
SR. CONTRERAS HONOURED WITH FOOTBALL MATCH As a sporting contribution to sasola, the Gimnastica center the many Send off functions back, dribbled the ball from held in this city in honour of the western left extreme and.
don Solón Contreras, the Gim. earned the shot which, in turn, nástica and Limón Junior Foottied the score. two goals for ball teamis presented a clearly each side. The respective goals contested exercise on our play were earned by Fernando ground during the afternoon Wright and Cassasola for Gimof last Sunday nástica and Hazel and Enrique Esquivel for the other The spirit of the players side.
was, obviously, well imbedded The Military Band attended in the promulgation of the and explerididly augmented exercise and the merit of the the afternoon enjoyment. At honouree. Limón Junio led the close of the play the var.
the scoring by earning oticipants were the guests of goals much in advance of the the honouree at don GuillerGimnástica; but toward the mo Coward Refreshment Par termination of the game. Cas lour WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Rubber Reserve Co.
CINE MUNDIAL a one in ne.
LIMON MARVELLOUS NEW WAR WEAPON The North American War bridges, stone or brick walla, Department has, according to and other material previously HITLER PREPARING TO EVACUATE TUNEZ WAR BRIEFS a Washington advice, confirm. regarded as bulletproof. The ed the existence of a new can tale is told of a Commander of Information reaching Lon an aerial force to give the. In a radio broadcasting directed which is being used in the ing to one non designated Bazooka six Germantanks surrenderdon confirms the report that necessary protection. There to the people of his country, North African campaign with soldier armed with such North American Hitler is preparing a large are supposed to be about. Prince Benhard of the Low co. telling effect against he ene weapon. The soldier is said to fleet to try and transport 160, 000 Nazi troops virtually untries declared he personally my, especially their motorized have fired at the tanks, but his troops from Tunez to the bottled up in Tunez without saw the eight British army seize divisions.
four hundred German and Ita.
the shots struck and so de them from the fate which or arms south df Italy and so save the means of receiving food lian airplanes at an aerodrome The new and deadly weapon troyed a very large tree that threatens them at the hands captured by them in their ad discharges, we are told, projec the Commander, thinking he of the Allied armies The Allied High Command vance across Libya, the majority tiles which perforate any type was being attacked by a 155 The Nazi authorities are amply prepared, we are told, with their land, naval condition.
are were, he said in perfect good of metal used for tank pro milímetros cannon, surrender.
tection, the steel transoms of led immediately.
said to be commandeering all and aerial forces to frustrate the French and Italians ships the effort af Hitler and his lying in Spanish, French associates. battle of enor Claimed to have been quilty NORWAY MAKING READY TO AID ALLIED INVASION and Italian ports of this pur mous proportions is expected of the crime of pose and to be also gathering at any moment tence against the Nazi govern Important activities are reqrities in occupation have been ment. a high funcionary of the ported underway in Norway intensifying their efforts to loMinistry of Foreign Affairs in in preparation for the day cate them after discovering Germany was recently execut. when the patriotic Norwegians the disappearance of 12. 000 ed will be able to take open ac guns and 800 revolvers. The tion alongside the Allied for es absence of no less than 17. 000 for the liberation of their coun Norwegians was also noted Under last Thursday date, try from Nazi control. these are supposed to have Préstamos y Arrendamientos a Moscow advice states that a More than thorisani joined the patriots in their se.
military aviatriz, beautiful British and native parachutists cret resorts. The Quisling ad.
blond, named Lilly Litviak, had landed in the country from herents, fearing an invasion at been cited in the day orders London during the dry wea any moment, concentrate for having, in open combat shot down her third Germpu machi ther and have been busiły in the large cities under the mogaged getting together an ar tectio nof the German tiups.
my whose strength is said to The area of Oslo has been be rapidly on the increase, but declared in a state of zeige in whose whereabouts are held a consequence of the anti Nazi General George Brell Vi strict secret. The Nazi autko activities.
sits Costa Rica CAFE HOLNESS Almost daily Costa Rica Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street receiving the reciprocal co. ir tisies extended by our illus.
directly in front the Football Ground.
trious President, Dr. Calda This New Eating and Refreshing Spot lón Guardia, to our neighbouring and nearby Republics.
Eight days ago the Capital is now at the Public Service was graced with the distin COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD guished presence of General AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREGeorge Howard Brett, the ME ON OUR BILLBOARD Commander in Chief of the Caribbean Defences with Head When in Limon call in at Dixon for a Cosmolitan quarters on the Canal Zone. It prototype hair ut or shave. Dixon Barber Shop. West has bee nmentioned that Ge.
of the city Market.
El presidente Roosevelt firma la disposición según la cual el nerat Brett is a hero of the PaCongreso de los Estados Unidos extiende la duración de la ley cific war, where he faced the de préstamos y arrendamientos. Esta ley autoriza al Gobierno grill of the conflict and pilot.
VERY WELCOMED WERE MR. AND MRS. RICHARD de los Estados Unidos el envío de materiales y abastecimientos ed his war plane against the y la concesión de ayuda económica a los países amigos.
BRAY Japanese invaders. On arriv.
ing on our soil he was received by a military Guard of Honour Terminating their severa!
and a salute of nineteen guns.
days stay in this city, the Hd and Mrs. Richard Bray of the British Vice Consulate. San Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back José, returned to the Capital de su recibo que dice: bu of receip! which reads: on Monday of the week lin Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This bill must be paid at our office before course, in company with Mr.
the 10th of the month Green the Manager of de los priineros 10 días de cada mes the Northern Railway CompaBe so good as to comply with this request and do not ny and Miss Green.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which Among those seen with the de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
distinguished party prior to the departure of the train, were the Hon. and Mrs, Robert Johnston, of our city Viee Consulate, and Mr. Fred. Gor.
don, Superintendent of the Company Cargo Department.
bre Stof ears of 1050 COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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