
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd. 1943 gramme Her opening te RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO marks, based on the great va lue of perfect womanhood EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, RAPIDO ECONOMICO were very effective. Most LIMON When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come harmonizing were the songs rendered by the Home Leaes el Jabón to the above named Restaurant. the service you have long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool gue Brigade. In the absence drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
of the Secretary, Mrs. Lynch AMERIKA. con K, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT submitted the report for the year under review The We buy Costa Rica Lottery fabricado por Agustín Castro Cía.
OCTAVIUS Misses Thomas, Clar THOMPSON (Better known as Edwin)
ke, Hunter and Mrs.
Proprietor. Box 52 Miller were the reciters.
JABONERIA PALMERA Though very much advanced in years Mrs. Miller grea San José, Costa Rica tly charmed the audience Teléfono 3101 ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED BY SALVATION ARMY with the delivery of her com Apartado 271 position on Victory. Apprecia WOMEN LEAGUE bly the Misses Dawkins and Thomas rendered As a means of giving pu. my, a tasteful programme their respective solos The Nuevas Armas Mrs.
blic account of their stewar was given on Sunday after guest speakers were ship for the fifty two Wednesnoon the 28th ultimo in the Ruth Evans who took gree: day nights between March Army Hall. The Mark Mo decorative tings from St.
29th. 1942 and the same da effect was very attractive ther Union; Mrs. Egbert te of the current year, and as The audience was a very re Polson, who spoke for the also a medium of commemo presentantive and capacity Methodist Women League rating the fourth anniversa seated one.
and Mrs. Heron, who ve ry ofthe existence of the the The soul satisfying hymu. ry effectively delivered Women League associated Onward Christian Soldiers goodwill of the Philarmonic with the local Salvation Ar was impressively sung.
Pra Choir with a solo, accompayer wa offered by Mrs. Ro nied by Mr. McCreath at the per. The preamble and intro organ. The accomplishments COSTA RICA SODA duction of the presiding per by the Army Brass Band sonal was effected my Mrs. were of high merit These WATER FACTORY Lynch, the President of the Boys, from the Major down, League. Mrs. Jessie Wrigns are proving themselves very rather eloquently and instruc! competento musicians. was tively presided over the pro Mrs. Wright jocund remark.
Pobrica de Hielo y Retrascos SASTRERIA MODERNA Un grupo de soldados y oficiales franceses examina algunas de las nuevas armas que los Estados Unidos están suministrando NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS Limón We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, a los patriotas franceses que combaten al lado de las Naciones Unidas para devolver a su patria la libertad perdida.
Elegant Fittings.
FLORIDA ICE AND Next Door: La Miniatura and 20 yds. East Unidad Sanitaria FARM CO SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES Off for Medical Treatmeni ve Having the misfortune of treatment. It is hoped he will LA FLORIDA It no louters den No idle gossips, no obscene lan experiencing impaired sight be the recipient of the best MADERAS guage permitted. The ideal place for children is at Dixon Mr. Thomas Parchment, une results and be able to SOO!
Barber Shop Wes of the City Market.
of the most popular Barbers return and resume his FABRICA DE HIELO of this city, has gone to the wide trade at the Resetter Capital for special optical in front of the Teatro Arrasty.
Bombardero de Combate An Importante Solicition GAMEZ LUMBER YARD One of the men attacked to our city Volunteer (214th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops gade, very unfoutunately lost FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE his metal Badge during one of the exercises.
Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to If any one has come in cortact with it, or should do. GAMEZ LUMBER YARD later on, such a person is corWe never have a dissatisfied Customer dially requested to turn it over to Captain Noc Alvarado of PRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET the Bomberos or throug!
the medium of the ATLANTIC VOICE. As the BudLa Hora del Rancho ge is but a mark of identity only for the member of the Bridage, it is of no value to anyone else.
Satisfactorily Recuperating El modernisimo bimotor norteamericano de combate, Havoc, que está interviniendo eficazmente en la lucha en todos los frentes de batalla. Colabora con las fuerzas terrestres y se le emplea también, sin necesidad de ser escoltado por aviones de caza, para llevar a cabo fulmíneos bombarderos.
It is with the sincerest pleasure we mention that Mr. Jack Franklin of Zent, whose health was so impaired as to have necessitated his entering the local hospital, has sufficiently recovered to have enabled his leaving the institution for his family residence.
The Atlantic Voice wishes him a full restoration of his good health.
HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA LIMON CITY Special Attention and Price for Families.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
DENCIA DE PUERTO RICO WASHINGTON, UP. En el senade se votó hoy una moción para que la independencia a Puerto Rico sea e nla forma mas completa.
Un grupo de soldados norteamericanos de primera línea consume su rancho al pie de una cocina de campaña que se encuentra al alcance de la artillería enemiga en un sector del frente de Túnez.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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