
90 Rubber Reserve Co.
After having gone to the Esau but the voice is that expense of purchasing a of Jacob and that the afdress out off the rich Tri fair was strictly feminine ple Georgette. being of one. Little, however, did she fered our lady citizens by know there was a RebecTHE CACAO FARMER FRIEND 1:1 the Management of the Ho ca nthe party who had WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO HOY llywood Store, and neatly been responsible for the dres disguising himself in the fe sing of the Kid. and from tas minine attire, for the pur whom the following reS.
pose of discovering what port was secured: the members of the Mothers Union of St. Mark We had a somewhat late would be doing at Portete start from the Hall of the WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR last Monday, the 8th. ins Parish as a result of the tant, on the occasion of early rain; however, we artheir annual outing, our rived at Portete just when Scout Number One failed old man Sol graced the sadly. After keenly obser earth with his brilliant rays.
ving the visitor, one of the The day was wonderfully mothers exclaimed. The spent with the indulgence CINE MUNDIAL 30 hands are the hands of in a diversity of games and other pleasures. The Eats LIMON were abundant; Arroz con polio was the chief dish on the menu, while the drinks were drawn from seeming fathomless fountains. We HITLER TO COMMAND NEW FLEET headed by the battleship Tirshall long remember this Outing with much grati Growing out of his keen cleared of everything British pitze, along the west coast of Norway under the direct com tude to the Union Presid disappointment on being con as told him by his Admiratty mand of Admiral Doenitz, ent, Mrs. Evans, the fronted with an ever increas officials. Hitler is said to be who replaces Admiral Eric wife of our beloved Recling and more powerful Brit desirous of personally hand Reader. The majority of the tor. she concluded.
ish fleet and the conviction ling the German Navy thro older navy officials have also, that the Seas have not been ugh the medium of the recent it is said, been substituted by ly appointed Admiral Karl younger men more Doenitz and of waging a aggres sively disposed.
rapid and intensive maritime It is thought that Hitler offensive against the Allied VIOLENT STREET COMBATS IN PARIS will attempt this new offenPowers.
sive before the Allied nations French patriots are report patriots and the Nazis. In a wazi Dictator is said to be the invasion of the European With this end in view the can initiate their plans for ed to be actively and yio ent recent combat, che patriots ly defying the enemy over attacked a building in which organizing a powerful fleet, Continent.
lordship of France, Street the Germans resided, set fire Congratulations to Miss fighting in Paris and other to garages and business estab Ruby Mae Binns of Siquirres cities are of frequent occur lishements and killed twenty Call in at Dixon whenever you are in Limon from the Line who has successfully passed rence, we are informed, bet three Nazi officials.
all her examinations and has ween hundreds of French Towns or Coast. he expects you. Dixon Barber Shop been awarded a diploma West of the City Market.
from the Chicago School of Nursin. covering the prin ciples of Anatomy, PhysioJAPAN AVIATORS LOSING INTEREST logy, Materia Medica, GenIN FIGHT eral Procedures of Medical Obstretical, Gynecological and Surgical Nursing, with report eminating from gle in view of conditions special sections on Child authentic Far Eastern solkrecently ticed in China, Nursing, Dietritics, Firstces, declare that the Japa. Buma and India.
ATV If you are every particular Aid, Hygiene, Sanitation nese pilots are apparently The North American avia.
ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES and Nursing Ethics. giving up th caerial strugstors operating over China are said to be partically frce of If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at any real menace from Japan air force. Attacks launched by the enemy THE STANDARD against one of the air bases CAFE HOLNESS of the United States in the is certain to please you north e:st of India during the latter part of last month, is Corner 2nd Avenue and 7th Strees. NELSON and SON TAILORS stated to have produced insig directly in front the Football ground nificant results and that the 75 Yds. NORTH THE POST CFFICE IN FRONT Japs tock flight when chal Watch for the opening of this THE CITY MARKET lenged by the Allied fightEating and Refreshing Spot further report releaces the information that Allied Will be noted for Cleanliness and Confort, with a Bill planes effected nearly five AN EXCEEDINGLY ODD PROCEDURE hundred manoeuvering WILL BE NOTED FOR CLEANLINESS flights over China and India large majrity of the resi) they had erected their moAND COMFORT, WITH BILL BOARD OF during the month of Febru dents of Moin were seen indest dwellings and establishary and destroyed all enemy this city on Monday of the ed their cultivations.
Wholesome, Delicious, Appetizing Articles machine sencountered in the week in course. They had According to the compeir or a ttheir hangars with come, we were told, to seek laints lodged by the parties, out being offered any resis judicial, protection against the man has instituted a very tance.
the conduct of an alleged new odd way of dispossessing the owner of the lands on which tenants. He is said to have armed himself with a cutlass Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the bock and a rifle and defied the cul.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: tivators to enter their farms, Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This bill must be paid at our office before while he feeds himself sumptuously from the results of the 10th of the month their hard labours. It was de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request a do not stated by the aggrieved per: Le rogamos recordar estas cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which sors that for some reason or de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
the other the former owner of the lots, one Benjamin, had taken French Leave and the present dar gerous character who has taken the law in his own hands was an employee of his.


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