
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE is THE COSTA RICA. CUBS BASEBALL ENGAGEMENT THE TRAGIC END OF DON CLAUDIO MORA LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WEDDING PRESENTS Each side scored nine runs, but the end was unpleasant very sad incident occur of the craft which, as a huThe enthusiasm manifes two runs. Osmond Dayley of the week in course when near comparative to that of red on Wednesday morning man carrier, was in no way Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hylton, ted at the commencement brought the Fans to their the dead body of don Clau old man Robinson of the baseball match last feet when the earned a two dio Mora, a merchant, Crusoe the recently wedded, have and man Friday. Rescue parties been the recipients of a large Sunday between the Costa baser. Wilder grew the emo the son of a very prominent succeeded in saving the lives assortment of presents from Rica Team of San Jose and tion on Charlie Banton chal and well regarded family of of the others, who after receiv relatives and friends, neair and the Cubs of this city became king up a two bagger.
still born in the end. The the fourth inning, don GueSan Jose; was taken from its ing treatment by Doctor Ser far. We had the pleasure of numerical support extended to men again went down watery grave after three other gio Vindas, were transferred seeing the gifts and of also occupants and himself were to the local sick institution. listening to the written expres the exercise was most grati to defeat, while the Cubs wasthed into the ocean from a At the time of this writing, sions of congratulations which fying.
added two points. Osmond The evil influence began repeated his heroic deed canoe in which they had left we undestand an airplane will occompanied them Not from their intrinsic with the chief Umpire. It by way of a two base hit. For one of the local wharves in parents to convoy his remains value, but from the token of the island of Uvita. heading be shartered by the deceased was obvious he had just a copious influx was withigh esteem and love which faint knowledge of the rules nessed on the part of Co order to connect wtih the out to San Jose.
of the game and added mi pe. The San Jose team begoing passenger train for the We extend our deepost symprompted the givers, the presery with his glaring ran came masters of the batting Capital, he was accompanied pathy to the surviving parents sents have become our raresh dom decisions. Things treasures remarked Mr. Hyl tv his lady friend and a boy. and other relatives, got in inning In their respecti ton.
so unpleasant he was disro ve order, the nine players The fourth member of the par bad their turn at the bat. ty was the owner and operator Costa Rica was first to Cueto again drove one of the bat and faced Hay Hayley deliveries for Parents vote unanimously, wives and sweethearts fifty ley, the home pitcher. The two baser. Paul Maitland SALOMON CHIN to one in favour of Dixon Barber Shop for men and boys.
initial delivery was made was brought on to pitch for by don Eduardo Garnier of the homesters, but failed to Estrada San Jose, in whose honour stop the racket. Another FINLAND SEEKS PEACE the match was dedicated two bagger was effected by duck was registered: in a visiting batsman and a LA IBERIA Completely exhausted by a treaty with the Soviet Union, war for which she was in no provided the terms of same response our boys went the home run by Castillo.
same rugged path. In the The inning terminated with Abarrotes y Licores way prepared, Finland is dis will guarantee the Finnish inning, the josefinos re a score of five runs. Howposed, according to the infor people that same liberty and turned to the bench in the ever, the Josefinos were coo Precios Económicos mation released by reliable independence they enjoyed af alphabet order, while the ked in the 7th. 8th. and sources, to conclude a peace ter the close of the first World War. The rumour exists that Cubs registered two runs, 9th. innings with a total of The United States of Amemuch credit being due THE BIG CYCLE EVENT to nine runs in their favour.
Hayley who earned a two The Cubs went down for nil rica may be asked to act as The very thrilling Cycle the leader but Chavarria, in the intermediary.
bagger. The visitors scored in their 7th. and 8th. but event had its start in front a sprinting sensation gained three runs in inniug 3, Cue got sensational in the final of the Municipal Bath hou the winning point free The newly elected Presiof dent. Risto Ryti, will shorty to was the hero of a two bag inning. the termination of se at a. last Sunday. any dangerous contender assume the Presidency and ger. In the impulse of the which brought great disap Don Alfonso Sole and don The result was Evangelisto his announcement most moment, when it was most pointment.
Fermin Amador represented Chavarria of the needed Cope dropped a As stated, the visiting the Fiests Commission, wh. lles Club, Rigoberto Salazarness of the task of withdrawMirava anxiously awaited. The serious catch. In the corresponding team score stood at nine le don Eduardo Garnier was of the Eagle Club, and Mora ing from the conflict is said play, the homesters earned runs, with that of the Cubs the Manager of the cyclists of the Miravalles. The me to be fully appreciated by the at si: runs, when they be from San Jose. One of the dals for the first two posi nation, as also the enormous gan their final inning. They tor waggons of city tions were effectively pre effect such an act will have COSTA RICA SODA added three, for the loss of Fire Brigade, with Captain sented by don Alfonso Sole, on the Hungarians and Rus. while two the manians.
were on bases. Morris then cleared the ruote in a bree Municipal Council.
WATER FACTORY faced thepitcher Peace clamours are also earned zing manner. The Captain a hit and reached first base, was highly Sam Sealy, who had not becoming more pronounced in complemented exerted himself in the main Italy.
where he was declared safe for the skill he displayed a event, challenged the win nature recently occurred in Mi Rioting of a serious Fábrica de Hielo y by the base umpire, Jas. round the very shap curves. ner for another six laps. De lan, where the workers in the Scott. Don Cueto and his The six miles of racing was monstrating great sportsman Fiat factories, which occupy a Refrescos men vehemently protested covered in six laps.
ship, Chavarria accepted vital place in Italy war proand walked off the field Nine riders contested. The the challenge and without any further ado. Central Bidydle Club, the rings around Sealy; he won of negotiations for a separate threw Cuction, demanded the start Limón However, painful the umpi Eagles, Miravalles an dtheby a complete lap and seve peace treaty.
re decision might have Lucifer, wehere each repre ral yards.
been, it did not warrant the sented by two riders.
LiFLORIDA ICE AND nunsportsman like display. mon only representative We are all indeed sorry for was Sam Sealy. Displaying MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS the occurrence. We have the spirit of a genial sportFARM CO grown to highly appreciate sman, don Eduardo Garnier ARCHITECT AND BUILDER friend Cueto, and his rash told our cyclist that in ap efficient, neat, accarate.
THE ORIENTAL BARBER Years of practical knowledge, SHOP attidute, in this LA FLORIDA instance, These preciation of his great couLocated in front former has in no way broken MADERAS my bighest ambition Any design rage in entering singly, a in wood turned out with gratiMotive Power Club in 3rd.
gainst such a numerical fying results office and shop Avenue is the new parlour of FABRICA DE HIELO strength, if he kept in theloth. Avenue, North UNIA.
the only Oriental Barber Shop race he would be awarded a CHAS RODEN.
in this city. All sanitary If it is the Hair Raid alam, the best Hair Raid shelter special medal from San Joarrangements. Barber with is at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
se, regardless of the posi THE RESETTER WITH IMyears of practice in all classes tion he took in the final; he PROVEMENTS clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. triaj was unfortunately a completate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT te disappointment.
located on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
Breezing off to the crack almost opposite Teatro Arras. LIONEL MONDOLE LA PROVEEDORA of the pistol, the riders ef ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
fected the laps as follows. ervice. THOMAS PARCHMENT CABINET AND UNDERTAK Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket First lap, two Eagles, Mi Lair Specialist.
ING SHOP. Specializes in makShare in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week. ravalles, two Lucifers, Cen tro, Miravalles and Sam. WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Ing and repairing furniture and ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of woodRed Beans, Ib. 35 Starch, Ib. 45 Second Lap. Those in compe Milk, evap. large. 00 Wire Sponges. 25 titive order were, Eagles chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked.
a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Xee as before going elsewhere.
Kerosene, bot. 60 Potted Meat, tin. 75 and Miravalles. Third Lap assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. Street Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot. 75 a repetition of the prece Springs and other useful things Intrance Gamez Lumber Sapolio. 00 Klim, tin 25 ding. The Fourth brought at all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Sugar, lb. 25 Oats, lb. 00 notable change. The North Fifth Avenue. Manager Island Palm Soap 60 Cond. Milk, large 50 fifth saw che parting of the THOMPSON, Pro rietor.
ways and finished with Mi NEW HARLEM BAR AND We offer you Courtesy Lower Prices and Fresh ravalles, Eagle, Miravalies. English Tweeds Seras RESTAURANT. The Best drinks Merchandise From this stage Chavarria prepared can still be had at Grant, Genuine native and forLA separated from the pack PROVEEDORA with Salazar maintaining a Reasonable Prices at eign liquors stocked Our Cusiclose second. In swinging JACK ORANE Sucs. ue service the most up to date.
LIMON the final curve for the home THE PEOPLE HOUSE CRAWFORD AND GRANT, stretch, Salazar challenged Limon Proprietors.
our carry an to no Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    ItalySovietURSSWorld War

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