
PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 13TH. 1943 USEFUL YOUNG LIFE PASSES WITH THE METIIODISTS əylow 14. ayl to SƏM doys 1sqiog s, uox! a Into the Great World lliams of Zent, and we are The children 04 aznuru 5:44 KDMD wry pues no spy o spaau log inox associated whence no traveller has told that from an early age! wtih the Methodist Sunday ever returned, usfeul, lov she displayed real christian School at Siquirres held their ing young Veronica Wi principles and was under aniversary festival last Sun: RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO lliams passed last Monday, the influence of the St. day the 7th. instant. We un: EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, the 1st. of the present John Church of the Angli derstand a rather rich and LIMON month. Her loss is greatly can denomination of that interesting programme was When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come felt, not only by her pa locality.
presented and was attended to the above named Restaurant the service you have rents and immediate relati True to her fundamental by a large number of the long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool ves, but by almost all the re Characteristics, the follow members of the denomination drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
sidents in the Zent district. ing verse of a hymn is said and sympathizers.
OPEN DAY AND NIGHT She was obedient, respectful to have poured from her We buy Costa Rica Lottery and zealous in christian soul, while her eyes were Harvest Thanksgiving Ser OCTAVIUS THOMPSON work. We shall surely miss closing in death vices are announced for to(Better known as Edwin)
her was the motherly exmorrow, Sunday 14th. at the Proprietor. Box 52 pression of Mrs. Kate Green Weeping, weeping, weeping San Jose Creek Church, Esof that district.
weeping trada, Cantata on the fol.
Somewhat coincidentally. On the Judgment morn. lowing night will climax the ANNIVERSARY BY MT. CARMEL JUVENILES the deceased was born on Hear, oh hear, the solemn festival.
the 2nd. of March 1937 and pleading Guided by the superin youthful comprehension and departed this life on the 1st of the Bride and Spirit now tending personnel, the drew praiseworthy admiraof March 1943 on arriving And while Christ is interceMount Carmel Juveniles eftion. ile referred to the at Sweet Sixteen. Miss ding the Grand United Order of great deeds accomplished Veronica was the daughter Is His presence now.
It is pleasing to be able to Fellows, were iguess by the Israelitish captive ma of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wi.
mention that the Rev. at the local Baptist Church id on behalf of her Syrian Hair men find Dixon Hair Base a safe, convenient and saP. Holmes, the Minister in last Sunday afternoon in Master, Naaman, in having tisfactory landing place land there too. Dixon Barber charge of the Circuit, is splen thanksgiving to God on the him cleansed of his leprosy Shop West of the City Market didly recovering from his occasion of the first anni by washing in the River Jor recent illness. He is gradually versary since their re orgadon. to the exalted willresuming his religious acti nization. In a very colour ingness demonstrated by the vities.
ful procession they left the widow when giving her only MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY Hall of the Lodge, headed cruse of oil and barley by the Band of the Salva wheat to the service of her tion Major Lynch Lord and Saviour to the TWO MARES IN FOAL. GOOD PEDIGREE STOCK For sale, or exchange for WATER FACTORY ung musicians to take care out the sea when Elijah. the of themselves. they did prophet proved to King WORKING MULE IN GOOD CONDITION so marvellously Devoid of Ahab that the God of Abra Fábrica de Hielo y the slightest tinge of flat ham, Isaac and Jacob was Apply. JOSEPH SHAN, Liverpool, Zent Line tery, we express our highest the only great Power in heRefrescos appreciation for the Boys, aven and on earth. to the especially as regard their maggnificen: miracle which TWO DEATIIS conduct and general servi Christ performed with the AMONG THE WEEK Limón ce. Their good principles re five barley loaves and two dound, with great credit to fishes, and explained to the We very much regret the the Major in addition to youngsters that he had men ARRIVALS information that among the FLORIDA ICE AND themselves, tioned the noble characters several persons who died The Church service har in order that they may Wéi again have with us the recently in the San Juan de monized in every respect. know what great things can distinguished presence of Dios Hospital, San Jose, FARM CO The simple style employed proceed from small ones. Guillermo Amador of the were the fololwing.
by the Rev. Forde, the The Church Choir, with Educational Department and Gerardo Avila Vargas. for LA FLORIDA Pastor of the Church, in the Mrs. McRae presiding at his highly esteemed wife. merly of Estrada and 59 presentation of the scriptu the organ, greatly aided the Other than the extreme years of age. He entered MADERAS ral narratives paralleled the splendid event.
cold weather which was a bit the institution on the 30th.
FABRICA DE HIELO inconvenient, due to their November last year and Even the most fastidious, with stubborn hair and pear shap long stay in our nuch war died on the 7st. of the preed heads, smile with satisfaction when the Hair cut is done mer atmosphere, don Guiller sent month.
at Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market.
mo states their vacation was Leory Cooper Campos, most enjoyable. We are glad the infant son of Vicente to have their important ce Cooper and Dora Campos union with our community Mora. He died on the 4th.
COSTA RICA SODA kept himself completely out small cloud which appear LIMON TRADING COMPANY PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR ON THE BATTLE FRONTS. Viene de la Página 7)
It is reported that Japan that two are believed to is constructing powerful have sunk. The widely dis bases on the islands situate persed Japanese troops are off the coast of China betso short of provisions that, ween Hongkong and Hainit is strongly believed, they an to oppose whatever acwill not be able to display ticvities the Allied Nations anything like a defence may initiate in south or east when the United Nations in China for the bombardment itiate their total offensive. of Japan.
Reports from Chungking General von Arnim latstate that the Chinese tro est attempt against the Aops have obtained new suc llied lines in Sedpenane, cesses in the western sector three miles north of Tameof the province of Yunnan ra, North Africa, failed and have advanced on the with heavy casualties. The Burmese territory occupied forces of Marshal Rommel by the enemy: In Hupeh the are suffeving serious losses Japs are said to have secu in the region 40 miles south red some gains.
west of the Mareth Line, RUBBER COCOA COCOANUTS COPRA REMEMBER FOR SALE wat very strong leather suit case of large size. Suit able for a real travelling trunk. In good second hand condition. Cost 200. 00 new. selling at a sacrifice. great bargain.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Apply. Doña Rosa. directly in front the establishment of de la Peña Cº Sucom Limon pledad de la Biblioteca Nacio


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