
Mr. Joseph Wheatley III IN UNFADING RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO MEMORY in San José EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, Mr. Joseph Wheatley, a much LIMON Our loving parents have changed their mortal state respected citizen, was, unforand left us with perpetual grief and sadness, When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come tunately, the victim of an atOUR DARLING MOTHER to the above named Restaurant. the service you have tack of paralysis which neceslong desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool sitated his entering the local SUSAN FREDRICK drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
hospital. Wich a view, howOPEN DAY AND NIGHT DIED MARCH 23rd. 1937 ever, of securing him further We buy Costa Rica Lottery OUR DEVOTED AND LOVING FATHER special medical care, Mr. JoOCTAVIUS THOMPSON seph Shan, a relative, has ef(Better known as Edwin)
fected his transfer to one ATHILL FREDRICK of Proprietor. Box 52 the sick institutions in San Jo DIED MARCH 13th. 1939 sé.
Mr. Wheatley is characteris We are pledged to follow their noble footprints tically, agreeable, amiable and IN THE REALM OF SPORTS So we may unite in that Beautiful Land.
highly religious, we wish him Norman Relton. Cynthia a complete recovery.
Experience bought is better the exercise beyond day light than Experience taugh is a wel time and so encroaching on Grandchildren known maxim, and we desi the other engagements of the re to apply it to certain cir Fans that many would leave SUNDAY SCHOOL cumstances connected with the around much in advance our Football League Fixtures.
AYNIVERSARY GOOD CITIZEN GOES TO HER LONG REST of the completion of play to As these fixtures had a late their great dissapointment.
Pursuing his activities among funeral scene was very colcur start, our rainy season has Violations have also been not the occupants of humanity ful and included the Military Salvation Army will celebrate to be contested under abnor their team mates had commen The young people of the caused many of the matches ed by players arriving after garden, the Grim Reaper has Band playing the burial dirge their Sunday School Anniver mal conditions. Players wculd ced play and forced to cover sickled a well known citizen from the house of mourning sary tomorrow, Sunday 21st.
of pioneering status Mrs. Mal to the cemetery. The burial The presentation of the prizes ping pell mell instead of dis cal strain.
on occasions be observed jum their places with much physi tilda Hazel Aiken, widow of ceremony was performed by will be effected on the follow playing their well known tech the iate Mr. Northan Uriah Ai cne of the leaders of the Crecl wing evening. All the exerci nique and knowledge of the Having paid dearly for the ken, and mother of Mr. Ivan with which the deceased was ses will he held in the local exercise.
ho Aiken of our Military Band, affiliated.
Much negligence Board of Directors will profit se experiences, it is hoped the Hall, and a cordial invitation was also noticed Mrs. Leona Jackson and Mr. In addition to her sons and has been issued to the general the prompt starting of many the ills. We are looking forregarding thereby and seek to remedy Vidal Aiken.
daughter, she is survived by a public by Major and Mrs.
Mrs. Aiken was a native of sister, Mrs. Majorie Louis of Lynch.
of the games which carrie ward to an early inauguration the parish of Hanover in the Kingston, Jamaica. This Weof the 1943 tournament and island of Jamaica, whence she kly extends its condolence to ON VACATION ABROAD ON TRIP TO THE the appearance of many new migrated to this country in all the sorrowing ones.
the flower of her youth. The!
Our very congenial citizen, Miss Doris Legister, took an CAPITAL serial trip, e week. 10 enAmong the passengers who joy a vacation abroad. She will took the regular train for San Their Second Marriage MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY be greatly missed by a large Sose on Monday of the week in circle of our citizenry May she course were Mr. Stanley Dixon Anniversary have enjoyable time.
and his mother.
Mr. Dixon is the Manager Tuesday last, the 16th. insTWO MARES IN FOAL. GOOD PEDIGREE STOCK of the Pathfinders Sport Club tant, was, we have no doubt, RECUPERATING and proprietor of the Dixon a day of happy retrospection For sale, or exchange for Barber Shop. His mother is for Mr. and Mrs. FitzA WORKING MULE IN GOOD CONDITION It delights us to be able to suffering from impaired sight bert Barrett, our widely remention that Mr. Sigismund and has been taken by her son garded citizens as it registered Apply JOSEPH SHAN, Liverpool, Zent Line Collins, a member of the No. for special treatment in the the second anniversary of that Limon Brigade of the Auxili Capital. We wish her the very memorable event when they ary Red Cross is splendidly re best results.
were joined in the bond of holy cuperating from his illness and It is understood Mr. Dixon wedlock.
will soon the able to once more will attend to certain matters The ATLANTIC VOICE GUERRILLA WARRIORS ACTIVE IN FRANCE cater to his numerous patrons connected with Sports with wishes them many more years guerrilla army of mo. nationals into surrendering: at the famous house of Jack the view of rejuvenating the of their remarkable marriage re than 000 men have en but reports from various Flag Stop.
life of Basketball life trenched themselves in the sources indicate they mountainous district of Sa receiving supplied from seoy and defy the Vichy veral villages and neighbouring towns. It is generalind Nazi ultimatums to ly thought that the fight rrender.
will assume far reaching In addition to French mo proportions in the next few torized police, the Nazis a days.
e said to be despatching rong contingents of Ger. To Aid Our Community un and Italian troops with heavy field guns to drive Welfare the warriors from their poWe very much appreciate PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR sitions. It is however unders the presence of Mrs. Holness sod that the men are being of Bananito, who comes to aid upplied with arms and ot our community welfare. She er necessary material by is perfecting plans for the inaumits of the Royal Air Forguration of her business vene and are being comman ture which, as announced elsby experienced officers ewhere in this issue. will be the French Alpine Regi known as Cafe Holness, and ent. The Vichy authori located directly in front of our cies expect they will be a football ground. We wish her le to starve the rebellious every success.
are LIMON TRADING COMPANY RUBBER Your Boy needs a Hair out send him away this minute to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
COCOA COCOANUTS COPRA FOR SALE REMEMBER very strong leather suit case of large size. Suit able for a real travelling trunk. In good second hand condition. Cost 200. 00 new. selling at a sacrifice. great bargain.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Apply Doña Rosa directly in front the establishment of de la Peña Cº Suc. Limon.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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