
SATURDAY, March 6th. 1943.
ATLANTIC VOICE The STANDARD 19. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TENTH YEAR IN OFFICE On Thursday last, the war, which had its start in attention of his people and 4th. instant, His Excellency early, September of 1939, political leaders, and, aided Franklin Roosevelt, re the eligibility of President, by the favourable opinions ached the tenth year of his Franklin Roosevelt for re entertained in the overseas occupancy of the Presiden e! ection occupied the serious democracies, his selection cy of the United States of for a further terni was fin If you are every particular America.
ally approved. In him his Of his predecesnations has discovered a po ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES sors thirteen won a werful and willing leader, second term, and only two, one possessed also of the If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at Ulysses Simpson Grant and necessary ripened ability Theodore Roosevelt, openand wisdom, yet tempered THE STANDARD iy tried for a third election.
with great humility and un The latter had his name on circumscribed democratic the ballot for the third peis cestain to please you principles. leader posses riod, but failed to overcome sed of quite a different turp the ingrained sentinment of of mind than Washington, NELSON and SON TAILORS his nationals despite his dis who when the experiences tinguished prestige and poof the Presidency became 75 Ysls. NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT litical popularity. However, unhappy, declared he would THE CITY MARKET as time moves forward sorather take his spade in me o fthe things once most hand and work for his dreaded become the Chief bread than remain in the Corner Stones.
Urged by the manipula DO NOT ASK THE PRICE, ORDER THE ARTICLE AND PAY This tenth anniversary of tions of the raging world PRES: ROOSEVELT President Roosevelt elecACCORDING TO THE BULLETIN tion brings us the most graThe official bulletin reCall in at Dixon whenever you are in Limon from the Line tifying proofs of the wisdom cently published by the di: 15 cts. oz. 25 cts. oz.
Imported Lard oz.
Towns or Coast. he expects you. Dixon Barber Shop political rection of the General Inves 35 cts. oz. 45 cts. oz.
West of the City Market.
supporters. President Frank lin Roosevelt will ever be tigation and Price Control 85 cts. 16 oz. lb. Commission of San Jose, sta 70.
remembered by humanity as democracy outstanding bul tes in part Do not ask Kerosive Oil 00 BERLIN BADLY HIT BY RAID wark in her fight for liber for prices, order the articles per gallon.
and pay in conformity with The belief prevails in militaly and freedom. The ATL the prices issued on Bulle ssion will take under their It is hoped the CommiWhat has been authoritati vely described as the most vio ry and other circles that this ANTIC VOICE wishes him lent and destructive raid laun new and intensified activity many more years of valua listesi Anving the articles vigilance a number of oth ble activities and a contiare.
er articles whose prices have ched by an air force during on the part of the Allied an soared alarmingly.
the course of the present strug force preludes the invasion of nuance in his high position.
gle took place over Berlin dur the European continent, The ing the night of Monday last. raids are effected almost con WE FIGHT FOR MORAL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS No less than eight hundred tinuously by day and by night bombing planes are said to ha and, in addition to Germany, LAW ARCHITECT AND BUILDER THE ORIENTAL BARBER ve participated in the attack, cover Norway, Holland, Fran In our war to the death with Years of practical knowledge, SHOP and to have discharged one ce and Italy. The important Nazism we are not fighting efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front former thousand tons of bombs in centers or Italy war industry against men who acknowlefge my highest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 3rd.
the space of half an hour Naples and Palermo, have the same moral standards as we in wood turned out with gratiAvenue is the new parlour ot which produced hundreds of been hard hit recently.
do. It is not merely that Nazi lying results. Office and shop the only Oriental Barber Shop terrible explosions and nume As in reprisal, enemy pla Germany has failed more out th. Avenue, North NIA.
in this city. All sanitary rous fires.
nes attempted an attack on rageously than we have in livarrangements. Barber with WednesThe RAF. ministry admit London during last ing up to them. The truth is THE RESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all classes.
the loss of nineteen machines, day Night. The effort failed that the rulers of Germany and PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. triai while the Berlin authorities with a loss of ten machines.
of Pajan to day do not acceptate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most declare 191 persons were kill Berlin was without Gas Electri the ideas of right and wrong located on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
ed and more than 400 injur city and water up to Thursday common to civilised mankind almost opposite Teatro Arras LIONEL MONDOLX ed.
as a result of the raid.
The Fascist creed of the Axis ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
powers says that the State iservice. THOMAS PARCHMENT above the moral law. Good is bair Specialist.
CABINET AND UNDERTAKFOR SALE what suits Germany plans. Evil ING SHOP. Specializes in makis what doesn WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND ing and repairing furniture and GREAT BARGAIN Fascism believe that man is ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of woodonly a cog in the State machine. chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked.
a Pin to a Crane. See us. We See as before going elsewhere.
One mile of second hand Tram Rails in very good On such a faith no stable, peacarry an assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. Street, serviceable condition. Each length measures metros. ceful world can be established.
Springs and other useful things intrance Gamez Lumber It makes any decent humane at all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY APPLY. STEPHEN DALEY BECKFORD, order, national or international, North Fifth Avenue. Manager 1412 Miles or Box 330. Limón impossible. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
the name of humanity NEW HARLEM BAR AND wage Hair men find Dixon Hair Base a safe, convenient and sa and its future we this English Tweeds Seras RESTAURANT. The Best drinks by prepared Crawford and tisfactory landing place land there too. Dixon Barber war.
can still be har at Grant, Genuine native and forShop. West of the City Market.
Reasonable Prices at eign liquors stocked Our CusiJACK ORANE Sucs.
ne service the most up to date.
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS LIMON APARTADO 417 Los destroyers británicos, Los hombre banda de la flota, son los que realizan el mayor número de ocupaciones en el mar. Aquí vemos a dos de estos en un convoy, Robert tartott 1099 DO 1939 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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