
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE an We should all be hospitabls in this world. If possessed of knowle:ge, we should disseminaie it; it of beau ty, we should display it, and if musically disposed, we should utinize the gift for the conimon joy. They who Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 encircle their lovely gardens with high walls are not Year VIII LIMON, MARCH 20th. 1943 NO 366 worthy to look in the face of the flowers. Let them substitute their forbidding stones with open attractive rails. GOVT. TO EXPLOIT CINCHONA INDUSTRY IN COSTA RICA In keeping with the ac The contract covering the MESSENGER OF CHEER AND GOODWILL cords included in the Conti terms of the agreement was nental Defence Programme, executed on the 11th. ins The visit of the honourable Henry Agard Wallace, Vicethe Government of the Unitant by Mr. Robert Scot President of the great North American Republic to Costa ted States of America has ten, the American Minister Rica and other Latin American countries, is of paramount contracted to establish Cin res dent in San Jose, repre significance It would not be amiss to regard his presence as chona plantations in this senting the Defence Supply that of an official Messenger of Cheer and Goodwill at this country to exploit the Qui Corporation, an Agency of most eventful period of our national life.
nine industry.
the United States Govern Our hemisphere has evolved a system of inter relation ment, and don Mariano Mon ship which constitutes, perhaps, the highest achievement in fr. PAUL VAN ZEELAND tealegre, our Minister of Athe sphere of practical human understanding. This harmony griculture. The The ATLANTIC VOICE tenders a sincere welcome to covers a period of twenty concession has, recently, assumed a more effective character, is steadly increasing, and destined to permanently influence the po This distinguished visitor Monsieur Paul Van Zeeland, ex five years and gives the con licies of the Americas along democratic lines.
Premier of Belgium who now represents the Free Belgian tractors the right to estaThis continental co operation deals also with our econo.
before the Britsh Government and Allied Naſions in their mic activities and covers solutions for the elimination of struggle to regain their national rights and freedom.
blish plantations over national controversies. If fully understood and appreciated area of ten thousand acres.
this new system should be productive of very good results.
GENERAL RATIONING IN UNITED STATES As plantings will be ma It is, however, a vital necessity that the individual should de wherever lands appro contribute his share, in addition to the State, so the peasant OF AMERICA priate for the cultivation of may feel as secure as those in authority; and we think it is Washington advice an yet been stated, but the be ped attention will be directhe plant is found, is ho in this respect that the coming among us of the distinguished counces that the rationing lief exists that in so far as ted to the large tracts North American will effect the greatest good. We tender of him our most respectful and sincere welcome with the hope meat, butter, cheese, the meat is concerned. itlands lying fallow in this his tour of Goodwill will bear much fruit.
greases: oils and tinned fish ght be about two pounds Zone.
iad been ordered throug per person per week.
out the United States of It is expected that coffee, Amer ca and would be ef which is now being rationed CARDINAL HINSLEY DIES ective from the 1st of the after the rate of one pound Mrs. Chiang Kai Shek oming month or possibly per personeach six weeks After a somewhat brief Cardinal Arthur Hinsley, arlier. The rates after will be changed to the saGoodwill Tour ilness, from which it was a died at 20 a. last vhich the different articles me amount for five weeks.
will be rationed have The manifestations of friend few days ago reported he Thursday at his residence not!
ship among the United Nations had shewn some improve in Hertford. He had reached was the medium which moti ment. The Primate of the the adwanced age of 77 VIGILANCE NEEDED TO CURB PROFITEERING vated the trip of Mme. Chiang Catholic Church in England years.
Kai Shek of China to the UnitA number of newspaper arders.
ed States of America. Her voi SOME OF THE RECENT WAR ticles, bearing on price control Where, in the name of rea ce in the Senate in Wishington HAPPENINGS have recently engaged our at. son and justice, is the war con was that of an unconquerable tention. The official Bulletins nection which warrants the ailbave prescribed the sale prices sale of two green limes for fif China and she was heartily pecho en favor de su equi Linn, as well as the cheered as a true Messenger nera sir estar sabiendo las road to Sfax and other imor many articles with the ins teen cents or three under na from the Orient. This feminine il ness from which it was a portant enemy positions are ruction that purchasers should tured oranges for 25 cents. The orator is reported to have char receiving supplies from se bening severely battered, order the required articles and weight of Bread is also, se med her grand audience at the The Soviets are reported Allied air units are also pay for them in conformity emingly, more reduced than mass rally in Madison Garden, to have recaptured much said to have caused heavy vith the authorized prices that prescribed; and many of New York. She is also said to territory south of Kharkov damages to the Japanese po experience has disclosed that our children are being denied have greatly impressed Presi recently evacuated by them sitions in the area of Lae he ordinary purchase dare this essential item of food on dent Roosevelt and the press and to be pressing foward and Salamaua in New Guinot attempt this. for him it account of their parents representatives. As the Smolensk German nea. to either pay the trader guardians being unable to of the gallant General, who toward Smolensk.
Trice or leave the goods. Al provide the required quantity directs his country struggle In western Europe the nost every trader bosses his for a large family. How ridi: against Japanese aggi ssiveIn the Donetz valley the RAF continue the disastrous own show the way he feeis culous it ise that Pork should ness, she has made German advance had been bombing of German and Na a marvemd in keeping with the impor carry a price of 75 per Nous contribution in defence checked but violent Aighti zi occupied territories.
The United States naivy ance he places on each buyer pound when so many banana of her native land and fellow ing is in progress in the IIt has been stated by those cultivators are now engaged in nationals.
zum sector.
achieved further gains by whom we have no reason to pig rearing in order to utilize China has the company of It is expected that Stara the sinking of a Japanese loubt that some businessmen the large quantity of fruit Great Britain, the United Staya Rusa and Novgorod may destroyer, a transport and ind women have braggingly ex going to waste.
Only a few ltes, Russia, Fighting France, be captured by the Russians, two freighters as well as Sressed the opinion that this days ago we were assured the and the entire United Nations at any moment.
ser ously damaging other the time for them to effect re is no scarcity of butchers as comra ies in an ard will The Allied Air Forces ha cargo vessels.
success. It is therefore obvious pigs in this Zone eventually dispel Japan ve initated a general offen North American air units hat unless a vigilant camapign We urge that the price con dream for Asiatic dominance sive on the North African continue, we are told, their se placed in operation the purtrol be rigidly enforced, espebattle fronts, the aerodro attacks on the Japanese com chaser will ever remain at the cially with regard to items of Dr. and Mrs. Vindas mes of Gabes, the Mareth munication lines in Burma.
mercy of unscrupulous tra local production.
Off on Vacation Hair of all kinds, class and qualities cut to the desired sty le with satisfaction to clients at Dixon Barber Shop Accompanied by his high BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT ly respected wife and chilof the City Market.
dren, Dr. Sergio Vindas left our city Jast Monday to spend a much needed va cation in the milder clime of the interior. Though it is Win a Big Bag of Groceries. Domand your Ticket understood his absence will Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
be for a brief period, Limon will greatly miss his Red Beans, Ib. 30 Starch, lb. 45 ALMACEN distinguished professional Kerosene, bot. 60 Bosco, jar. 00 and other services and with Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot 50 which we asociate those con Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 nected with the City Vo Island Palm Soap 60 Ooals, Ib. 00 MATERIALES DE ZAPATERIA lunteer Fire Brigade, the Lard, lb. 80 Cond. Milk, large 50 Auxiliary Red Cross and the St. Mark Boy and Girl We offer you Courtesy Lower Prices and Fresh CALZADO Scouts.
Merchandise It is our fondest desire LA PROVEEDORA LIMON APARTADO 150 that oun widely regarded Medico and his appreciated LIMON family will enjoy their vaca tion.
01 wife toward West LA PROVEEDORA Avelino de la Peña Co. Sucs.
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