
Rubber Reserve Co.
The STANDARD (Condensed from the American News Letter)
The Test of Battle against vaged from Rommel race the Axis armies continues. across the western desert, whi There are days of trial ahead, le other fresh material came THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND both for the army of the Uni from Europe to help the Na ted States and the nation. zis hold up tre Alied WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO camSecretary of War Stimson paign. From the repair base, has warned that the outlook Rommel pushed a strong panindicates heavy encounters. zer force through thinly held that set backs and casualties Allied forward lines, through must beexpected, that we can Kasserimpass and down a wi not expect an easy victory. de valley to the west, over ba We have had grim tales of re hills dotted by single storied WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR shipping losses of more white Arab huts; they reached than eight hundred men dead almost to the out skirts of in the North Atlantic in two the Allied base at Thola when torpedo sinkings; of scores of they were hurled back зу bodies afloat in a wintry sea smashing infantry, artilery an dother scores frozen at the and aerial counter attacks.
CINE MUNDIAL oors of lifeboats. However, The Allied armies lost heavily despite the tragedies and di in the early days of Rommel LIMON sappointments the war pictu cdvarce, but quickly reformre, as a whole, brightens. The ing their ranks they sent the re have been fewer submarine German much prized arsinkings of United States moured division in retreat.
ships, troop movements. British and United States The flow of citizen soldiers MORE NAZI CRUELTY suit of being denied the use abroad continue in full tide, troops recaptured lost territo into the North American arof spectacles during a someproduction has quickened, thery and continued their offensimy has reached new proporwhat lengthened period whi armies grow bigger, stronger ve.
tions. Some 12, 000 men were Dr. Kurt von and more experienced. Gains In Europe, the Germans ha being taken into the army eve igg, Schuschn le imprisoned in the GestaVienin the Pacific were being con ve tried to press more strength ry day. Every week, seven full Austria, who opposed the ex Chancellor of po headquarters in the na.
solidated, and air fleets were from the conquered peoples. divisions of men were being absorption of his country His son has been forced, gradually spreading a protec Goebbels urged his nationals placed in uniforms. Tremenby Hitler, is stated to tive umbrella over the Atlan to a total effort to provide cous behind. the front tasks slowly getting blind as a re Hitler Youth movement.
be it is also said, to join the tic. The Russian blows have Hitler with reserves to enable were being accomplished at shakened the enemy while his resuming the offensive ir many places; in Washington Callin at Dixon whenever you are in Limon from the Line growing Allied air power had the coming Spring and Sum some 400 tons of maps had Towns or Coast. he expects you. Dixon Barber Shop shifted the military balance. mer. Hitler warned the conti been printed and sent to the West of the City Market.
The German and Italian airnent we shall not scruple troops to co ordinate assautts forces which once pounded about foreign lives. even as yet to be made on Axis strong Allied ports, day after day, we the rate of deaths from starva holds. navy yard went into re now hard pressed to ce tion in looted Athens rose to assembly line production of fend their own shores. Allied two hundred daily.
tank landing invasion vessels.
ottacks on German submarine and naval bases were unrelent ing. During a three month pe NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA riod twenty four Axis ports in If you are every particular the Mediterranean were battered in more than 250 raids. The best assortment of first class lumber ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES On the sponge quays, of the Laurel and Cedar medieval Tunisian port of If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at Sfax, German mechanics, earAdministrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour ly in February, unloaded tank THE STANDARD engines and spare parts. Dur Saw Mill in Siquirres. We buy Logs ing the following few weeks is cetain to please you they rushed the recondition: Death of Internation ally known Financier NELSON and SON TAILORS The death of John Pierpont Morgan, the 75 year75 Yds. NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT old member of the famous THE CITY MARKET CAFE HOLNESS banking firm of Morgan y is reported to have ta.
ken place last Saturday as Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street the result of a cardiac at SIQUIRRES FOOTERS WHIP CITY BOYS directly in front the Football Ground.
The deceased, who was Responding to an invita by a score of two goals a.
the youngest member of the tion from the Siquirres Sport gainst one.
This New Eating and Refreshing Spot firm, was considered one of Club, a mixed team of plathe richest We do not beg the inthe yers, sponsored by the Gim in of nastica of this city, left he sue. but on a survey is now at the Public Service world.
relast Saturday morning. our battery it is obvious we During the last world The engagement was effec had a mediocre representamiglior COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD war he organized a syndi ted during the afternoon of tion Gimnastica cate of twenty. two ban the same day and bas been enter forward, Cassasola; AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREkers who loaned five hun characterized as an exerci the forceful left inside, Esdred million dollars to En se charged with agility. quivel; Abel Amador and ME ON OUR BILLBOARD mland and France, and bet lerttness and prowees Both several others of note, were ween the years 1917 and teams were heartily applau unable to effect the trip.
1926 his own firm loaned ded at opportune moments. The social features of the the Allied nations two bil However, in the final analy visit were, we are assured, lion dollars.
sis, Siquirres won the match highly relished by all. The dance in honour of the visi tors was a chaiming SV Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the bock cess.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before RECENT DEATH Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Among the persons who died, Be so good as to comply with this request a do not recently in the Juan le Dios Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which Hospital, San Jose, was de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Andres Talavera Sevilla Guacimo at the age of 50 yeas He was a native of the Ren blic of Nicaragua; he enter the institution of the 22nd. De cember last year al died on the 6th of the present month men COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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