
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 13TH. 1943 we our THE LITTLE BULL DOG KEEPS OFF THE INDIVIDUAL SHORTS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS AND BUILDER It is pleasing to be able to ARCHITECT HUNGRY WOLVES THE ORIENTAL BARBE mention that Mrs. Doris Years of practical knowledge, SHOP Gray, a very zealous religious efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front forme When France fell in June and classes. High and low, worker and social enthusiast, my bighest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 1940, the Axis Powers no rich and poor, their state of who has been suffering from in wood turned out with gratiAvenue is the new parlou doubt looked aeross the Cha mind is represented by two impaired health, is now well xing results. Office and shop the only Oriental Barber mel and imagined they word Cth Avenue, North dogged confiden and has resumed her enerCHAS RODEN.
in this city. All sanitas would soon land in Ingland, ce. There is no panic, nogetic activities. As a member arrangements. Barber march on London and cap fear, no illusion. Everyone of the Limon Nº Brigade of THE RESETTER WITH IM years of practice in all cla ture it. How glad the Fas. is conscious of the fact we the Auziliary Red Cross, she PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art. cists and Nazis must have are in for a bad time, we was among those stationed, Mate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most been; how they must have may have to experience for emergency duties, at the located on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
honoured their chiefs, Mus many trials, we may have Stadium associated with the almost opposite Teatro Arras LIONEL MONDOLE solini and Hitler. With the to face many terrors and sa: Bull fights. during the rety. Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor.
object of breaking the spi crifices, but we will surely cent Civic Fiestas.
service. THOMAS PARCHMENT rit of the British people, Hit win through. general flair Specialist.
CABINET AND UNDEAT ler initiated his intense bom calm, composure and quiet Mr. Frank Pinnock of Rio ING SHOP. Specializes in bing campaign against Lon resolve permeate the whole Seco, who was in the Capital, WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND ing and repairing furniture don and other important ci populace. There is no defea: undergoing special medical ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of ties and districts in England, tism. The leisurely ineffecti treatment, has returned to chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stoc but it needed many more veness which characterized the family residence, and is a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Nee us before going elsewh bombs than he possessed to the last few years, and con said to be recuperating. It is carry an assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. St conquer the British Isles. tinued up to the defeats in our sincers wish that he spee Springs and other useful things entrance to Gamez Lun Like a little Bull Dog: dar Norway and the break dily regains his good health at all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY BECKFC ing the hungry wolves the through of the Maginot Li to enable his rejoining his fa North Fifth Avenue.
comparatively handful of me, have vanished.
Therether in the pursuit of his agri THOMPSON, Proprietor.
NEW HARLEM British planes drove wedis incomparably more ener BAR cultural interests.
ges into Goering squa gy being thrown into the English Tweeds Seras RESTAURANT. The Best dr prepared by drons.
Crawford preparations.
Mr. Brotherton.
can still be har at Grant, Genuine native and This is what the London With the axsistance ob very good citizen, is stated Reasonable Prices at eign liquors stocked Our Times has written in suptained from the remnants to be rapidly recovering from JACK ORANE Sucs.
ne service the most up to d: port of the stout hearted Br: of the navies of the defeat his delicate illness. He is now THE PEOPLE HOUSE CRAWFORD AND GRA tishers.
ed European Powers the Bri at his residence in this city, Limon Proprietors. We stand in great and tish Navy held command of where his numerous friends instant peril, but we have the Seven Seas until the and others have been extend stood in like peril before mion with the powerful ing him their genuine simpa After spending eight days wide dressmaking eng and have fought on to vic North American fleet. Since thies. We hope to see him under the influence of the ements.
tory. We are back in some then the enemies are in pe soon at the Universal Barber milder climate of the Capital, thing like the situation af ril everywhere.
Shop Miss Lorlaine Hilarion has The lure of foreign st ter the, battles of Austerlitz returned. It is understood seem to greatly influence and Jena, when a continent, Our popular citizen and her trip was of a two fold attract Miss Hesba McPh united under the military character. to widely regarded commercial accompany son, she effected, a few da domination of an autocrat, CAPT. LIBET THOMAS agent, Mr. Oscar McRae, has her younger sister who has ago, another flight for an confronted this Island. Con tinents have been modified been visiting the Old Line, gone to resume her educatio tended stay abroad. We kn VISITS LIMON San Jose and other points in nal career, as also to enjoy not her destination, but against us by the advent of Last week end Limon ex: the interior, in the interests a short vacation from her wish her an exceedingly ple otner hand, we possess not perienced the pleasure of a of his Principals, The Limon ing time and much succes other hand, we posses not visit by Captain Libet Tho Trading Company, during the only strong co operation of mas, the officer in charge of week in course. He is expect Kair of all kinds, class and qualities cut to the desired le with satisfaction to clients at Dixon Barber Shop We an empire man the Bananito Corps of the ed in the city this afternoon.
hood, but the promise of Salvation Army.
of the City Market.
full assistance from the boThe young officer, who is Our good friend and much undless resources of the Uni under the command of Major esteemed agriculturist of Rio ted States. In this Island, and Mrs. Lynch, recently Seco, Mr. David Pinnock, SASTRERIA MODERNA an immediate future of har gained her present rank from made a hurried business trip dship, desolation and loss is that of a Lieutenant. The to the Capital. He left us by NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS inescapable. When these ATLANTIC VOICE wishes the regular passenger train We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, have been endured, it is no her further achievement in on Wednesday last and return Elegant Fittings.
Jess certain Hitlerism will her labours in the Master ed the following day.
have met its Waterloo.
Next Door: La Miniatura and 20 yds. East While the hungry wolves Unidad Sanitaria raged, the little Bull Dog SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES kept defending and advancing, full cognizant of the NOTICE fact that behind him was the vast wealth of the Brit. Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos ish Empire.
HARVEST FESTIVAL BY ESTRADA ANGLICANS ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a No less encouraging are We had the very welcome hymns by the choristers wa these lines of Mr. Lloyd Ge. ROIG visit of the Rev. James very effective. The solos orge, one of England great Evars of the St. Mark Par Mesdames Blackwood, En est statesmen. The peo. BOX 523. Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 ish, who conducted a most im and Hamilton were enchant ple of this Island thoroughly SAN JOSE pressive Harvest Thanksgivingly rendered. The catest appreciate the gravity of Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos ing Service in the Anglican ist, Mr. Duncan assis the challenge. They know Church here at Estrada, ated in the conduct of the ser what it means and are und the hour of p. on Sun vice The Rector sermon wa er no misaprehension regar day the 28th. ultimo.
spiritually captivating. He e ding its implications. have The service was well attended his warm heartes inquired in many quarters LAST WEEK END VISITOR tended by members and frie thanks to all. The gifts wers and in many directions e.
ends, and was richly compen fairly plentiful.
garding the general attitude Mr Thomas Gordon, one of Mr. Gordon is much con sative for whatever may have Holy Communion was so of the people. have myself our widely regarded agricul: cerned regarding our Bananaſ been the sacrifices effected lemnized the following me talked to mer of all classes turists of the Cahuita district industry, and made particular by those in attendance, ing, the 1st instant, in different parts and have was among those whose last enquiry as to the possibility Mis. John Vose presided at which the Rector left on but one account to give of week end visits we greatly ap of farmers securing an early the organ. The rendering Local to visit other Miss the feeling among all ranks, preciated.
outlet for the enormous quan the various anthems and Stations.
tity of marketable fruit now An Observer.
going to waste. We were only PENSION AMERICA able to refer him to the report HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA recently released in connec tion with the announcement LIMON CITY Directamente frente a la estación del ferrocarril, Limón. that a new company might This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac.
COMPLETAMENTE RENOVADA start activities, in the near fu ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent LA PENSION MEJOR ATENDIDA DEL ALTLANTICO.
ture, under the protection of cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that Busque siempre un lugar que le ofrezca confianza the United States Government it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with absoluta, seriedad y eficiencia en el servicio.
for the purchase of our bana a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient PRECIOS DE SITUACION. NUEVA ADMINISTRACION nas on a basis free of special service at all times by its new Proprietor.
classifications. Our visitor ex pressed his anxiety for an ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS ESTER VALLE.
early maturity of the plan.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica HRTINTI


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