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PAGE 12 SATURDAY, MARCH 27TH. 1943 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ai The an LONDON BRITISH TAUDED FOR TANK BUSTERS TOBRUK HERO HELD ANGLO AMERICAN LITTLE AMERICA LEND LEASE HELP IN SECRET CANNON IN UP ITALIANS WITH MARINES Englishmen still call it GoosAFRICA HURRICANES BROOMSTICKS venor Square, but to the grow More personal history was ring colony of Americans in LONDON, March 16 The made for the Corps of Royal Ma London the spacious centre of United States Army could not CAIRO, March.
Thie One of the heroes of Tobrul rines yesterday, when Colone residential Mayfair has been in have carried out the operations secret of the tai busters. whose gallantry has come Clement. Marir turn Roosevelt Square and in North Africa in November the weapon with which the light only now is Pte. Phillip Corps, took the salute at a pas Washington Square and is now without the help of reverse British in Africa have been Morley, of 74, Cardwell sv. Jing out ceremony of Royal Me Eisenhower Platz, to which lend lease from the Britisn, Ge destroying German armored Edge Hill, Liverpool, a 24 year rine cadets, two of whom wer leads Eisenhower Strasse (rneral John Lee, command units from the air, was made old member of St. Anne Be Americans.
Grosvenor Street. ing general of the Services of public property today by thenedictine parish who was eduThough they have taken to Eisenhower Platz is the Supply in the European theater Royal Air Force, which reveal cated in the parochial school British course of training, heart of a square mile or so af said tonight.
ed that they are Hurricane and served for fourteen years at a Royal Marine school, thes London called Little America Frankly, we could not have fighter planes specially equip the altar.
have qualified for commissions by its new residents, diplomats been here and we could not ped with cannon firing armor Ile. Morley who is in the in the United States Marine and doughboys, civil servants have mounted the operation in piercing shells.
Cameron High iroke Corps. Such a thing has neve, and scientists, from the Union North Africa without reciprocal el. of Tobruk with half a daer happened before; prior to thi States, now occupying some oflend lease. he told a mixed Although they were on Britons and South Africans sadwar it would have seemed ver; London famous houses.
gathering of British and Ame most secret list until today. made a 38 day trek to Capuzza unlikely.
3) The American Embassy, rican reporters in the offices of formations of tank busters have They were hunted by Germans But the two Corps have muci doubled in size since last year Averoll Harriman, Tend le: se been operating in the desert and had many narrow escapes in common, and the United Sta and believed to be the biggest co ordinator, at the American war for months and have des of being captured.
embassy in the world (it has Embassy.
troyed scores of enemy tes is the only nation that em tanks Once, with a broomstick, he ploys Marines on similar lines fifteen second secretaries for Up to the end of last year, it and armored cars and have held up two Italians and tok During the Boxer rebelion ir those who like to count heads. was announced, 3, 517, 000 torsdamaged many others.
possession of a broken do 121 China, British and Marine stands in Grosvenor Square of goods or the equivalent in tank with food sufficient fo fought side by side in defene The Harriman Mission is here buildings or camp areas had Their latest success was scorten days.
of the Legation at Pekin. In the and the Office of War Informa been made available to the Aine ed Wednesday when they came They made their way through relief column the American tion. Not far away is the American forces in Great Britain. It to the aid of Fighting French the enemy lines to safety. One lent our men khaki uiforms.
rican Ebassy to the Allied Go. was estimated that a total saving forces which were being attack of their chief problems V:18 vernments.
of 3, 000, 000 tons of shippinged by a strong German armor. hunger, to satisfy which PE THEIR BRITISH MASCOT Little America has a White was effected, after taking into ed columu near Ksar Antane. Morkey on one occasion causit hall of its own with an Econo account raw materials shipped which is forty mile Heat a desert hare with his hands.
Since the last war there have mic Warfare Section, a Commis here for fabrication the southern end the Marath They were hunted by an en been exchanges of amenitie sion of Federal Communications, The British Air Ministry tax, Line. Flying in low from seve my mobile tank unit, after being across the Atlantic, In 1921 an Office of Scientific Research suplied vast quantities of tools ra! directions, with er sans spotted by planes, and had to the Royal Marines presented the (to which Nobel Prize winners and other equipment, including spitting steel, the irsk busters build a raft on which they es Marine Corps with a bull pay unannounced visits for heavy clothing for Flying for completely surprised and rout caped by sea. Twice they got dog to replace their mascot. Thi scientific cooperation. and Pe. tress crews. Many Americaned the Germna colunan through Italian camps unnotic: dog was received with grea troleum and Civil Defense at planes that have been flying ed and they narrowly escape. honour, and visited every Mari taches and their staffs.
over Germany and GermanWhen the laun ricone had suot disaster when they touched off ne Corps headquarters in th In a discreet hotel near, occupied territory in the last their ammunition arul 11red a trip wire in No Man Land.
General Eisenhower planned few months would not have away eleven enemy vehicles Eventually, after covering Two years later a handson the North African campaign. In been in the air at all, General were on fire. Five enemy tanks 470 miles on foot and making a trophy came from the America what was once a West End clay, Lee said, but for the remarka had been destroyed, seventeen journey in a derelict lorry, they Marines, to be competed for a American officers have a mesa ble co operation of the Air Mi armored cars heavily hit and regained English sector Association football by all RW and the seniors, from colonelsnistry.
ten motor trucks severely da where they were welcomed by Divisions, the Depot, and the upwards, use as a club the Park Colonel Kenneth Collins, pur maged, according to the flyers a New Zeland sentry.
Royal Naval School of Music Lane house that once belonged chasing agent for the American accounts and reports after subs We were too tired to do which is a Royal Marine instite to Sir Philip Sassoon. Largo air force in Britain and in peace sequent ground reconnaissance much explaining. says In 1939 our Marines ser houses are used as barrack, time a potent figure in the New Morley We just gathered their comparatively young Am Accompanying and the doughboys say. Thew York retail merchandising worid the enemy round and said a short prayer rican cousins copies of th were of thanksgiving.
may be ducal, but they still are said he was particularly impress tanks and armored cars Corps history (which dates fror cold.
ed by the extent of co operati» three troop carrying vehicles 1664) and of the history of th Two of the biggest American along technical lines.
which likewise were destroyeri Royal Marine Artillery.
clubs, the Washington and the The are many many items About a dozen German soldiers SAYINGS Red Cross Nurses. are in the he said, that we have discover were seen to jump from one of BOTH LEATHER NECKS quarter, and in the Platz itzelted have been developed by the these vehicles and crouch is a recreation club for the sai. through engineering abil the side, away from ar It is our determination to Oldest name for a Royal Me lors and marines. specialts. We have been quick to seize proaching British plane. Its pi. tight this war through to therine is a Jolly. The first American post office is called upon these and to see their valot spotted them, banked his finish. to the day when the ritime Regiments were. tais Chicago Corner. for Chicago lue to us.
Hurricane and got them ali United Nations forces march in from the Trained Bands of te is the home town of nearly all Colonel Collins said that an before they were able to run 10 triumph through the streets of City of London, nicknamed th its personnel, and Englishmen indication of the speed with safety, the announced Berlin, Rome and Tokyo. Pre Jollies. and the niokname na who have never seen a drue which British supplies The engagement, in whic: the sident Roosevelt.
were stuck.
store pass in a busy street he made available to the Ameri remaining enemy units wers more modern equivalent exterior of what was once a mocans was afforded by the fact forced to retire northward, wus We shall need to broaden the Joe. or Joey. but, becaus tor showroom and is now the that requisitions for 61, 000 one of the few on record whole conception of public poli Royal Marines are soldierz, trai nearest Little America can. 244, 000. worth were filled in which a ground force has is en cy in relation to the exported specially for the Fleet, manage to the drug store mode eight days.
defeated decisively by alr at.
trades after the war we shall Navy gave them the name be: The drug store is called the tack alone.
need to work upon the basis of ather Necks from the leathe qutartermasters exchange, and to movies instead of cinei as, much closer partnership be stocks formerly worn inside ih issues the rations of real Ame and have adopted You ai The Geros ans are known to tween the State and industry in collar of the tunic.
rican cigarettes, candies, and kidding? as a phrase during have been experimenting with which each also has important The United States Navy als special toothpastes, which the the last few months. But the tank busters of their own, obligations to the other. Mr. use this name for their Marines soldiers buy under the rough Americans now stand in cur les the British 8th. Army reports Herbert Morrison.
The title of the Marin and ready notion that live shil instead of lines. travel byhat they have had no success Corps journal is The Leathe lings is a buck. underground instead of sub thus far against British armor There are many matters upon Neck.
There are no married quar way. offer fags instead Several German woud be tank which disagree with the great ters for the soldiers of Litile cigarettes, and indulge busters were captured during leaders of the Soviet Union, but America. for there is only ore in leg pulling.
the British advance across Libya do not hesitate to say that DO YOU KNOW THAT wife here, Mrs. Bryan Conrad, In summer they showed us and were found to be inferior in have the highest respect for their whose husband, lieutenani baseball, and now in winte: armament and performans to honesty, courage and devotion to 150. 000 special trains fc colonelwas in England before they are admiring our know the heavily armed Hurricanez.
what ihey think is right. Mr. troops and their equipment hav the war as Assistant Military ledge of Give, which for he The British have not gone in Joseph Davies.
been run since the beginnie Attaché; but as the hotels All uninitiated should be explained for aerial tank bustin! GR a of the war? There no up many officers are taking as the successor of swing, large scale, because they do What has sickened me in the more than 4000 troop trains flats together, and the colony only hotter. ve got spurs that not regard it as the nost ter last couple of years are those month speads westwards and soutt: jingle, jangle, jingle is as po tive method in all circunstances whining apologists for our fariu There are 000 cante ay wards. Southern fried bread pular here as in America, and for countering enemy armocer res. We are a model for the serving the Forces at home is now being served for break the visitors say we play it well. forces. The prefers to United Nations. Mr. Brendan manned by about 120. 000 fast in Kensington. They like listening to our Hyde concentrate machine gar Bracken.
lunteers, the majority of whor It is a matter of speculation Park orators. Londoners have ning the suppliy trucks which ask no more of life than to are women!
whether the English are become most admired the easy noncha bring fuel and ammunition to be able to see the miseracle and Inevick in 13. a Lor ing Americanized or the Ameri. lance with which new residents the German panzers. The tank resounding, fall of the vulgar, in don nor sed 700 lts of suga cans anglicized in Little Ame of Mayfair have sprawled on busters ar rest for special tuitional Fuhrer of Berlin and of and 392 lbs. of buster; now rica.
porches and brought Main jobs, or are used in an emer his whole bankrupt system. Javerages 150 lbs. of suara We are said to chew gum, to Street to our own doorstep. gency.
President Benes.
77 lbs. of butter?
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