark, Commmander Na Biscay. Since then there have 550 lb. incendiaries to one ton iron ring around them. What Russian front. Times) val Forces in Europe.
been many combined operations, block busters.
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