
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE 2012 do a this some The desire which every man feels of being lamented and remembered is often mortified when we observe how little concern is caused by the departure into eternity of those whose lives were distinguished by extraordinary performances Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR VIII UNBECOMING CONDUCT ON OUR PASSENGER TRAINS LIMON, MARCH 6th. 1943 No. 3644 MARCHING WITH THE YEARS Apart from our personal experience, we have long been 2009 The birth anniversary of beneath the curse of envirhearing complaints regarding the abuses and discomfort to our nation illustrious Pre onments, beyond the blight which persons of decency and respectability are subjected sident, Dr. Rafael Angel of selfishness and locate for 001 while travelling on the trains operated by our local Railway with the age. Tuesday, the dence and integrity.
Calderon Guardia, marches himself the jewel of pru1 Company.
tenth of the current month, Doctor Calderon Guardia forty se has faithfully maintained As public corriers. these trains are, naturally, usce will register the cond.
the characteristics of his noby all classes. Some of these are, however, of a type who Elected by an unprecen ble birth and the time honseem to pride themselves in the use of the most obscene ted majority of his fellow oured traditions of his high expression, and they display of vile, immoral conduct. The nationals to the exalted po office. He has also faithfuhelly followed in the footperpetrators of the reprehensible displays are, in the largesition at a time when majority, those who apparently know no other mode of ple had not reached the age of prints of those of his prede two score years, and in an cessors who counted it asure than the constant imbibing of intoxicating liquors; era when the political con dishonourable act to die though the more annoying part of the matter is the fact ditions and other perplexi without being missed to ties of the universe deman pass from this transitory sta that they purposely demonsrate their baseness in tre presended leaders of Jutstanding te without leaving the comce or near vicinity of the travellers whom they are sufficiently foresight, great courage and munity in which they lived sober to realize are far removed from their gategory. And intellectual ability, Costa Ri and the people among Dr. CALDERON GUARDIA none dare demonstrate. It often chills the blood and ac ca has undoubtedly benefi whom they laboured all the Pres. de la República celerate feelings of resentment when the wives and innocent lifications and enobling cha as he has climbea the high vere congratulations are ex tted by his exceptional qua better for their lives. And children of our respectable circles are subjected to such out racteristics.
er rungs of the great hu tended His Excellency and rageous treatment by such toughs.
On a close examination man ladder of achievements, his widely esteemed wife, We have no authority to say on whom rests the responof his career, both as a pri Ith worthy son of our be doña Ivonne on the approavate citizen and as the coun loved Republic has endeav ching anniversary, with the sibiity for the much needed corrective measures, but as we try Chief Magistrate, it poured to strengthen the hope they may long be spafeet of toilong humanity red to continue their most believe the passenger services conducted by most rai roads can be truthfully said that he knows how to get under that they too may ascend. seful and beneficient acare provided with police protection, the existing unwhole the crust of circumstances, Our humble but most sin tivities.
some exhibitions on our system forcefully call for the preON THE NORTH AFRICAN BATTLE FRONT sence on duty, of an officer possessed of a knowledge of the PROGRESS OF SCIENCE The Military authorities in tral region are reported in English language, region of the waging the locality of Sid Bouzid struggle report that the North which was evacuated by Mar We deem it our duty to also remind certain members American troops in the centra shal Rommel. Enemy that these troops of the train crews that its not in the best interest of the By their labours in their la sector of Tunez are approach are said to have made Company they serve to display offensive tendences against boratories, men of science have in the strategic positions o gain in their operations in the the travelling public. They over step their line of not only greatly stimulated war Faid and Gafsa while the Bri zone of Sedjenzac.
duties when they so act.
General Alexander initiated efforts, but have laid the foun tish have repelled the assaults dation for a new world in which of the Axis forces and man an offensive movement in the there will be better living con tain the positions they recen sector northeast of Beja last TEN JAPANESE BATTLESHIPS AND 12 TRANPORTS ditions, better subsistence, tly recaptured. Allied forces Thursday and has, so far, cap greater prosperity and a supe cdvancing by way of the centured two German batallions.
SUNK rior standard of existence for all mankind CONDITIONS CRITICAL FOR GERMANS IN The unusually large Japa lost 15. 000 marines and Dr. Charles Stine, Chief RUSSIA nese convoy sighted some 500. 000 tons. The Allied of Investigation and Perfection, Marshal Timoshenko initiat ond 1, 200 waggons. The Nadays ago on its way toward losses were four air units. of one of the most importanted his anticipated big o zis are said to have left more New Guinea was subsequen The opinion is expressed Companies of Chemical Prod. fensive in the northwestern than 2, 00 dead bodies lying ly attacked by Australian Ithat this defeat deprives Ja ucts in the United States of battle front, between Moscow than 000 dead bodies lying nd Allied air units, in the pan of the means of effec America, presents a brief vision and Leningrado, and after This new disaster is of inegion north of Lake Glou ting new offensive move of the coming years, in a ne eight days operations gained valuable consequences to the ester.
ments in the south Pacific morial submitted to the North a decisive victory over the Soviet campaign as, accordThe convoy was made up in the near future, at least. American Chemical Society of 16th German army, killing ing to military observes, is me of twelve transport ships es Chinese headquarters re Buffalo, New York.
8, 000 of their officers and naces the entire situations corted by ten battleshipsport that the enemy offensi men taking 3, 000 prise of the enemy in the north and a number of airplanes. ve in the provinces of Kian The memorial, inter alia, states ners and recapturing 302 ond central fronts. Marshal T: The ships were sunk and fif su and Kinagsi had failed that the urgency of the war has populated districts. Targe moshenko is supposed to have ty five of the planes destro and that in the west of Yu created in a few months, number of planes, tanks and a force of one and a half mi yed. It is estimated that man had been detained in realization, which had been other valuable war material llion men to push his offensi with this additional and di the region of the river Sal delayed for half a century, were also seized, ve right on to the Baltic, sastrous defeat Japan has ween.
that by the end of the current proposition which the beaten year aluminum production in Following closely on the Nazi troops will be unable to the United States will be seven above, the Nazis are roported detain.
times greater than it was TIENDA HOLLYWOOD in to have been driven out of the The victorious Red force 1939, after fifty years of exten important strategic position of are now moviug toward the sive expansion, while the pres. Rzhev, situated 130 miles cther important position of (L MON)
ent production of magnesia is northwest of Moscow, after Smolensk, located 87 kilomeabout one hundred times more, they had suffered heavy losses tros southeast of the Rzhev though the industry has not Señores Amigos y Clientes: in their man power. Here too, and one of the more voluable been in existence for so long a very large number of pla Nazi positions in the central Les ofrecemos: a period. The aeronautical in res and tanks were taken, as front. The capture of Orel is dustry is increasing the Doctor well as 35 railway locomotives shortly expected further asserted so extraordiYersy. Triple Georgette Seda Fria Floreada narily that the out turn of Piel de Angel. Aliento de Novia. Piel de Conejo aircraft has nearly doubled lae liso y floreado. Sombrillas de Seda y Algodón number constructed during the FOR SALE thirty years of is e. istence In UNIFORMES DE ESCUELA.
the meantime che nistry is very strong leather suit case of large size, Suit forging ahead in cumbustihles.
able for a real travelling trunk. In good second hand TODO LOS MAS BAJOS PRECIOS plastic material of little weight condition. Cost 200. 00 new. selling at a sacrifice. and the manufacture of air great bargain.
machines capable of transportSALOMON BERENZON ing twenty tons of utility cargo Apply Doña Rosa. directly in front the estabto Europe and returning without lishment of de la Peña Co Suc. Limon.
the need of overhauling. o Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    NazismPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSoviet

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