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war more NEW PHILOSOPHY GERMAN PROPAGANDA OVER 400 ENGINES PUT; NATION UNITED IN NAZIS CONTINUE OF COLONIAL RULE EXPOSED OUT OF ACTION ARMS PENETRATION OF In the darkest days Britain SACRIFICE APPEAL. German During tha last nine months On January 20 Mr. Roosevelt OCCUPIED TERRITORIES Eq has ever known, in July 1940, propaganda auring the last few the enemy railway system has entered the second half of his Parliament passed the Colonial weeks has been uniformly been attacked from the air al third term as President of the London, March further Development and Welfare Act, gloomy. The speeches of the most every day, sometimes by United States.
creating a fund of 50, 000, 000 German leaders on January fighters, sometimes by bombers, Enormous changes have taken stage in German economic peto be spent over the next ten 30th set the key. This depres and often by both. In this period place since he was inaugurated netration of the occupied ierri.
years in colonial development The sum allocated by the Act sing atmosphere, however, has one fighter group alone two years ago. Then the United tories, namely, the assumption the Sot was small in relation to the tre been created with a purpose. It has shot up more than 400 rail States was not merely at peace of the total control over of mendous costs of war; but the is part of a desperate effort to way engines in Germany and with all the world but was sub lucrative tobacco industry ject to a Neutrality. Act, and Greece, was announced by the spirit wherein the Act was pas rally the Germans and spur occupied territory.
ensure These attacks have hit the other laws designed to German trade journal Nachthem on sed was one of unshakeable faith in the future at a time when call on you to prepare your Germans in a vulnerable spot, that it should remain at peace richten fuer den Ausshandel It The paper reports from thens the rest of the world saw no selves for the highest sacrifice, for their railway systems have whatever happened abroad.
future for Britain.
for a last effort. Let everyone been severely strained in coping was illegal for American ships that the President of the Gerwith the supply traffic to their to enter war zones. Belligerent man Chamber of Commerce in DYNAMIC SYSTEM The give all he can give. The mean.
obtain Greece is the representative of empires of the past have dieding of this fight is freedom ortroops in Russia and in the scat powers who wished to because they could not change annihilation. Goering, January tered parts of Scandinavia and American arms and other sup a wellknown Hamburg tobacco western Europe. Barges and plies could do so only on the firm. The Vice Presidents are with the times. They were rigid 30th. 1943. cash and carry principle.
coastal shipping, which are used two other Germans. The Trea They conformed to a fixed pat BOLSHEVIK BOGEY. It is also as an alternative means of comNo American forces were sta surer is the head of the Grecotern. By contrast our Empire an attempt to represent Germany munication, have also suffered tioned outside American terriGerman Financing Company, of has had the great quality of as the last bulwark of western severely at the hands of the tory and it was illegal for the Athens, another German, and adaption. By that it lives. Mr. civilization holding out against A and the United States small, new conscript army, then Dr the Managing Director, Harold Macmillan, former Un bolshevism. Germany has be Eighth Army Air Force not half way through its have first der Secretary of State for the come a guarantee of European increased the difficulties by year of training, to serve outside Dagener, is also a Germa Al the continental United Colonies, June 24th. 1942. ready in January it had States been fate. Goering, January 30th. heavy bombing attacks on the NEW SENSE OF RESPONSIGerman 1943. railway works at Fives Lille and itself. The total land and air announced that new BILITY. The population has a forces of the United States num companies had been formed to By means of making a scare. Rouen.
far more positive view of the Damage to rolling stock and bered little more than mi exploit the olive oil, silk, coal functions of state. They see in crow out of Russia, a country it an organ whereof the chief which has defeated her milita tracks has often led to serious llion. The budget under which and fuel trades in Greece, and to rily, Germany hopes to induce delays in the arrival of food operating called for an expendi tural and industrial the federal government was take over the trading in agricul.
functions of service their products own social needs, the promotion her own people to fight to the ammunition, and reinforcements, ture of a mere thousand mi This latest infiltration into the last gasp, and rally to her side and the effects have been felt as lions, of which nearly half was Greek industry, the control of of their own physical material neu.
the waverers among the far away as Italy.
welfare. What they regard as tobacco During November and Decem not directly connected with the the trade, virtually trals. UT its function in regard to our de Germany, who has enslaved ber, Mustangs, Spitfires, and completes Germany 2 nic purposes must apply equally to EVERY CONTINENT hegemony in Greece.
its function in regard to our de Europe, is forced to represent Whirlwinds destroyed or damaAND OCEAN pendencies. Lord Hailey, Oc Britain allied with Russia as a ged over 120 engines. an aver.
American industry was in ef NEUTRALS WARNED NOT tober 1941)
menace England is commit. age of two a day. and this fect producing supplies THE COLONIES AND ECONO. ting treachery against Europe month, so far, railway targets with its left hand only, devotin the most overwhelming de have been attacked almost every ing its right hand to the producTO BUY NAZI LOOT MIC DEVELOPMENT. We must be ready to spend gree. Goering, January 30th. day with good results.
tion of the biggest number Much dislocation has been of London, March. The recent 1943. piece of casuistry which freely to set the colonies econo: will hardly deceive the occupied caused at engine and rolling goods, of all time. Defence ex. tions that the sales of property automobiles and other consumer British and American declaramically on their feet. don territories groaning under the stock repair and maintenance advocate impractical spendthrift Nazi yoke penditures had not yet involved looted by the Axis in the occupiyards, and bombing of policies, but casting our bread such places as Duisburg, any real hardships or even ined territories of Europe will the upon the water, even it it returns for it will in many respects the largest inland portale Europe people who were enjoying better the end of the war has had an conveniences to the American not be recognised as legal at to us not only after many days, a holdthen not in the form of exclusi which the war overwhelmed. It ups, damage, and loss. One re.
times than they had for over a ve markets or large dividends, will he. a world where colonies sult of our raids on railway important repercussion amongst decade.
but those other far more valid situated on strategic routes To day the United States neutral nations, according to an is rewards. the growth of con the world will become important this winter gone short of coal, Japan, and with all their of centres has been that Italy has at war with Germany, Italy and article published by the Daily Sketch.
tented and progressive commu items in the programme of sea for supplies of which she looks tellites except Siam and Finland.
sanities, good neighbours and va neral securty against war. World to Germany.
The Turkish Portuguese, lued economic partners, whose security bases for the United It is supplying the other United Swedish and Swiss Govern progress serves not only them Nations, controlled Nation with arms and other ments says this paper. have selves, but us and the rest of the terials, of equal supply of SAYINGS supplies under Lend Lease at a instructed their consuls all over world. Mr. Herbert Morrison, cessary raw materials. Generate of more than 212 thous Europe to advise their nationals January 1943)
ral Smuts. Die Men are conscious of the su and millions a year, It has many not to acquire such property THE COLONIES AND SELF THE WORLD AND THE COLOpreme necessity of carrying soldiers, sailors and airmen over plundered by the Axis. They GOVERNMENT. It would be NIES. hope to see in the co forward into peace the common seas, in every continent and on point out that nationals who ignorant and dangerous nonsen lonial sphere a continuance of effort which will bring every ocean, as composed the do not take them this advice are se to talk about grants of full national sovereignty, but victory. They have come to see two years ago. It is considering out legal protection after total strength of its armed forces likely to find themselves with self government to many of the bined with the principle of in that the maintenance and safethe dependent territories for some ternational co operation. Mr. guarding of peace is the most la federal budget calling for an war when the ownership is time to come. In those instances Oliver Stanley, Secretary of vital single necessity in the lives millions, the overwhelming pro. nations realise that Germany expenditure of 25 Since the neutral it would be like giving a child State for the Colonies. of ten a latchkey, a bank ac LONG TERM HOPES. The eco of each and all of us. Presi portion of which is for direct final defeat dent Roosevelt.
is fast approach count, and a shotgun. But we nomic and educational progress war purposes.
ing, it is unlikely that they will can combine forward policies of going hand in hand, grouping It has ruthlessly converted its The education with opportunities for neighbouring colonies into larger ignore this warning. Thus British Government industries to war production, considerable market which the native peoples to take a deve administrative units, with a puts a lot of money each year having for a full year banned the for loping part in the forms of self consequent larger degree of self into the colonies and seeks no production for private use of Axis has been developing government appropriate to their government and integration of commercial return. The Home a long range of consumers their stolen booty will be defiown circumstances.
nitely destroyed by the precau. Britons these units in a world program Country has rejected all temp goods, headed by passenger themselves have found the parish me, and finally a new element tation to be a monopolist.
cars. It is beggining to tionary measures taken by the pump a fine training school for of international trusteeship Mr. Herbert Morrison, Home feel th real pinch war respective governments.
democracy. Mr. Herbert Mo these are the long term hopes of Secretary.
being already subjected so strict BIZ rrison)
the men who are shaping colorationing of commodities, such as domestic than with external afTHE COLONIES AND THE nial policy. The conception of a petrol and coffee, previously fairs and The plain fact is that Social deemed to be American neces with the war. President Roose.
with the peace than WORLD. The peoples of the walled and isolated empire has Security is not a political ques sities. and is looking forward velt said in his address to ConCommonwealth will be quite disappeared. From the smallest tion at all. It is neither Socialist in the coming months to further gress last week tell you it is unable to work out policies of colony to the greatest domina nor Capitalist. It is simply and harsher sacrifices.
economic welfare for themsel tion it must play part in world within the realm of possibility commonsense. Sir William ves on the basis of exclusive cul affairs. In Mr. Herbert MorriHISTORIC PRIVILEGE that this 78th. Congress may tivation of their own imperial son words: One of the stronBeveridge.
Two years ago America was have the historic privilege of garden. The countries of the gest claims of the British system deeply divided over the question helping greatly to save the world Commonwealth need the rest of on the confidence of other na We can keep up our war of how far it should go in the from future fear. the world just as it needs them tions great and small is that the effort so long as the spirit of policy of Aid to Britain short Let us pray that a Presidenas a market and a source sup long term interests of our Em co operation and understanding of war. To day it is united in tial term which began before plies. Mr. Herbert Morrison. pire are wholly in accord with is kept up, too. Great things the policy of total effort to secu America was ready to consider The question is how far will the long term interests of the have been done, great things re total victory.
going to war may end with Ame, the colonies fit in the new world international society of nations remain to be done let go to Such controversy as there is rica helping to shape a true and that will emerge after the war, as a whole it. Lord Woolton, Food Mi today is more concerned with lasting peace.
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