
PAGE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd. 1943 EGG WHITE FOR CANCER pital, was travel with Xsy as well as egs white and was NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA Wishing to do something more Therapy Department of the Be able to return to her home where useful than merely writing levue Hospital, New York. who she moved al out. Th, this was further investiga The best assortment of first class lumber about the much dreaded disease decided on a patient whose leg, was alout to Cancer, a science reporter of tions.
be amputated secase of a huge Laurel and Cedar The New York Times is staler mysterious substanre is. growth after the montis of to have started investigations tuined from egg white, known, combinetd ray and egg treatAdministrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour and received his first hunch as avidin. was proved capable ment the malignancy was marwhen doctors were unable to of combining with biotin and kedly reduce in size.
Saw Mill in Siquirres. We buy Logs explain to him the reason why preventing its use by human several cases of the disease had cells; and as the outcome of Wlrile admitting that raw egg cleared up spontaneously after feedling cancer patients with a white may be of some value in EXPERIMENTAL GRAPE CULTURE the victims had contracted some minimum of three dozen raw curbing cancer, Lr. Kaplan of acute bacterial infection. egg whites each day, the doctors the Bellevưe dostal warnes Costa Rica is about, we ga said to be specially adapted Knowing a diet rich in reported favourable results. Ayuthat, the only onclatsion which ther; to make experiments in for our climate and are from biotin (a member of the vitamin din was declared to have appa it was safe to accept at present, Grape culture, under the super insects or other grubs. family) produces cancer inerntly helped three cases One, is that further tests are not only vision of the national Agricul. We have always wondered rats, the reporter began speculat a man, whose mouth was almost warranted, but urgently needed tural Department.
why Grape culture had nevering whether, in the few cured filled by a malignant growth on He and his associates suspect The Secretary of Agricul. been properly attempted in cases, the bacteria which caused the tongue, was given the egg that the raw egg white therapy ture has been sent a lot of se the lower regions of this coain the infection bad robbed the whites, but no rays or other may prove of greatest value lected seeds from the North try, where climate is we think. cancer cells of their biotin; fo: supplemental treatments, he ion. when used jointly with ray: American Experimental Sta admirably suited for the if that were so the probelm was proved in health and his cancer and on the thory that pure tion in Porto Rico with a view growth of the plant. We have to discover a non infectious way had reduced to a third of its for avidin er even concentrated egg of the cultivation being tried in mind an individual effort of depriving the body of biotin. mer size. The next, a woman whites may well be more. out here and elsewhere in Cen which has given exceedingly He presente this hypothesis to with an advanced cancer of the cacious and easier to administer, statral América. The seeass are good results.
the doctors of the Radiation cervix and bedridden in a los chemical companies have been asked to attempt the preparation of such substitutes.
PROF. WALLY LOGAN HITS SHOW TRAIL ANOTHER WELL REGARDED FAMILY LEAVE LIMON We much regret the deper In keeping with previous. ingvainly endeavouring joure of don Juan Luis Vargas announcements. Profesor Wal gain admittanee.
and his family from this city Tly Legan and his very clever The instrumental Tubers MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS to permanently reside at San budding magician, Pink Jack absorbed a good part of the Bosco, La Garita, Alajuela.
son, aided by young time. Frank, the clever young, They left on last Wednesday ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, THE ORIENTAL BARBER musical talent, entertained magician, worked cloth, card passenger train.
Years of practical knowledge, SHOP packed aualence in the locel and other stunts, spoke wel!
Don Juan, for a long number efficient, neat, accurate. These Located in front former Motive Power Clubrounas er and other stunts, spoke well of years, occupied a responsible my highest ambition Any design Motive Power Club in 3rd.
the night of Saturday the 27th and did his business in a clork position with the Northern Iry wood turned out with gratilast. An equal over capacity like manner. The Professor Railway Company, which he lying results. Office and shop! the only Oriental Barber Shop Avenue is the new parlour of crowd surrounded the saild was slated to perform a som had to relinguish by reason of oth Avenue, North UNLA.
cial box stunt by having him failing health and in order to CHAS RODEN, in this city. All sanitary self nailed inside. the men avail himself of the milder and arrangements. Barber with were on hand with hammers more bracing climate of the in THE RESETTERN WITH IM years of practice in all classes and nails. but a great num terior. Hearty WELCOME PROVEMENTS. clean up to of the Hair Cutting Art, trial ber of the audience had olar We extend them our heart nate Barber Parlour Centrally will convince the most viously desired that if friend liest good wishes, and those of bcated on Commerce Avenue fastidious.
The Atlantic Voice extends Wally entered the box die Limón, for every prosperity in almost opposite Teatro Arras.
LIONEL LIONDOLE a hearty welcome to Mrs. Lur should not come out alive, so their new location.
ty Pleasant, reliable courteous Proprietor line Sankey and sons on their they completely invaded his service. THOMAS PARCHMENT return to our city from a well peeret area, and in preservaHair Specialist.
CABINET AND UNDERTAKspent vacation abroad. The tion of dear life in place of ING SHOP. Specializes in mak.
arrivals are the family of me anything else, the Magician care you can have the return WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Ing and repairing furniture and 3: Charence Sankey of the Mer declared shall never go of your money Thus, the ECONOMY. Everything in ma every other branch of woodchandise Department of tee into that box with such an main feature on the program chinery made or repaired, from work. Coffins always stocked.
Costa Rica Banana Company. controlable, conduct, so if you me was, in consequence, can a Pin to a Crane. See us. We Yee as before going elsewhere.
celled, but not a claim for re carry an assortment of Beds, Prices moderate. 4th. Street, If you are really keen about having hair cut done the fund was heard as the other Springs and other useful things ontrance to Gamez Lumber way and style you like it, then you should go to. Dixon items were well worth the en at all times. Building No. 89 Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Barber Shop West of the City Market.
trance fee.
North Fifth Avenue, Manager. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
NEW HARLEM BAR AND English Tweeds Seras RESTAURANT. The Best drinks can still be harsat prepared by Crawford and Grant, Genuine native and for Reasonable Prices at eign liquors stocked Our Cusi.
JACK ORANG Sucu. ne service the most up to date.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE ÉRAWFORD AND GRANT, Limon Proprietors some Limón Trading Company APPROACHING ENTERTAINMENTS PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR RUBBER With the set purpose of lif threshing floor of the sixty ting the spirit of our citizenBoaz of historical Israel. Vil after their commemoration of be re staged and bent the great events 1ssociatested by a new play anditted with the sufferings and cr Songs, Sand and say. Bust. cifixion of our Lord al Saviour Jesús Christ, the Me.
thodists of our cits will pre sent an Easter Programme on On Good Friday, she Salza.
the night of Monday the 26th tion Army will, it is gathered, instant.
present a sterioptical show has been mentioneinut treating on the earthly life of the drama Ruth the Moal. the Babe of Bethlehem, assytess. who gleaned over the ciated with screen songs, COCOA COCOANUTS COPRA REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES NOTICE Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a ROIG. BOX 523. Teléfonog 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de y Juventud, Costa Rica


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