
SATURDAY, MARCH 27TH. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 THE SPEECH DELIVERED BY THE HON. HENRY WALLACE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AT THE INAUGURAL CEREMONY OF THE INTER AMERICAN INSTITUSALOMON CHIN President, Members of TE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AT TURRIALBA Estrada these studies must be inclu Cabinet, distinguished LA IBERIA uests, Friends, Good Neig truths capable of being plase of life in this hemisphere. ded the planting out of the Abarrotes y Licores bours ced at the disposal of a am fully satisfied the Ins lands, the condensation of great industry. Agricultutitute realizes the value of natural recourses, the utili zation of hydraulic force, so am very pleased to be re. For many years the need these studies.
Precios Económicos has in beautiful Costa Rica and of such an institution abundant here in Turrialba, to participate, in Turrialba, been discussed. The great In agriculture, isolated in and the relation which gui at the inaugural ceremonies actual emergency has crys vestigations have a limited des industrial development of the Inter american Insti tallized the desire, and we value. It is absolutely nece along with agriculture, who have put forward the Jute of Agricultural Science. now see extended before ssary to unite the varicus in By the same natural lav project though aware of the desire, first of all, to con us your rich lands, and its vestigations not only in this of industry, the changes in difficulties. This augurs lengthy. grand progress in a short gratulate this city in parti beautiful layout, ample ex Institute but also in the dep agriculture are develop while. felicitate the gove cular, and Costa Rica in gen tensions, exuberant vegeta endencies charged with the Crops and stock eral, not only for having se tions, torrential currents, carrying out of the studies slowly. Habits. some well ernment of Costa Rica, the Jected this as the locality sui high mounains. Here the throughout the hemisphere. founded others not must be President, the Minister of table for an institution of young agriculturist shoula An important aspect of this analized and the extensive Agriculture, the Minister of this type, but also for hav give of his best. It does not work inloves the analysis, tachniques developed befo Commerce and others of the ing the necessary vision to occur to me that there is any and co ordination of these re the discoveries can be uti Cabinet for the work realiconjecture what this institu thing cultivable which can activities in so far as the billized.
institute The Institute has started un te will be able to realize in not be studied here or in the mitations of the immediate and the years to come.
accessible will permit.
der difficult condictions in And now have the honvicinity. It ought to be a ple This work of compilation as far as the scarcity of ma our to declare inaugurated That this place has been asure to participate in the will increase in importance terial for the construction of the Inter American Instituchosen for the establishment, activities of this institute. as time passes and the dif its buildings is concerned. Ite of Agricultural Science.
of the institute is an ack As Minister of Agricultu ferent dependencies prog admire the temerity of its Di May its labours prosper and and collaborators be fruitful.
nowledgment that Costa Ri re had the privilege of ress in their discoveries Inl rectors ca marches ahead in edu starting the collective hemis cation and democracy. All pherical investigations regar the Republics of this heniis, ding Rubber. perhaps the phere have participated in strategic material of greaLIMON SODA WATER FACTORY the creation of this institu test importance at present.
te. It is hoped that all will in the Joint Rubber Experi co operate in its growth and mental Station there is evi FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS development, not only mate dence of a project which rially, but with ideas, lea plans investigation for the ders and students. This ef solving of an arduous proLIMON SOAP FACTORY fort is not, and should not blem. This same experimen be regarded as merely for tal station will provide a Costa Rica and the United centre for the selection and PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD States; the institute must re development of rubber (Fundada en 1910)
vert to th ntire hemisphe plants which will resist ine re in its manipulations and South American plagues, constitute a center of agri plagues which in the Past Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS cultural knowledge. In or were the only factors which der that this knowledge limited the establishment may be of use, it must bel of successful plantations in available to all the Youths Latin America. As is natural GARRON e HIJOS of the hemisphere with the the Institute will give atobject of being applied to, tention to the various roband utilized by all our peo lems, technical and econoLIMON APARTADO 417 ples. This was the agree mic, with respect to such ment among the governº realizable products as rub: ments of all the American ber, cinchona, vegetabie MINERAL COAL DISCOVERED IN THE ZENT ¡parties concerned to exploit Republics as a base for safe oils, fibers and drugs, bat, 19 CITS the industry. Specimens, so guarding the life of the instiin my opinion, the most im DISTRICT 2958 far examined, are supposed tute. imagine the great portant of these investigaexpectancy of the youths tion regarding commercial is progressing rapidly in to indicate a rich deposit of here assembled for the day agricultural products will Much enthusiasm is being view of the desire of the the valuable mineral.
when the institute will be be those connected with the the recent discovery of Mi.
evinced in connection with able to construct the nece study of the progress of the neral Coal on lands in the THE RETURN OF MRS.
ssary installations. In this conditions of rural life. The ROBERTO BLANCO ropical and delicious clima institute has dedicated two, possession of the Costa RiIt is very gratifying to be ficiently recovered to be able te students will learn not hectarias of its best land for ca Banana Company in the able to mention that the high to return to her residence in only Science but its practi the study of the crops of Zent District in this Provin ly esteemed wife or our good this city. Her services on the cal application, the interch food products for home con ce.
friend and popular citizen, official teaching staff of the ange of ideas and be able to sumption. The socialogia)
don Roberto Blanco, who re. Girls School were greatly mis keep abreast of the rapid and economic effects of It is understood that excently suffered from a serious sed.
changes in the world eco such a project as this ought ſperimental work, for the illness, which kept her The ATLANTIC VOICE Winomic conditions. Here will to completely change, in a purpose of determinng the ed in one of the sick institu shes her a permanent recobe felt the desire to secure single generation, the cours real value of the discovery tions in the Capital, has suf very.
contin WE ARE PLEASED TO STATE We have been appointed Exclusive Purchasing Agents for the exportation to the United States of America SCRAP IRON AND STEEL 31 ASSIST THE UNITED NATIONS BY SELLING US ALL YOU HAVE See us or send particulars of what you have and we will let you know the price we will pay Costa Rican Trading House, Inc. BOX 1710 SAN JOSE TELEPHONE 3805 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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