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black out recedes. Already there LONDON, March. The poolThere will be few mourners SUPPLIES Is the scent of Spring in the air. ing of all the resources of the cutside his own entourage. The In the Spring of the past United Nations has made great LONDON, March. Briti.
pleasure felt in Britain is enhanc three years Hitler has struck strides during the last twelve back room boys. who are resed by the knowledge that this, with all his force. Each was a months, but the public in geneLONDON, Mar. The effecti. ponsible for the design of munias Sir James Grigg said, was exerting veness of Britain blockade to tions, are constantly mighty blow Great military ral is not aware of how vast overwhelmingly our show. compress into successes came his way but not this movement has grown and cut off Germany overseas on themselves to the achievement of the Forces of the palm of final victory. Thanks to what extent is has been put supplies is admitted by the Gerevery ton of bombs the the British Commonwealth.
to Almighty agricultural we in this into execration in benefit of the man expert Dr. highly concentrated ingredien Mussolini lost any respect he Nieler in an article published by of the destructive power that may once have had in civilised island and our gallant allieseater war effort ot. the Democra the German agricultural journal modern science and human in countries when he launched his overseas, in friendly lands and peoples aligned in the Empire, were able totic Front. Berichte Ueber Die Landwir genuity can devise. Duncan in barbous assault upon Abyssinia, withstand the onslaughts.
At the time of Japan traitor tschaft. Before the war Ger dys, Joint Parliamentary Ser It was this perhaps that drove What of this Spring? For the ous attack on Pearl Harbour, man occupied Europe import tary to the Ministry of Supi him to seek congenial company first time since war began we production of war materials in ed two million tons of vegetable sail recently.
in the thieves kitchen the and marine oil virtually all can welcome Spring in the United States had by no Axis.
from overseas. Europe is now sa minds as well as in our bodies. means reached its full We must insure. he stride.
But his régime had an unhappy We know now that the iniciative During the first quarter of 1942, thrown back on its own resour that every sortie our airm record of brutality elsewhere. is with us, not with our enemies for instance, Britain was proces and has made desperate make and every bomb they dr it is more than doubtful if any Long and hard though the road ducing, in proportion to popula. attempts to make good the loss inflict on the enemy the abs part of his former empire would before us still may be, a victo. tion, nearly two and a quarter of its overseas supplies by the lute maximum of punishment record a majority vote for return rious ending is sure.
cultivation of oil seeds. But times the volume of army muto Fascist rule. An empire of and Every primrose despite the intensive cultivation violet nitions and twice the weight of of linseed, hemp, sunflower and review of the productive effit Mr. Sandys gave a heartenin domination and exploitation that flowers in Britain this combat aircraft as America.
bears within itself the seeds of Spring will herald eventual vic Production of highly specialis rape seeds. which are expensive iency of the Royal Ordnance fa its own decay.
tory. Only in Berlin and Rome ed arms and instruments was in labour demands, exhausting tories, particularly in sm Caesar is woefully deflated those citadels of tyranny, will almost confined to the United to the soil and trickly to grow arms and ammunition. In ti When will the Italian people get they betoken the approaching. Kingsom. To se arms ord tools. Dr. Nieler admits that the field, he said, the average munt rid of his disastrous rule?
British blockade doom.
therefore, were rushed to not German occupied Europe with per cent more rounds than still leavestion worker today is filling only the United States, but also ALL OUT to other members of the United a gap of million tons. The his predecessor in the firs SAYINGS only way by which this gap can World War. The significance Nations.
be shortened is, firstly, by this can be appreciated when AIR OFFENSIVE Hundreds of powerful antiattempting to break the blockade is realised that the aircraft guns were shipped to with shipments from the monthly The United Nations are strong vital areas. The latest radio East. However, the British Navy hundreds of millions, half Far output is measured in terms of LONDON, Mar. More than and they will march forward a million Germans have been from strength to strength until location instruments were sent, has proved itself more than a which goes to the Royal Air and experts accompanied them obliged to leave their homes unconditional surrender is ex with a view to instructing their match for the occasional block Forces.
the industrial regions of the torted from those who have laid ade runners, and the recent Reich as the result of the terri the world in havoc and in ruins science, in particular, Britain is by the British forces caused the Sandys said, has just complete new owners. In radio location sinking of one German tanker The Ministry of Supply, Mr fic air offensive launched by. The Prime Minister.
far ahead of any other nation, withdrawal of the the ar, the Gelnages margarine an examination of the but she shared her secrets fully vei caused to the Nasi war machine cannot tell where we are ration throughout the entire latest type of German aircra: with the other nations as during the last few Wels is going to hit the Axis, but can most valuable contribution Reich. The second way to re cannon the 151 ar greater than anything that has tell you that no matter where the general war effort.
to duce the fat gap, which is advo found it in almost every respe been accomplished the we strike on land we, the British cated by Dr. Nieler, is a fur inferior to the British Hispai past, according to the re and the Russians, will hit them seven great shell foraging plants dustrial fats If this economy, he lower and its shells are smalle In Great Britain there were ther economy in the use of in gun. Its muzzle velocity velations made Sir Arfrom the air heavily and relen turning out a particular type of chibald Sinclair in the House tlessly day in and day out with shell required by the says, is sufficiently drastic, the and less destructive. Yet its de of Commons Thursday last.
United tons and tons of explosives on gap of million tons may be sign is far more States. large part of the famous complicated These plants were the reduced by 100, 000 tons. which with the result that it probab their war factories and seaports most modern and best of their Krupp Works in Essen, one of President Roosevelt.
does not seem to go very far.
kind in the world and the fasttakes twice as many man hour the largest in the wild, was put out of action for a long ti ne to est, having a capacity of.
to produce. Mr. Sandys said. In any consideration of our NAZIS USE BOYS come, and submarine bases, hide 1, 000, 000 shells a month. So it economic future we must have outs and manufacturing plants was decided that the thing to in the Reich and occupied te regard to the conditions of our do would be to send these plants AS GUN CREWS VERSUS BOAT zritories bore the brant of the tions of their homes, their fam chines were taken out of the who have failed in their attempt people their health, the condito the United States. The maLONDON, Mar. The Nazis British bombers unceasing SUBMARINE ilies atheir security against attacks. bombers are also want. Sir Kingsley Wood, Within six weeks of the decision tions of Europe to make factories, packed and greased. to mobilise the adult popula.
participating in this great offen Chancellor of the Exchequer.
good sive and do their share in the being taken, the factories were their terrible manpower shortThe relative effectiveness of work of destruction wrought in Our whole aim in planning were on the high seas.
ble altre British submarines versus the stripped bare and the piants age in Germany, are now resort the Reich.
ing to the help of children. Com. boats can only by measured must be the development of the The whole principle behind Our such reciprocal pooling of mentators here point out that in terms of the targets.
reprimary concern must not be the fact that six German boys The targets for British subsources is summed up in this serving on an anti aircraft gun The set up a record for creater comfort, nor amenities, phrase: Where can this facto were killed reeently in one raia marines in the Mediterranea but responsible citizenship.
minelaying in November, 1942, The Archbishop of Canterbury. harm to the Axis? That alone which the Nazis have already 12, 331, 291 tons. In the 28 months ry, or this material, do the most alone indicates the length at the end of July, 1940, to with a total of more than a. thousand? Five hundred of these We are now fully alive to the other members of the and the desire to share all with gone in mobilising chaidrea for to the end of January of thi, were laid within one week.
United fact that our survival and our Nations, has made the pooling this connection it is significant war service in the Reich. In year, British submarines has Aircraft of Coastal Command sunk 1, 000, 000 tons that is, flew over 55, 000 miles to rescue Victory depend to a great extent of resources a great success.
upon the output of our scientists 73 passengers and crew of an and our research institutions and for a special type of gun which ing arrangements for children At another time, the call came now declared that they are makthat the Nazi authorities have 43 of their target.
Allied merchant vessel which Over another 28 months Sepwas torpedoed and sunk 500 utilise to the full that very high it was decided that it would be ricts in Belgium to come that everything must be done to was only made Britain. Again from unhealthy dangerous dist tember, 1939 to December, 1941)
miles out in the North Atlantic? degree of scientific intelligence best to ship the entire factory Germany for inclusive Britain and her Eu to 250, 000 women helpers in Red which, this country undoubtedly Allies presented the a period of six ropean Cross and St. John Central Hos possesses Sir Stafford Cripps, to the United States where, in months. boats with a target of.
pital Supply Service work par Minister of Aircraft Production with ample supplies of raw mafreedom from bombing and 30, 840, 000 tons. Adding the ties have made since war began British official figure for losses 2, 000, 000 garments and 538, 000 We say with Sir William Beterials and labour, the gun could the men to fly them. Both to June 30, 1940 (6, 103, 170 bandages and dressings?
veridge that if we can beat Hitbe turned out to the best advan warships and planes have been tons) gives a total of 8, 836. 974 British Red Cross Aid tage. The to ler we can beat mass unemploy shipped to the United States in ters of the United States. In gun factory was sent to protect the coastal wa tons that is, 28 of the targets Russia Fund now stands atment. Mr, Noel Baker, Par close on 2, 250, 000? Nearly liamentary Secretary, Ministry hundreds of packing cases and many parts of the worla, where By this calculation, British 3, 000 tons of supplies have been of War Transport.
was soon producing. Not many ver American soldiers, seamen, submarines are 50 more effec despatched to Russia.
months later, in a certain war and airmen fight, British muni tive than boats. Indeed, the In December, 1942. about area, the guns it was turning out tions, planes materials and food superiority is still greater, be1, 000, 000 people in Britain were 548, 000 compared with 1940? were helping to protect British are available. There is no bill cause the figures for Allied working on the production of Since systematie. attacks on and Empire troops from the The pooling of resources works losses including sinkings by Ger aircraft?
German communications in enemy.
both ways, it is completely reci.
Total trade union membership Western Europe began in Spring, Not only have arms and ma procal. Britain has given and man planes of American and in Great Britain and Northern 1942, one RAF. Fighter Group chines and ships to carry them is giving all she has 50. is the neutral ships, as well as a siIreland at the end of 1941 was aloneshasushotapmonea than 400 boenosfagarnished Sistb. Britainbliotta belnited States and strea nation 2eable margin of Germs wag ngono non DO YOU KNOW THAT person in his community.

    GermanyHitlerMussoliniNazismWorld War

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