
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE TO harga The mischief of Flattery is. not that it persuades ry man that he his what he is not but that it suppresses inf uence of honest ambition by raising an opinion at honour may be gained without the toil of merit.
204 Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR VIDI LIMON, APRIL 3rd. 1943 No. 368 ITORIAL WITH THE WARRING NATIONS successful attacks during the AFRICA. After eight days UR SCOUT MOVEMENT NEEDS MORE BOYS AND GIRLS of what has been stated to le week Russiand naval activi in Burma, Enemy installations RUSSIA. Included in the week against enemy positions one of the most sanguinary ties was the sinking of a 000 in New Guinea were also des.
combats of the North African Geran transport in the Black troyed by Allied air units. SaThe fundamental principles associated with Scouting, campaign, the eighth British Sea Istremely bad weather lamaua and Mubo also suffer founded by the late Lord Baden Powell, have commanArmy, under the command of and the violent thawisz ilke ed badly. Japanese plane is universal attention and earned wide esteem. Its useGeneral Montgomery, dominu ed the heavily fortified Msnow have greatly interte od said to have visited the Allied ness and influence for good are unlimited and serve as with operations fied, on all the position in Buna, but reth Line, where Marshal Rem fronts. The Russians have when faced by the defence jolden plank on which young and old peoples may tread mel had endeavoured to stop however made some advances machines, without effecting rise above the cramped limitations of life. The system the Allied advance. They hav in the central front and have any damage. in no tiinner be regarded as a mere sporting measure, since continued their succes captured the city of Anastasi Later advices disclose that the ile immeasurable physical benefits are derivable from ful operations by the captareyenskaya northwest of the Caa Italian and German forces drills and other exercises. The value of the movement of other important strategic casian region, which constitue suffered another tremendous finely disclosed in the records associated with it. Scoutpositions. 10. 000 Nazi troopstes a menace rotto Nazi. defeat northwest of Sedjenane were taken prisoners during sition in that area. All enemy in a desperate attempt to holl holds an exalted position among the achievements this fight as also an enormous attacks in Kharkow, Kuron back the Allied armies, and rung from disciplined and noble living.
quantity of guns, tanks, and and the Stay Russe frents that the 8th. British army and Though regretted, it is nevertheless true that there other war material of muon have been renalles with great the North Americans e ists a weakness among our youths to stick to any movevalue. Meantime, the North losses to the Germans.
united en Kebiti.
American forces were effecer ent which demonds the binding of soul and action in The enemy forces are said ing their advance uya! Ga.
IN THE PACIFIC Bomb to be in full flight toward the imony with noble living. We should all bear in mind the bes and the First Bolt Aring units of the RAF are coast in an effort to escape anportant fact that we are living in a age which cails my, under General Andes, reported to have effected two Inibilation.
real service for which we must necessarily ben prepared; initiating the attack against generous and true hearted cooperation in Scouting will Túnez and Bizertz.
ratly aid us in this respect.
Late advices state that the FXTRAORDINARY LOTTERY DRAWING, MAY 9TH.
We indulge in too much falss freedom, which smot Allied offensive contains in and kills noble endeavours and leads, eventually, We are in receipt of the colones for the whole ticket, to progress against the forces of Junta The first or Grand Prize. pit falls of life. There is no telling when the terrors General Rommel who are ret information that the an atack will be on us, hence the need, as we urge for reating in a manne: wl. inde Protección Social of San will be 150. 000; the presence of a fully prepared auxiliary group of at dicates the beginning of the Jose who direct the activi cond 50 000; the third final Nazi disaster a Tez ties of the National Lottery, 20. 000; the fourth. 10. 000 st two hundred youngsters under the Banner of Scout The first British Army and have announced an Extraor the fifth 000; the sixth. There is good reason to believe that the State and the North American troops, dinary Drawing for Sunday 000, followed by twer er able sources would assist in bearing the cost of unihave intensified their activi the 9th. o: May proximo ty of 1, 000 each and thirty ties and made much press The issue will consist ms and other necessary outfitting articles. Since for of of 500. 00. The entire lot in the valley of Ousseltia, 26, 000 tickets divided into af prizes will total 3, 038 soldiering is evidenced elsewhere, why not a grecter while, in the center, the North twenty picces valued at with a gross value of LUNTEER SCOUTING under our Democracy?
Americans are moving toward 50 each piece or thirty 491. 400. 00.
the zone of El Guettar Follow ing on the capture of Gabes La Lucha en la Selva the eighth British army THE AF. ACTIVITIES pursuing Rommel in his preciptate flight toware Sfax Violent fighting is repoited Keeping to their program. was bombed so disastrously north of Gabes and east of continuous, day and that with the exception of Makrassy cht raias over Germany 500 persons, all the 48, 000 in Rommel is said to have the Nazi occupied terri habitants were forced to been ordered to keep up his for ies of Europe, units resistance of abandon the city.
as long is Royal Air Force again vi The important industrial he can, in order, it is est! 17ed the German Capital, areas of Rotterdam and ed, to give the Germans Safrlin, on the night of Mon others in Holland were ob ficient time to complete then last and caused further jectives for additional raids. defensive works on the Euro Hitler mage described as In celebration of the 25th pean continent which jus, Rouen was badly hit anniversary of their existen is said to be hurridly construct ing from the Black Sen to the Sunday, and on Monday ce, uits of the RAF. register French coast on the Medite. important German sub ed disastrous raids over Bel rranean irine base of St. Nazaire! gium, France and Germany.
se. are nt enorEl cadáver de un guerrillero japonés que fué sorprendido en las selvas de Nueva Guinea mientras trataba de apostarse en un árbol para atacar, al amparo de la espesura, a los soldados norteamericanos.
LA PROVEEDORA The STANDARD If you are every particular Rubber Trees as Shade for like your ods. and the hair cut too One amuses he other satisfies. scid a new client the other day, offer Cacao Dlanis jetting fixed up at. Dixon Barber Shop. West of the ity Market We have been afforded the very interesting information that the Central Government and the Rubber Plantation BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT Company are giving consideration to a proposal for the use of Rubber trees as shade for our Cacao plants.
Several conferences hay taken place, we are told. bet Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket ween offieals of the National Shore in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week. Agricultural Department and representatives of the Rubber Red Beans, lb. 30 Starch, Ib. 45 Company with respect to che Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar 00 matter and which has becn Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bor 50 referred to the Directors of Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 the Experimental Rubber St.
sland Palm Soap 60 Coats, ib. 00 tion in Turrialba for further Lard, 1b. 80 Rice, Ib. 35 consideration.
Should a favourable deci We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh sion be given the suggestion, the utilization of the rubber Merchandise trees would materially and ou LA PROVEEDORA economic situation as they would produce permanent LIMON valuable crops in lieu of he unprofitable trees now being used.
ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at THE STANDARD is ce tain to please you NELSON and SON TAILORS 75 Yds. NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT THE CITY MARKET Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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