
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH. 1943 Even the most fastidious, with stubborn hair and pear shap ed heads, smile with satisfaction when the Hair cut is done nt Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
Rubber Reserve Co.
SALVATION ARMY GENERAL MADE TRANSATLANTIC THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND TOUR WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO General and Mrs. Carpen which the public gatherings ter of the London Headquar almost everywhere they vi: ters of the Salvation Army sited. sang Britian signifirecently accomplished nea cant anthem God save arly a four months whirl the King. The General is wind tour which include also said to have been much the United States of Ameri impressed in observing the WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR ca, the West Indies, Brazil, outstanding number of chArgentine and British Guia ristian men who occupy po na. Their spiritual campa sitions in the public life of ign wihch actually began at the United States and elsew Los Angeles, California, on here. He had the honour the 12th. September last and privilege of opening a year, is said to have occu session of the United States CINE MUNDIAL pied every waking hour. Senate with prayer. We are Their programme covered told that these two great ch LIMON mammoth Salvation and ristian workers spoke at mo Holiness gatherings, Sol re than one hundred and diers assemblies, Officers fifty engagements in the councils, meetings with reti United States and Canada.
red officers, apart from lee The tour was most succes SOME RECENT DEATHS the Republic of Colombia. His 60 years old, who formerly li tures and luncheons, broad ful both spiritually and fideath took place on the 2nd. ved in this city and was a na casts, young people de nancially tive of Jamaica At some of She died on instant the monstrations, gatherings of functions in the United StaWe informed that Dolores Stiben (Stephen. the 26th of February last.
officers children. visits to tes special gifts amounting among the persons who died de institutes, civic receptions to more than 000 dollars recently in the San Juan conferences with Advisory were given Mrs. Carpenter Dios Hospital, San Jose, Boards, interviews with the for Relief Work in England.
the following who were GRAND OPPORTUNITY representatives of the Press Boston millionaire sociated with this Zone.
gave and administrative officers. the Army more than 75, 000 Jose Araya Fernandez 71 SECOND HAND LUMBER AND ZINC The General and Mrs. dollars. The tour covered years old, formerly of this ci the Carpenter are reported to more than 32:000 miles of ty. He was admitted to can be purchased at very low prices.
have been greatly impressed which over 20. 000 were by institution on the 14th. Janua with the heartiness with aerial transportation.
ry last and died on the 19th All in serviceable condition.
of last month.
Juan Capela González, 80 Apply ENRIQUE LEON, Limon.
years or age, who resided in IN MEMORIAM this city during a long period JUAN NAVARRETE, Pandora, Estrella of years. He was a native of Grieved in the flesh, but strong in the spirit, that our dearly beloved Husband and Father are are as WILLIAM RED GUARD who departed this terrestrial sphere on the 5th. March 1941, now rests in Peace.
Two gloomy years have passed since he left us, and the flowers we laid on his grave have lost their fragrance withered and decayed, but the love we bear for him in life can never, never fade away.
WIDOW and SON MT. CARAMEL JUVENILE UNVEILS BANNER lol a In a very imposing cere the Major, the Misses Joan mony the members of the Earle and Norma Williams Mount Caramel Juvenile, impressively effected the un which is associated with! veiling of the Banner. The the Mount Herman Lodge Misses Joyce Merdock and of the Household of Ruth, Lena McKenzie, who presiunveiled their attractive Baded, respectively, at the ornner on Sunday afternoon, gan, deserve much compliUn tanque VALENTINE durante las mani obras en una villa cerca de Kent the 28th. of the recently pas ment. As President of the FROM LIVERPOOL dence of the climate mar esy extended them by all sed month, Branch, Miss McKenzie devellous influence. Both our whom they contacted. very rich reciting and livered a brilliant address; highly regarded villagers ex Liverpool is indeed glad to singing programme was ef and so did her grand fath The physical appearance of pressed their sincere apprecia again have their activities in fectively presided over by er Mr. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Clarke, tion for the admirable court lits communal life.
Major Thos. Lynch of the Mr. Sarah Bowerbank, the on their return here last week Salvation Iirmy. Miss Iris Supervisor of the Juvenile after completing their vaca Hair of all kinds, class and qualities cut to the desired sty Williams, a ranking officer Branch effected the address tion in the Capital, gave evi le with satisfaction to clients at Dixon Barber Shop of the adult lodge, efficient of thanks.
of the City Market.
ly performed the opening it ems. All the youngsters splendidly acquitted them Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back selves. Among the soloists de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: were the Misses Ma dand, Lynch, McKen Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This bill must be paid at our office before zie, Earle, Brown and the 10th of the month Merdock. With the ren.
de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not dering o fthe duet He ca Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which res for you. the Misses de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Markland and Merdock earned great distinction. Come into the fold was the well rendered duet by the Misses Joyce and Dap hney Merdock Guided by COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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