
We are told that the Scotch The American Smeltir Busque siempre un lugar que le ofrezca confianza Lily Lodge of the Independent Refining Company is absoluta, seriedad y eficiencia en el servicio.
United Order of Scottish Me Fábrica de Hielo y ed to have acquired PRECIOS DE SITUACION. NUEVA ADMINISTRACION chanics has been in receipt per cent interest in of a very sympathetic letter Refrescos kel Mnes located at ESTER VALLE.
from the Grand Lodge of Scot in the Republic of Bra.
land, in regard to the passing Mines are owned by of the Lodge Secretary, Mrs. Limón capitalists.
Isabella Thorpe GLEANINGS FROM MATINA The Grand Secretary letSeveral thousand worker ter reads in part: It is FLORIDA ICE AND of the Krupp factories in Es The Baptist Church at ration of the Limon Church with regret that learn from sen have been removed Matina was blessed with who presented a splendid your letter of November Skoda in Schecoeslovakia as soul captivating services on entertainment. The rendi the 11th. last year of the pas FARM CO means of their escaping th Saturday and Sunday the tions were very effective sing of the Lodge Secretary, effects of Allied air raids. Se 13th. and 14th, instant. The and went far beyond our ex Mrs. Isabella Thorpe, on 2nd. LA FLORIDA veral parts of Essen have bee sacred edifice was more pectations. Among those October, 1942.
of the raids between the 5th MADERAS than capacity filled on who contributed were Mes On behalf of my Executive deprived of gas as the resu each occasion.
dames Bowerbank, wish to convey to your FABRICA DE HIELO and 12th. instant.
Baptism took place at the McKenzie, Spence, Lodge, our deepost sympathy Matina River on the Sunday Ricketts, Gardner, at the bereavement of one call in at Dixon whenever you are in Limon from the Lin morning, when seven candi Reid, Fairclough, whose interest, integrity an Towns or Coast. he expects you. Dixon Barber Shop dates were immerged. The McRae, DaCosta, Mc Zeal in the past, was so much West of the City Market.
Harvest Fesaval program Farlane, Williams, appreciated by us in this part me at p. the same McDonald, Henry and of the Hemisphere. Please day was rather impressive. the Misses Allen and accept and convey to the relaThe gifts were numerous Gourzong Mrs. McRae and tives of the deceased, our MARVELLOUS OPPORTUNITY and of great variety. All Miss Allen presided, alter sincere sympathy in this sad the services were conducted nately, at the organ. Prior bereavement.
by the Rev. Forde, Pas to their departure for home, TWO MARES IN FOAL GOOD PEDIGREE STOCK tor of the Church. In his the Company expressed Sunday night discourse, he their high appreciation for For sale, or exchange for thanked all for their full co the warm treatment accor GLADENED ON HER operation one which he ded them, and intimated a WORKING MULE IN GOOD CONDITION said was a mark of new desire to return as early as BIRTH ANNIVERSARY hope, solace and consola may be consistent. Matina Apply JOSEPH SHAN, Liverpool, Zent Line tion.
owes them a great debt of The gladness of a birth On the following Mon gratitude for their visit and anniversary was, a few days day evening our township programme.
ago, showered on little Va ANNIVERSARY was invaded by the YOUNG PEOPLE memronica Messam, the attracti bers of the Women Fede Special Correspondent. ve daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Messam. of this city.
Combined with the pre in attendance. Mrs. Lync GAMEZ LUMBER YARD The gladsome event was atsentation of Prizes, the an efficiently presided over th the family residence, where niversary of the Sunday tasteful programme of the lo citations, and songs rende 4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops numerous tots assembled School allied with homage of the honoured cal Salvation Army, was am red by the scholars of th FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE one Several adults also gra ply celebrated on the eve Sunday School, the Compa Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to ced the occasion and added ning of the 22nd, instant. ny Guards and the Youn their cheer. During the ten From both entertaining and People Singing Company GAME LUMBER YARD dering of rich felicitations instructive view points, the The Misses Evans and splendid very delicious refreshments function was very enhan Hunter recited We never have a dissatisfied Customer languag were served. The presents cing. large audience was in the Spanish Classic selections were coi PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET were of a choice variety.
tributed by Army The youngsters thoroughly JOSE ACHION Ng. Band.
enjoyed themselves by trip The recitations, on th ping to the tuneful melodies Comerciante detallista Mr. RALPH WHITE GAVE LIFE FOR CAUSE OF of the radio, as well as enga Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, dard, especially that by Ca whole, were of a high sta ging in other delightful div. Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc det LeRoy MoFafane er DEMOCRACY ersions.
tricos; todo se encuentra en. The very sad news titled How goes the Mc has ded in the great North AVeronica We wish Miss este establecimiento.
reached our widely regar merican Republic for a long very ney as also the dialogu many more happy The Young People Ani ded citizen, Mr.
Geor number of years, where, it birth anniversaries.
PRECIOS DE SITJACION versary. by Corps Cado ge Cuthbert, that her broth is stated, he gained high esDorothy Rickett, assisted er, Mr. Ralph White of New teem and wide regard.
Ruby son and party York. USA. has given his From New York, it is menHITLER SPEECH WEEK AGO The Prizes, numbering life in the cause of demo tioned, the deceased did not cracy. He was a member sail the seven seas in search that Hitler delivered a very ler first appearance It has been announced, that this discourse was Hit re than forty, were effect.
on veliy presented by Mrs. Lu of the United States Mer of wealth but as a medium unemotional speech at the the oratory platform since cille Muir. Flavouringly th chant Marine, and while his of contributing his perso Berlin Military Museum on November the 8th. 1942. Major extended the expre vessel was attached to onenal bit to the war efforts Sunday, a week ago. The dis a silence which was, per sions of appreciation an of the convoys moving to of the country of his adop course is said to have been haps, responsible for the ru gratitude to all in attei the Salomon Islands, in the tion.
Far Eastern War Front, it and dance.
This. Weekly devoid of his former opti mours of his illness extends The Women of the was torpedoed by the Japa its profound condolence to mism and was not orally ex death. It is claimed the talk nese. Mrs. Guthbert, our genial pressed. The occasion was terminated without any ap. me League will stage thei Mr. White was born of Ja sportsman, George, and the an act, by th eGerman High plause and the accustomed anniversary, tomorrow, Su Command, in commemorashouts of Victory. day the 28th.
maican parents in the neig other sorrowing relatives.
hbouring Republic of Pana tion of the nazi soldiers who He gave his life for a glo had died on the battle ma and earned his educa: Trious Cause.
Hair men find Dixon Hair Base a safe, convenient and so tion in that Island. He resi DO YOU KNOW THAT fields since the beginning of tisfactory landing place land there too. Dixon Barbe hostilities. The Feuhrer men Shop. West of the City Market.
tioned, the whimsical total of 542, 000.
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO During the fifteen minuLIMON CITY EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, tes talk, Hitler admitted, it I MON This Hotel, with its airy, cool and comfortable rooms fac. is said, that the Allied air When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come ing the sea, and its Bar and Restaurant, with an excellent force had converted Ger to the above named Restaurant. the service you have cuisine service, desires to advise its esteemed patrons that many into a war zone, but long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool it is at their orders in the present year as in the past, with cloaked the facts regarding drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
a fixed purpose to give the very best attention and efficient the crisis on the Russian OPEN DAY AND NIGHT service at all times by its new Proprietor.
fronts. He insisted that all We buy Costa Rica Lottery Germany will have to mobi OCTAVIUS THOMPSON ERNESTO CECIL LEWIS lize all its resources to face (Better known as Edwin)
the struggle.
Proprietor. Box 52 It has been mentioned the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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