
Rubber Reserve Co.
From a mover reOur spirit is greatly moved We learn that, on the initia in having to pass along the tive of the Mexico Junior information of the sad death Club, funds are being collectof young Manuel Andres ed to place a tangible (Manola) The sad event oc mento ove, the spot where THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND curred at Cartago, on the 2nd. his remains lay at rest. 11 instant, where he had gone has also been announced that WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO in the hope of regaining his a Requiem Mass for the regood health pose of his soul will beceley Manuel Andres was a high brated in our Cathedral on ly esteemed citizen and an the morning of the 12th. insenthusiastic member of the tant to which the general Mexico Junior Sports Club. public has been cordially inHe had established a splen vited.
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR did record on the playground. Among the bereaved ones His team mates, as also the is our widely esteemed Telgeneral sporting fraternity ler at the local Branch of the have expressed deep, sorrow Bank of Costa Rica, don Hilia for the passing into the Great doro Andres, who is also asUnknown of his young and sociated with our Volunteer CINE MUNDIAL useful life.
Fire Brigade.
LIMON TEST OF STRENGTH IN FOOTBALL ENCOUNTER Barcelona lost to Júpiter with a Score of Five Gools ON THE VARIOUS WAR FRONTS at the start of the present week.
against a Single Allied planes have kept; The Russians are repor Late advices from the ba to their programme of intented to have launched other ttle front state troos pf the As a test of strength, pre The players, who repreparatory to tomorrow after sented the Jupiter Selection, se and incessant raids over vigorous attacks in the Cau first British army, noon encounter, a football threw rings around the Bar enemy territory, They reali: casian front in response to General Anderson, had, yes match was presented last celonians, and earned five zed some outstanding at the counter attacks by the terday realched a point only tacks during the past week. Nazis and to have gained forty kilometros off the ene Sunday between the Barce goals against a single.
On Sunday last the impor much important ground in my stronghold, Tunez, The lona and Jupiter teams. We are very grateful to numerical view the Assistant Bandmaster tant Italian base of Napoles the Donetz sectors, while important positions of Sfax was the object of an attack continuing their advance to and Bizerta were also mepoint the Fans in attendan and the musicians for the said to have been the most ward Novorossisk.
ce far exceeded expecta spicy music rendered du naced by the rapid violent of all, Hunderds of tions.
ring the play.
Hitler is said to Flying Forts participat called on Bulgaria for fif Rommel is reported to have ments of the Allied forces have ed; 21 sbips, three submariteen nes and twenty seven more divisions of abandoned the central air.
GAME LUMBER YARD planes were sunk and des troops and thirty from Italy gion of Tunicia and Secking troyed. Other important to augment his preparations refage in the north.
4th. Street toward the Northern Machine Shops points also suffered heavily, southern Europe by the force of 98 machines attera.
for meeting the invasion of powerful Japanese air FOR THE HIGHEST GRADE On the following day, nited Nations.
Monday the 5th. Allied air pted an attack against the to Lumber, Native Laurel and Cedar go to units also destroyed fortyTwo hundred persons North American and Allied.
and GAMEZ LUMBER eight enemy planes were reported killed and naval units off Guadalcanal, YARD sunk a destroyer off the 500 injured as the result of but failed completely with the air raid over the We Re the loss of nearly all their never have a dissatisfied Customer coast of Tunez.
nault factories, near Paris, planes.
Important industrial cenPRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET ters in Germany, France and other Nazi occupied te MOST UNUSUAL BUT HEROIC DEED PRIVATE SCHOO! TEACHERS rritories were hard hit by the Allied air forces. These London recently TO MEET ON 26th. INST.
released relieved him of his rifle.
included Dieppe the region the information that a Royal They then gave thought to We have been advised that ing to the new arrangement, of Le Treport, St. Omer. Air Force bombing plane, in the pilot and his observer it became necessary to cancel the meeting is now listed for Caen and Keil.
which there wre four British Noiselessly. it is said, the Erl the meeting of the Private Monday the 26th. instant, com Japanese positions of stra pilots, was conducting a raid tishers approached the pilot School Teachers Association mencing at 12 noon at the Ma tegic value were also heal over Sicily when, un fortuna cabin an cheld him up with which should be held this tina Baptist Church. vily damaged; Salamau, on tely, the Nazi shore artillery the rifle of his own comrade.
morning a: Matina, Accordthe north coast of New Gui scored a hit on it. By use of He and his observer surrennea, the Island of Buka, and their parachutes, the pilots ef dered. With nothing more to CAFE HOL NESS the bases at Saidor, Mad fected a safe landing on the fear the plane was steered ang, Finsch were among Island and were taken priso toward Malta, and on its apCorner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street the heaviest sufferers.
proach a Spitfire attacked directly in front the Football Ground.
Conditions in North Afri They were subsequently it, but the Britishers signalled This New Eating and Refreshing Spot ca are said to have reach placed aboard Italian with their shirts while the ed so critical a point that plane destined for a concen pilot landed the machine on is now at the Public Service the total collapse of the tration camp as prisoners of the coast. The machine was Axis forces may be announ war, under the vigilance of a discovered, on examination, COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD ced at any moment. This soldier armed with a rifle. to be one of Italy latest type AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRE has been accelerated by the Shortly after the plane start and in periect condition. AfME ON OUR BILLBOARD union of the 8th. British Ar ed on its flight bad weather ter the very unusual incident my with the North Ameriwas encountered and the sol was fully celebrated, the three cans and the offensive laun dier guard became ill. The Bridacile Italians were taken ADVICE TO HOLDERS OF RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATES ched by Genral Anderson tishers, seizing the opportuni care of on the Island.
in the northern region of ty, pounced upon him and Our attention has been di. niences, Costarricans of Co Tunez. No less than 9, 500 rected to the vigilance now lour should procure and car Nazis have fallen into the Appearance counts when in need of a haircut or slave being exerted by our police ry a certificate disclosing hands of the Allied forces you look thin, sick, shabby and a wreck. Do yourself jusin connection with the obliga their status, whether by birth during the past couple of tice by visiting Dixon Barber Shop, West of the City tion of all aliens to exhibith or naturalization.
their Residential Certificates when requested by the duly Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back authorized persons. Many of de su recibo que dice: of receip! which reads: contacted on the This bill must be paid at our office before streets and elsewhere, have the 10th of the month been taken to Police Headde los primeros 10 días de cada mes quarters for failing to present this badge of identification.
Le rògamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena Since the law prescribes cblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
that the Certificate must be in the possession of every foreigner, wherever contactDE LIMON ed, its is imperative that they strictly comply with the requirement To avoid inconvean our men Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro COMPANIA ELECTRICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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