
and the are our מי The true wealth of a community resides in the potentialities of its young people; hence, a wise community will provide the means wherr by the potentialiEditor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 čies can be developed and used in the whole range of creative activities recessary to the welfare of a dynaYEAR VINI LIMON, APRIL 10th. 1943 NO 3391 mic society, dents of Alajuela, his nati JUAN SANTA MARIA ve city, playing the leading part SMALL CULTIVATORS FACE COMPLETE RUIN Time ever onward march of another anniversary of The Atlantic Voice ten has brought us to the eve chat never to be forgotten ders its humble ota.
day. the 11th. of April The cry has again been raised for governmental assis 1856. when the valient de tance for the small cultivaters of this Zone, particularfenders of our Republic fa for the Santa Maria.
ly those of the region of Zent, to enabl etheir eking out ced the forces of the noted an honest existence by means of the crops they endeaguerrilla warrior, William vour to produce, but which are threatened with Walker in the battle which plebe ruin from their most destructive foe. the WEEbears the name of Rivas. scored the victory WEE ANTS. Many of the cultivations which flourishwhich aved country ed marvellously in th past now lay Waste as the result from falling a prey to the of the invasions of the pests, we are assured. Neither evil designs of the adventu major nor catch crops can thrive on the ant inhabited rers.
Juan Santamaria, the youthful warrior and trueThe large majority of the people depend on the hearted patriot, fell and cultivation of Cassava, Corn, Coco, Yam, Pumpkin, and died the death of a hero.
a variety of vegetable for their regular food supplies; His outstanding bravery and when, therefore, these are constantly destroyed by the patriotism ever live in the ents, complete starvation is inevitable. Even should the hearts of his fellow nationre be an abundance of imported articles, the people als, and on the arrival of present econom condition would prevent their effectieach 11th. day. of the month of April they pay spe ng adequate purchases.
in honour to his memory.
As it is known that the authorities concerned They will do so once again willing to do everything possible to intensify our agriomorrow, with the resiculural activities and are always impressing on masses the great necessity of an adequate national food supply, we sincerely hope they will, on becoming aware, REGARDING THE SOVIET WINTER OFFENSIVE of this serious menace, initiate the activities necessary Reporting on their great venty kilometros northwest to relieve the situation. We think we are correct in say winter offensive, the Soviet of Smolensk and had coveing the unfortunate farmers ang still willing, as they as enfermeras rusas luchan High Command declared red over one hunded of the Caleroicamente para sa var la they had deprived Germa territory of White Russia.
previously stated, to meet, as best they may, the cost of rada de los soldados rojos.
ny of 850. 000 of its whatever remedies are furnished by the Agricultural man The Soviet troops who oler la foto aparece la enfer power, while their forcesperated in the Caucasian re Departirert hera Liza Kozyukova que had advanced their lines gion had, during the same The worker, who bears the responsibility of havLavanza sobre skis por un almost to Velizh situate se period, arrived at the near ing to keep himself physically fit, should be able to sector del amplio frente ruso vicinity of Novorossisk althe Black Sea, as also secure his food stuffs readily and regularly.
PUERTO RICO INDEPENDENCE most to Staraya Russa in the Lake Ilmen sector, and At a recent sitting of the and the security of North a few kilometros east of THE POPE GRANTS PRES. CALDERON GUARDIA Senate of the United States Americans. It was also sug Taganrog on the Sea of Aof America the absolute in gested that the United Sta zov.
DISTINGUISHED DECORATION dependence of the Island of tes forces, now stationed on The success of the cam The exceedingly gratify ically paralized the gran Puerto Rico was proposed. he Island, be withdrawn sipaign had restored, it wasing information was official ting of decoration by the The important project multaneously with the ob stated, 185. 000 square miles ly received a week ago that Holy See, it is esteemed as was presented in the form servance of their Indepen of territory to the Soviet His Holiness the Pope had a much greater honour to of a Bill, by Senator Tyd dence on the 4th of July Union.
authorized the grant of the Dr. Calderon Guardia and ings, President of the Com prox.
Grand Cross of Pius IX to his country.
mittee on Territories, who His Excellency the President The Grand Cross of Pius claimed his proposal was of Costa Rica.
IX is, it is understood, best only following along the POSSBLE SLY PEACE CAMPAIGN It is said that this is the owed only in exceptional lines of the Good Neighbhighest decoration yet con cases, and on those who ha our policy, adopted by the ceded by the Moly Catholic ve realized something of out.
nation in connection with According to the German ry base at Luebeck and oth Church to the Chief Execu standing benefit for humani its relations with the Latin press, the Nazis have open er important positions and tive of an American nationty.
Jed an exposit on of pictu cities. The scheme regar and coming at a time when The ATLANTIC VOICE It was hinted that the res, specially painted by ded as designed to force the war has so unsettled ail tenders His Excellency its Constitution to be accorded native artistes, shewing the fully represent tahe British plomatic activities and prac profoundest congratulations the Island shall guarantee damage effected by the Ro attacks on German cit es the freedom of the Press, yal Air Force on the milita, and industries as Attacks When in Limon call in at Dixon for a Cosmolitan of Terror. This new plan, prototype hair. ut or shave. Dixon Barber Shop. West as well as many previous of the city Market.
ones, are considered very BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT significant in neutral circles.
it has been suggested that the nazi chiefs will view the paint ngs as an indication of an apcroaching destruc Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket tion, and in turn raise an ap Share If you are every particular 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each weei.
peal to neutral sources with the hope of securing peace ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES Red Beans, lb. 30 Starch, lb.
and so gain the advantage 45 of suffieient breath ng me Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar. 00 If you appreciate Good Workmanship the work done at Salt, ibs.
to prepared for a third war 35 Sweet Oil, bot 50 Sapolio 00 Klim, tin of aggression. 25 been Island Palm Soap It has, however, 60 Oats, lb THE STANDARD 80 GerLard, 16. 80 Rice, ib. 35 pointed out that the mans ought to realize they is ce tain to please you We offer you Courtesy Lower Prices and Fresh can foo! some of the people some of the time, but not all Merchandise the people all the time. It is NELSON and SON TAILORS LÀ PROVEEDORA not thought there is neutral country which would dare, 75 Yds. NORTH THE POST OFFICE IN FRONT LIMON at this time, to tune in on THE CITY MARKET the Chord of peace for the Axis Combine, on LA PROVEEDORA The STANDARD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    NazismPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSoviet

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