
Rubber Reserve Co.
The North American and Aus of Kai, to the west of Australian air units last Wednes tralia, and the northern secday attacked the Japanesetion of the Salomon Islands THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND positions between the Island orchipelago. The most violent WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO of the attacks was directed against the enemy base at LIMON TENDERS Mubo in New Guinea, where 30, 000 projectiles were launch ITS THANKS ed causing serious damage ta It was certainly a splenbuildings, munition deposits, did act on the part of those and killing many persons.
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR who sponsored the special RAF and Allied units continue On the European front, train which operated from this city to San José to inflict the and most serious back on Thursday the 18th. damage to enemy bases and instant, and thereby made their war industry, special at it possible for Limon to con tention being paid to south CINE Italy and Sicily.
MUNDIAL tribute its overwhelming nu merical reExtensive damage is representation at the magnificent reception ported to have been effected LIMON extended the Honourable in Bologne last Thursday, Henry Wallace, vice Pre On the 18th instant Chisident of the United States nese troops bombed an armof America.
ed Japanese train near Koif.
great GRAND RECEPTION TENDERED COSTA RICA SIA JOB WELL DONE throng was a tangible evi ing in Honan province, the dence of our deepseated joy killed and injured totalled BASEBALLERS BY SAN SALVADOR To the bystanders it no for the visit of the distinmore than 200. The New Daily of San went down to defeat with a mount of pleasure, but further raid on the Japs doubt provided a certain a guished North American, naval base at Rabaul in New Salvador furnished the follo margin of one run; the score don Noe Alvarado, Captain says thanks to those whose to and the ATLANTIC VOICE Britain is stated to have prowing account on the arrival being ten to nine. In the fi of the Volunteer Fire Bri efforts made the attendanduced disastrous conflagraof the Costarrican Baseball ntal engagement, our side ers in that city.
tions and enormous damage.
gade, it seemingly was much ce possible, as also to the citook the honours, having labour to be personally pa tizenes who composed the Other five enemy bases sufThanks to the courtesy of gained five points to three inting the fire hydrants in representation.
fered heavily.
the Director of General by the Salvadoranians. Li this city. It was, however, ob Physic Education, we mon two players earned vious that the motive which were able, on th 2nd, inst: great distinction. San Sall actuated the Captain in him ant, to salute, in the name vador referred to Cope as self handling the job trans of Diario Nuevo. the Cos the magnetic Short Sarridan Baseball Delegat Cope also earned three ho Stop. formed the work into one of CAFE HOLNESS ion who were invited by me runs and George Babb pleasure.
our Sports Authorities for two. Don Cueto, who The renovation of these various engagements was hydrants will, apart with the recipient of two hom departmental purposes, re.
from Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street our Salvadoranian Nine. ers, is said to have been demedy the ill effects resuldirectly in front the Football Ground.
Among the distinguished nied the opportunity of tant from the falls many per personages who greeted the playing his great batting Costarricants, Diario Nue prowess, the home witchers account of their obscurity.
sons have encountered ón This New Eating and Refreshing Spot vo saw General Cristino Ga preferring, obviously, ray, Minister of National grant him free first base at lliant red paint they their coats of briis now at the Public Service Defence; the Secretary are of his turn at the bat rather Public Instruction; Jose than taking any chance.
Mford, in addition a medium now clearly seen and afA. Orantes, Chief of Sports; sis and Zamora each earned COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD don Hector Zaldivar, as a home run.
of attraction.
well as don Esteban Ulloa AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREMorazan and don Alfonso Lopez, employees of the ME ON OUR BILLBOARD General Directory of Physic PASE LA FAMA Education; the President of the Independence Club, don FRENTE UNIDAD SANITARIA Juan Dada, and other distinguished sports enthu(Limón)
IMPORTANT EDUCATIONAL PROJECT UNDER After the Customs and VEA DISCUSSION Immigration requirements terminated, there came eviLAS CARIOCAS dence, of warm fraternity, The ATLANTIC VOICE those of our citizens who learns that the upper Edu provide for their among the visitors and our young citizens.
DE 9. 50 cational Functionaries, here, ones, while pursuing their. The Costarrican Delegaand in San José, are giving higher studies in the Capition, under the manageSOLO ESTE MES eainest consideration to a tal or other interior points ment of Sr. don Ernesto great project that of es would be greatly lowered, Quiros of the Bank of CosROGELIA TASIES tablishing a High School in while the presence of the ta Rica in San Jose, consisthis city which will be ope institution would act as a ted of Roberto Cueto, the rated on lineš quite distinct stimulus for greater educa Coach and Field ManaQUOTATIONS OF INTEREST from those in process in the tional efforts on the part of ger; the left hand hurler, institutions in the Capital, a large number of our de Orlando Sandoval: Guiller German morale, both civil Real farmers, real workers, and other interior towns. serving scholars.
mo Fournier: Rafael Angel and military, is uncoubtedlyseal businessmen and the wo The realization of such This is a joyous announAguilar; Manuel Zamora, declining, but the very fear men of America, are willing a higher educational system cement, and if realized will Mguel Palomo. Rafael Fer of defeat increases the det to give everything they have in this center would be a be an outstanding monunandez; Joaquín Masis: mination of fighting to the if need be, in this fight for right and gladsome move. ment to its founders. Neutral Ob freedom.
Gmo. Sotomayor; George bitter end.
Vice President The heavy burden borne by Babb and Felix Cope: the server, Wallace.
last two were the Limon representatives. The tourna Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back ment spread over four enga de su recibo que dice: receip! which reads: gements and resulted as foThis bill must be paid at our office before llows.
Este recibo debe pagarse est la oficina dentro the 10th of the month The first was a victory de los primeros 10 días de cada mes for Costa Rica being nine ro runs against three by the Le rogamos recordar ésta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which home team, San Salvador de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
won the second, with seven runs against six. The great est sensation surrounded we understand, the third en 2uonter, when Costa Rica to With Be out not COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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