
R. ROIG are SIDELIGHTS OF THE WAR IN IMMORTAL MEMORY NOTICE Berlin news bulletin:sta God has wiped away our tears, tes that German youths Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos And poured His Gvace to strengthen us; from the age of fifteen ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a But we work, sleep, waken, think and remember Our darling Wife and Mother years are being called to the colours and trained ISABEL FACEY as auxiliary pilots for the Nazi Luftwaffs. followP. BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE ing on Goering order for who passed from this Vale of Sin and Suffering the launching of an aerial Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos on the 7th March 1938 menace, with special insTIT tructions to attack the eneAmid the noise and unpleasantness of life my wherever and whenever her exquisite ideals were our recourse and the opportunity present its AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF LAS MERCEDES IEPRO never failed to touch the recess of our soul.
ASYLUM Widower. Children. Grandchildren most heartrending appeal Committee plan to construct a has been sent out by the Ma new building to take the place Quisling, the Commander nagement of the Lepro Asylum of the present one which is said in Chief of occupied Nor Las Mercedes of San Jose, for to be in a delapidated condition way, has furthered restric financial assistance to help the and consequently adds to the 23 YEAR OLD AVIATOR DISTINGUISHES HIMSELF ted his fellow Norwegians: efforts being made to alleviate miserable existence of the unhe has forbidden the organi the horrible miseries of the men fortunate ones. No sane mindThe information has been North Africa. The destroyed zation of any sporting event and women who, though endowed individual can afford to ignoofficially released that twenty planes formed part of a squa without a special permited with all the God given rights re the petition of Messrs. Victor three year old Paddy Cham dron of five which attacked from the Nazi Chief. Some of their fellow creatures Aguilar, Ramón Madrigal, bers, a native of New Zealand on Allied convoy Chambers Native athletes of internatio forced to live in their narrow Miguel Castro Carazo, Roand o officer in the Royal piloted a Spitfire. He has nal fame were detained for confines. This unfortunate mulo Artavia, Jorge Sáurez, Da Air Force, destroyed four ita been awarded the Distinguish having attempted to organi destiny has overtaken a large na Condon, Luis Uribe, and lian bombiny planes in a ed Aviation Cross: ze an athletic programme. number of our brethren and Andrés Brenes twenty minutes encounter off caused them to be devoid of all We wish to pass along the TERITORIUL MEDIUM the agreable things of life. information that Attorney CarHOTEL HISPANO AMERICA things which we have, perchan los Silva of our city is duly The Information Commi ce, wilfully wasted. As inmates authorized to receive donations LIMON CITY ttee in London has issued a of Las Mercedes they are ali on behalf of the Asylum. May This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac. declaration which places ve, but sepulchred. They are our citizens be awakened to their ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent the number of persons exe in great need of decent habitable responsibilities as members of cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that cuted or otherwise killed by accomodation, such will the great human family and it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with the Nazi authorities in the provide them with a measure mindful of the Divine injunca fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient occupied European coun:of comfort and mitigate their tion that in as much as ye have service at all times by its new Proprietor.
tries at 3, 400, 000 to the end sufferings.
done it unto the least of these of last year.
The members of the Vigilant my brethren, ye have done it ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS unto Me im INTERNATIONAL SHORTS Your Boy needs a Hair cut send him away this minute to EL TRAIDOR QUISLING DESTI tuyó al comandante de su guar Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market TUYE AL COMANDANTE DE dia personal Carlson sospechan No less than seventy five SU GUARDIA PERSONAL do que estaba complicado en un thousand persons witnessead ESTOCOLMO. UP. Infor complot oontra su vida. Según maciones suecas de Noruega a los mismos despachos se cree a foot ball match, played GAMEZ LUMBER YARD nuncian que el jefe del gobier otros miembros de la guardia se recently in London, bet4th Street toward the Northern Machine Shops no de Oslo Vidkun Quisling desti rán separados de sus cargos.
ween the senior teams regulowa of England and WaFOR THE HIGHEST GRADE les. This is regarded as a re Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to cord attendance during this war period. Their Majestics GAMEZ LUMBER YARD the King and Queen, as alWe never have a dissatisfied Customer so a large number of high PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET officials and members of the diplomatic corps истиннісаннійшин were present. England registered eight goals and Wales five. ITALIAN TROOPS WITHDRAW FROM RUSSIAN FRONT The eash proceeds were de voted to war purposes. Rome release states, se of augmenting the defenthat Mussolini has with ce of the Mediterranean At a. last Wednes. drawn from the Russian bat with Hitler permission.
day, Mohandas Gandhi tle fronts the ten divisions In return for this concescompleted his self impos who formed the eighth Ita sion, Mussolini has agreed fast of twenty one days as lian army fighting along to supply Hitler with two a protest against his deten side the Germans. It is fur million civilians to work in tion for political activities, ther stated that the Italians the war factories in GermaThe Medical bulletin stated will not be replaced, that though weak his physikept in Italy for the purpocal condition was good.
as tus e never пісенципнотизма but ny.
HUNT An English newspaper is said to have revealed SASTRERIA MODERNA information that, clothed as an ordinary labourer. NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS His Majesty King George works twice a week in one We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, of the war industry factoElegant Fittings.
Ahora las mujeres británicas están desempeñando un ries. He is said to have star papel importante en la construcción de barcos.
ted this about a month ago. Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds, East URUMUT Unidad Sanitaria.
EL COMUNICADO ALEMAN NUNCIA EL HUNDIMIENTO SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY DE 13 BARCOS ALIADOS PRESIDENT CALDERON GUARDIA OFF FOR MEXICO LONDRES, UP. La Radio de Berlin anunció oficialmente al Accompanied by a number him and his party a inost en TWO MARES IN FOAL. GOOD PEDIGREE STOCK en los primeros días del mes en of high officials and other dis joyable stay in the Sister Re curso los submarinos alemanes tinguished nationals, His For sale, or exchange for public hundieron a 13 barcos enemigos Excellency Dr. Calderon Guar During the Doctor absencon un desplazamiento total de dia left last Thursday by spe ce the Second Vice President, WORKING MULE IN COOD CONDITION 97. 100 toneladas, los que fueron echados a pique luego de encar cial air transportation for the don Jorge Hine will guide the Apply. JOSEPH SHAN, Liverpool, Zent Line nizados combates. Agregó que o Republic of Mexico in respon affairs of the nation. We ten tros dos barcos fueron torpedea. se to the invitation extended der him our congratulations.
him some time ago. We wish PANDO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFootballHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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