
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE BOX 199 Editor: JOS. THOMAS YEAR VIII LIMON, FEBRUARY 27th. 1943 Though every instance of death awakens our fears and quickens our vigilence, its frequency so weakens its effects that we are seldom alarmed, except some close connection is broken, some scheme frustrated or some hope defeated. Many seem to pass from youth to decreptitude without reflecting on the end of life. They are so wholly involved with themselves they regard oth ers merely as inhabitants of a common earth without any expectation of receiving good or intention of bestow VO 363 GOVERNMENT INTERESTED IN OUR BALSA INDUSTRY ing it.
Anent our anouncements Due to its lightness and THE FIESTAS HAVE PASSED, BUT MEMORY LINGERS regarding the exploitation great resisting quality, the of the Balsa Wood Industry wood is in great demand for Civic Fiestas were a sparkling success and me.
in this Zone, we have been the making of floating mimory lingers; and though the sponsors are personages afforded the information nes, life belts, airplane parts that the government of the and other war material.
entirely free of the spirit of pomp and grandeur, they United States of America is The large sum of one hun must nevertheless have been stirred with pride and saparticularly interested in dred thousand dollars is tisfaction when reviewing the marvellous successes the matter and has issued stated to be at the disposal which crowned their efforts.
instructions which will ac of the parties directly intecord exceptional priority to rested in the industry, which Numerically, the eye could not desire a greater all shipments of the wood bids fair to play an impor.
and more pleasing feast, while the spirit of real jolificadestined for that country tant part in our resuscita tion was everywhere evidenced. There was not an item from Costa Rica.
tion activities.
on the official programme which did not earn unmeaTIMOSHENKO, surable support. From the highest ranking to the lowest citizen came the greatems possible co operation.
THE BATTLE LINES CONTINUE THEIR INTENSITY who is preparing an intense The bull fights had their tense moments, and presented and decisive offensive convulsyve periods. When it was not some outstandingly against the Nazis Africa Spamasi Repu the more important Japane exciting stunt by the an mals, it was the acts of one or blican troops, interned in se positions located in this more of the volunteer fighters. One of our ex bozers Tunisia and now liberated, Far Eastern Battle Front are fighting on the side of and inflicting damages des might have won fame in the human ring. but when chaUnable to further oppose llenged by one of the bulls, he was felled to the grassy the United Nations.
cribed as heavy. Royal Ai the intense activity of the After a violent encounter Units have also caused los Allied troops, the germans mat and on rising from his humiliated position turned overing a three days pe ses of aserious character a are reported to be evacuain great respect to his victor and took his exit. Other riod, the troops of Marsh several enemy positions in ting the strategic position volunteer fighters experienced far greater discipline al Rommel were defeated the territory of Burma. of Kasserine.
from the bulls. One, in trying to make good his eseape in the vicinity of Thala and from the chasing animal struck his head on one of the are now in full retreat and rails of the enclosure. Another suffered a broken spine subjected to tremendous at: tacks of hundreds of Allied NEWS FROM RUSSIA from the goring by one of Sunday night bulls. The per planes and artillery, as well sonnel of our Auxiliary Red Cross and the Nº Brigade as the tanks captured in The Russian forces are, ment of 90 men were anniof Limon. rendered effective services. rendered first the fight. Despite their ra reported continuing their adhilated.
aid and had the seriously injured ones transferred to the pid movement, the North Avance toward Kiev, Orel local sick institution.
merican force captured not Poltava, the Germans hav The Soviet immediate less than three hundred of ing lamentably failed in a objective in their north Uka The exhibitions of the bulls and men on Sunday their men between Tuesday their efforts to check them. rian advance is the capture afterns went on record as the most breth holding, and and Wednesday. The allied The Nazi defence lines in of Konotop. an important spectacular of the events. The crowd which left the armies are said to have ex the Orel area were destro railway unction which tended their offensive opeyed shortly after the captu would cut the enemy comarena, densely covered the whole length of Third Averations to the enemy base o re of the city of Maloarchan munication with Orel and nue.
Bizerta, the aerodrome of gd another sector of the sa Bryansk.
The ATLANTIC VOICE extends the Hip Hip Hurrah Kairouan and various obje me front two enemy compato don Abel Robles, our Governor, and the other widely tives on the Mediterranean nies and a special detach The Nazis are said to Artillery duel is reported regarded personnel of the Committee.
have initiated a desperate in progress between the 8th.
counter attack in thesector British Army, whose advan southeast of Poltava with ce has arrived at a point 13 the aid of more than thirty miles off Gabes, and the Ger tanks. The majority of these GRAND OPPORTUNITY man batteries on the Mareth were however destroyed.
SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC The British 40 tons The Great Dam of Dnietanks, named Churchill. propetrovsk on the Dnieper can be purchased at very low prices.
which recently reached the River is also menaced.
North African battle fronts, All in serviceable condition.
are said to be creating much King George of England alarm among the enemy for has sent a special message Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
to the President of the Soces.
vit which started. The inJUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella flexible defence of Stalin CHINA. The Chinese grade by Soviet forces has forces are said to be hold changed the course of the ing the renewed Japanewar. His Majesty has order Moscow, officially reports se offensive in Central and South ed thata Sword of Honour the capture of another imChina. Their atbe presented the city. Thportant position west of tempts to cross the Salween River in the Yunan ProvinPresident reply was. This Kharkov and of others cloce were also stopped.
ALEXANDER demonstration of friendship se to Orel. The Germans The Pacific Fronts. All the General in Command of between the British and So launched strong counter atied air units have been ef the allied operations in viet peoples strengthens ou tacks in the Donetz area fecting consistent attacks on Tunez courage for the time when but were unable to check both our armies will join in the Russians who continue an offensive against the ene to gain new victories.
PENSION AMERICA Tanks, artillery and caMoscow reports that avalry are moving in a tripDirectamente frente a la estación del ferrocarril, Limón. 8, 000 ton enemy transport ple offence against NovoroCOMPLETAMENTE RENOVADA was a few days ago sunk in ssisñ the important base on LA PENSION MEJOR ATENDIDA DEL ALTLANTICO.
the Barrentes Sea. The Ru the Black Sea.
ssian Military authorities Military observers are of Busque siempre un lugar que le ofrezca confianza also report that German ca. the opinion that Marshal absoluta, seriedad y eficiencia en el servicio.
sualties on the Soviet fronts Timoshenke is preparing an ROMMEL PRECIOS DE SITUACION. NUEVA ADMINISTRACION since the start of he con Jintensive offensive which flict total nine million, of may produce final results who has again been beaten ESTER VALLE.
which four million wer: Igor the enemy.
and is once more in full killed.
gune retreat Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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