p. 12


PAGE 12 SATURDAY, March 20th. 1943.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN was ARMY BRITAIN THE GREAT DAY OF THE WHEN COMPASS THE VIITH ARMY SPEAKING FOR OUR GUEST LUFTWAFFE MISBEHAVES STEAMS ACROSS AFRICA BELIEFS New York, Mar. Berlin re The compass in a bomber piLEND LEASE FROM BRITAIN ceived its heaviest load of Brit lot cockpit sometimes leads to We in these islands belier TO AMERICA, or in British of ish bombs on the day that Ger a detailed investigation. When CAIRO, March (Delayed). in Democracy.
ficial terminology, reciprocal many was celebrating the tenth adjustments are made. swing Lieutenant General Sir Wilfred Democracy is a way of lif aid, hits no headlines in the anniversary of the founding of ing the compass it is called Gordon Lindsell, the man who and not only a system of ge British press. It does not come of Berlin was turned into a bonthe Luftwaffe. The whole center mysterious, deviations may be was responsible for keeping the vernment. We have to live at a up for debate in Parliament: fire such as no German had ever noticed, and the cause must be British 8th. Army supplied with well as to fight for it.
there is no single organizatiot imagined on German soil. Per tracked down.
evertything from food, water It means a share in the ge responsible for its administra haps there were some Berliners The aircraft is turned slowly and ammunition to razor blades verment of our land, not onl tion. But all day, and every day who remembered Hermann Go round to the magnetic north, and and toothpaste during its re at general elections, but throug America is benefiting by reciering promise that no enemy the compass checked. If the cord breaking 1, 500 mile advan each man part in the day procal aid, just as Britain is bombs would ever be dropped needle, or pointer, refuses to stay ce across Africa, told today how day forming of public opinior constantly indebted to the Unit on the Fatherland.
where it should an inquiry by it was done.
It embraces the whole life of th ed States. For Britain has taken The Luftwaffe was Hitler experts is opened. It was all a problem in logis community in industry and it for granted that the United secret weapon, with which he States fighting forces in her came within an ace of doing it.
meant to conquer the world. He One navigation officer, who tics, said Lindsell, who had art and science and religion an having cross examined every carefully worked the problem education, in national and islands shall be there as her No such potent weapon had ever witness about possibly hidden out on paper last autumn while local affairs.
guests with ready access to all been forged before. Its use aga pieces of metal, and crawled the Army was occupied in rou Democracy means duties and that Britain can supply to them. inst defenseless neighbors was about the aircraft on hands and tine patrolling on the Alamein not only rights. It means liyin BASES READY MADE. The planned with the meticulous knees remarked Well, all can front.
with a genuine concern for to United States soldier or airman, care of German science and the think of is that it caused by Lindsell is in charge of the common welfare and rising ab who has probably made the voy perverted hatred of Nazi cultu the magnetic personality of the Middel East Q, or adminis ve merely selfish and partisi age across the Atlantic on a re. It worked with pitiless pre pilot.
tration branch, and in desert interests. It means that we ci British troopship, arrives at a cision in Poland, Norway, HoThe explanation is usually warfare that is one of the most ticise with a sense of respon ready made base. Many depots land, Belgium and France. In much simpler than that. knife important branches. He explai bilty and that we despise a: German eyes there and airfields formerly used by hurry about turning it against may be found tucked down the ned the fine points of logistics man wh would try to explc British forces have been handed England, for the result was cerflying boot of one of the men to war correspondents assem a national need for private ga over to the Americans equipped tain. Yet against all reason, all standing near. metal stud bled at general headquarters. In war Democracy can mol down to the last light hub and calculation, when the storm did which had become lodged in The ordinary requirements lise the vast resources of a gre blanket, while others have been break at last over England the the heel of a pilot boot has of a modern motorized division people to overthrow a monstro constructed in record time by Luftwaffe faltered and failed. been known to affect the com are 400 tons every day, Lindsell threat to mankind.
In pea Eritish labour paid by the Bri When the signed wings turned pass.
tish Government.
revealed. He added that in the time we can use it, if we homeward Germany had lost desert another 120 tons had to to promote in every increas the war.
Hours of investigation into be added for water.
measure the well being, digni Two of the largest depots in One may say today that the the strange behavior of a com 2, 000 RUBBER TIRES DAY and happiness of the commo the world have been handed over Luftwaffe has turned in Hitler pass in a Halifax ended when He then painted a vivid pic man, who is Britain.
in this way one specially cons hand, for it was the Luftwaffe the pilot discovered that a circle ture of how ships, trucks, raitructed and the other relinquis that brought the great attacking of wire, used as stiffening in the way cars and pipelines had been GERMAN AIR DEFENCES hed by the British Ministry of fleets into being. Never again inside of his hat, was the cause mobilized to deliver this tonnage Aircraft Production The cost will the Luftwaffe master the of the trouble. When he went daily to General Sir Bernard of construction of the Army skies at it did in 1940.
From near the compass he got a bad Montgomery in the desert.
The Germans have built for Camps alone, and reprovision America, from Britain and Rus reading, untill in desperation he There are 720, 000 motor midable defences against Allied for the British troops displaced, sia the avenging planes are ga lung off his hat, and then found wheels going around in the Mid air attacks. They have anti adthering the German is already running into many night into day and the day into that the compass sensitiveness dle East. he said, and to keep craft guns that reach with re: millions of pounds sterling, night. The bonfires of Berlin are was no longer offended.
them going around we have to markable accuracy the 20. 00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR only the sparks of conflaLightning encountered during issue 2, 000 rubber tires daily. and 30, 000 feet altitude fro.
All British maintenance and recration which will sweep the The general went on reeling which British night bomberg over targets pair facilities are at the disposal Reich. If it had not been for the may magnetise the aircraft. The off statistics a rather unusual make their runs of the United States forces, and Luftwaffe these fires might ne compass must be swung every event in war time when most and even the 30, 000 to 35, 000 ver have been lit.
feet from which American day.
Britain pays the bill. The Admonth, as an aircraft, at its dis people talk in generalities.
miralty makes available to Unittheir bombs.
Describing the elaborate pre time fliers drop persal points, graduall becomes ed States ships in British naval magnetised.
parations made before the battle German fighter planes, cautious bases in the United Kingdom HOSPITALS and DRUGS: To sabegan, Lindsell said. because of the defensive power and overseas precisely the same ve thousands of tons of shipping We were delivering 4, 000 tons of the bombers, harry the at as they make facilities as those given to Brit space the American military 11, 000, 000 SLAVES IN daily by road and rail to dumps tacking planes behind. their to and from the necessary repairs. It meets all Kingdom has been built up on GERMANY NOW had to build up a reserve of se targets.
ven days for the divisions of the There are losse. The heavy harbour and stevedoring expen reciprocal aid. It provides fully striking force. We also operations of February are estises for United States naval ves furnished premises with dispenmade thorough preparationsmated to have cost the Allies sels, including transports, tan saries stocked with drugs and German official circles kers and supply ships, in the medicaments specified by the nounced some months ago that for repairing the railway, 171 planes, twenty of them Ame.
United Kingdom United States Army medical au the number of foreigners slaving pipeline and telephone wires, rican. They are losses that must thorities, and operating theatres million during the previous auin Germany for Hitler was six and for landing supplies on bea be paid in weakening Nazi deches lighters.
The Ministry of Aircraft Pro equipped with the most up to tumn. Recently that number in. thing possible to demolish fenses for the invasion to come The enemy had done every. But they are small when comduction has handed over to the date surgical and ray appara creased tremendously. According the United States Army Air Corps ius: The construction and admi to Dr. Walter Gross, the Chief railway. Between Alamein and pared with the ever growing rea large depot comprising exten nistration of the hospital build of the Office for Racial Politics, Capuzzo he had blown it up in servoir of Allied air strength.
sive repair shops, storage space, ings alone cost 15, 000, 000.
there are now 11 million foreign over 200 places.
The Yet twentyhangars and airfields, for use in FOOD, FUEL AND LIGHT: An workers in Germany. Stockholm eight days after the offensive air forces is a military secret receiving American aircraft on heat and light consumed by the newspapers report that Dr. Gross started we were running trains but from public statements mi arrival in this country and for American forces in the United made this statement in an inter. as far as Capuzzo and delivered de by various officials some his re view for Ostdeutscher Beobach. 133, 000 tons of supplies at sta can be gleaned. America carrying out repairs which can Kingdom is chalked up to extions along the way.
pects to have an air force of not be effected in the field. Buil ciprocal aid. Basic food rations ter.
BENGAZI QUICKLY dings provide 1, 500, 000 square such as frozen and canned meat 2, 450, 000 men armed with at REPAIRED feet of floor space, and upward and fish come from the United least 21, 000 planes by the end From Tobruk to Agheila we of 1943. American plane produc of 5, 000 experienced personnel States, but Great Britain is pro at a number of courses organ had to base our planning on send tion, according to a report las are employed viding them with large quanti ized by the ing everything by rail to Ca week from Under Secretary ties of foods These included officers have been fully trained puzzo or by sea to Tobruk, and War Robert Patterson, hit 5, 50 EQUIPMENT AT HAND. The between June and December, in radiolocation in Britain. then forward it by lorry. Derna in February, a rate that means United States forces have access 1942, more than 100, 000, 000 lbs.
was not much use to us, so Ben 66, 000 planes of all types and to all available British supplies flour, 40. 000. 000 lbs. potatoes. ALL SECRETS SHARED No gasi was the next port to think in the United Kingdom. few 51, 000, 000 lbs. fruits, vegeta money computations can bout.
42, 900 combat planes a year.
assess of the items from the long list bles, marmalades and jams. the value of Britain most pri The air force had been bomb. These figures may be conservaof equipment provided by reci LEARNING TOGETHER. While celess wartime asset experien ing the place and the Germans tive, since British sources have procal aid are: 1, 500 autmobiles, the fighting forces of the British ce gained in battle, and the had demolished it, and must estimated that America will pro13. 000 bicycles, anti aircraft and African allies are largely scientific progress that war has Yet by Dec. 31, we had unload Britain 35, 000.
admit it was is pretty bad shape. duce 100. 000 planes in 1943 and equipment, radiolocation equip trained separately, men from the bastened on. All this has been ed as many as 3, 000 tons in ment, 100, 000 miles of cable and United States may take under rut at the disposal of the United Bengasi in one day.
many thousands of telegraph reciproal aid many courses in States. The secret of radiolocapoles, 1, 000 parachutes, 300, 000 Britain. Roval Naval instruction has beed shared. America General Lindsell said supply he has already got army bakecamouflage nets, 15, 000 bombs tional facilities are open to of has been told of all new deve ing the army with food was ries, butcher shops, barber shops from 250 lb. incendiaries to ficers and ratings of the United lopments in bombs and explosi pretty easy. Gasoline was a bit and clothing stores doing busiharder and water was blockbusters a real ness in Tripoli.
ton 70. 000 States Navy. United States Ar ves. The United States He promised rounds six inch shells, 500, 000 my Air Force personnel are re has benefited by three of Brit mixers and bulldozers were the supplying the 8th. Army adeCranes, concrete that the would be able to keep hand grenades, and 20, 000 100 ceiving instruction side by side ish research in anti submarine toughest jobs.
quately as far as Tunis it nelb. reels to barbed wire. with Royal Air Force personnel. warfare.
The general also revealed that cessary.
a anNavy nightmare.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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