
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE He who professes what he does not mean, promises what be cannot perform or appeases enmity by blandishments and bribes discloses the possession of a mind wholly devoted to its own purposes and a heart that cannot feel.
Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR VIII LIMON, MARCH 13th. 1943 NO 365 00 THE VISIT OF VICE PRESIDENT WALLACE OF INTEREST TO OUR ACTING PRESIDENT INITIATES ALLCACAO EARMERS IMPORTANT MOVE the programme which has been arranged in his honour is the Guard of Honour to We have been afforded According to the San Jose press, His Excellency the be composed of ten thous the very interesting informa Acting President of the Republic has initiated en all imand scholars from the Government tion that the various educational centers has been officially not fied portant move in the interests of the country agriculturwho will line both sides of that there is an almost unists, particularly the small ones whose only neans of purthe theroughfare Paseo Ccin. ited demand for our Ca suing their activities is the financial returns they, from lon from the air, ort to the cao in the United States of National Palace (the Con America, and that a single time to time, obtain from their personal labours.
Sress Hall) and display business house is disposed Often we hear the wail of these honest strugglers flags of the United States to purchase our entire out and Costa Rica.
regarding the serious losses they suffer from the criminalArrangments have been ly disposed, who, entering their cultivations by stealth, concluded. we understand remove their crops and dispose of same at some market for Mr. Wallace to assist at ENGLAND WAR the official inauguration o town or other place. As this offence is said to be increas.
the Inter American Institu EXPENDITURE ing alarmingly, don Jorge Hine took the matter under te of Agricultural Sciene consideration and after consulting with those directly con in Turrialba: to visit a sec In a recent discourse, an Prior to next Saturday stion of the Par America: official of the British gov cerned, has formulated a project which is receiving the appearance of the ATLAN High way under construernment declared that the special attention of the Ministers of State, Police and Agri110 VOICE Costa Rica tion; and possibly the Ru present war had cost En culture. As soons as these officials have definitely settled would have been honoured ber and Abaca cultivations gland the huge sum of with a visit by Mr. Henry We take this opportunit: 12, 500, 000, 000 pounds ster certain important modifications, the project will be ap Wallace, the distmgu. seu to extend our most sincerling and that the daily exproved by the Acting President and submitted to Congress Vice President of the great and respectful welcome to penses now averaged ar for final action, Republic of North America. the illustrious son of und 14, 000, 000 Small creThe distinguished visitor North American Republi lits, to be repaid after the This is a most valuable effort for the protection of our is expected to arrive in San and to wish him and his par close of the war, had supagricultural interests, for so long as our cultivators, specialTose on the 18th. instant forty a very, very pleasing and plied the sum of 300, 000, ly the smaller ones who constitute an important porcenstay of three or four days. profitable time and a safe 000, while postal deposits, An outstanding feature of return to their native soil. and saving banks had con tage, find themselves being constantly deprived of ths tributed 900. 000. 000.
fruits of their hard labours, they will never make any marked effort toward intensified plantings and this must ON THE BATTLE FRONTS eventually effect our general economic interests and retard PUNISHMENT FOR WAR The advices reaching us of Vyazma places, it it said, our advancement. May we hope the present project goes from the various battle the Nazi troops operating CRIMINALS into effect with the least delay possible.
fronts indicate clearly that in the Rostov sector in a era The Prime Minister of the the enemy forces are losing tical position. With the mo Belgian Government, in exiground almost everyhere re recent control of certain le, has assured his fellow with terrible losses in man localities the final assault NORTH AMERICAN SHIP YARDS ESTABLISKI power and valuable mate. on Smolensk is momentarily dio broadcast, that those of nationals, by means of a rarial, while the Allied Na expected.
the Axs Combine who are NEW RECORD tions intensify their offen On the North African sive activities.
Front, the 8th. British army the war will not be able to for criminal y responsible The Soviets make new continue, we are informed, The dock yards of Nortn, 1, 247, 600 tons. The year proseek refuge in any neutral gains of vast importance a to harass enemy most daily and pursue their along the fortified Mareth country, and that a list of America are reported to have gramme comprises the consnow an outstanding truction, we gather, of 1, 600 advance toward the strate line, while the French forces all these criminals is C position of Smolensk in have occupied, it is report the particulars regarding being prepared as well as new bulding record.
merchant ships of 10, 000 tons During the past month of each.
the central region, while, in ted, an importnat area turned ou new type of anti submathe south, they have chec the west of the defile lead every criminal act of theirs February, they Whatever efforts they may 150 ships in addition to ked the violent counter of ing to Gabes which present make to escape punishment 130 merchant vessels, the lat output. It carries a tonnage rine war boat is among the fensive launched by the Na a serious menace for th will be futile, he added. ter representing a total of of 1, 300, is 300 feet long and zis in the west and south of enemy base of Gafsa, Kharkov with heavy enemy gainst which the North 35 wide. Its principal use will be the escort of convoys.
losses. In the northwest secmerican force is movin tor the Russians also scored from the north.
HITLER CALLS FOR GREATER HELP FROM The Marine Department by breaking through the Melbourne reports that also report the construction, German lines and capturing ustralian and North Amer WAR PARTNERS during the same period, of.
several localities in the near can aviators encountered 1, 400 naval planes as well as vicinity of Staraya Rusa the another Japanese convo: So put to is Hitler for dents being sent to work in 5, 000 for miiltary and trans.
tad quarters of the 16th off the north coast of Ner men to maintain his strug Germany.
port purposes.
ermany army. Marshal Ti Guinea. Five of the boat gle against increasing odds ioshenko advance toward were so seriously damage he has called on Hungary the important German base (Pasa a la página 8) Eslovakia, Croate Rumania BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT and Bulgaria for not only more troops but for labou rers to work in Germany.
He also requested their as sistance economically.
As King Bors of Bulgaria Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
seems disinclined to make any further sacr fices, the Red Beans, ib. 30 Starch, Ib. 45 ALMACEN Fuehrer has Intinuated that Kerosene, bot 60 Bosco, jar. 00 if Bulgaria does not fulf!
Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot. 75 her obligations as an Ally on Sapolio. 00 Klim, tin 25 Germany she will repent it Sugar, Ib. 25 Cofs, ib. 20 MATERIALES DE ZAPATERIA as the Nazi authorities are Island Palm Soap 60 Cond. Milk, large 50 determined that all theil allies shall comply to the We offer you Courtesy. Lower Prices and Fresh CALZADO full extent of their respecti Merchandise ve compromises.
In this respect, Laval is!
LA PROVEEDORA LIMON APARTADO 150 supposed to have ordered the losing of all universities LIMON in France to enable the stuEste documento es propiedad de la BIOTOteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a LA PROVEEDORA Avelino de la Peña Co. Sucs.


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