
an to which extended much beyond peaceful Republic, and from the prescribed period of those earlier days up to the three score and ten years, time of her demise, the imMrs. Dorothy Johnson suc pression was effected that she cumbed to a lingering illness had sung Her songs of Zion.
on the first day of the present She was a member of the month. Aunt Dor. as she Anglican parish of St. Mark was lovingly. called, was re Mrs. Johnson was a native gistered among the throng of of Kingston, Jamaica, Her marriage produced many is sues. among whom are Mr.
Rodolfo Johnson, the moving COSTA RICA SODA spirit of the Cubs Sports Club que debido al alto costo de producción, especialmente por el and a highly regarded young citizen; Miss Quilla Johnson, aumento en la tarifa de la fuerza eléctrica, WATER FACTORY also widelv esteemed; Miss Lila Johnson of the Republic of Panama and two sons in Fábrica de Hielo y the United States of America.
Interment of her remains Refrescos was effected the same day of her death; the funeral cere.
mony being conducted at the Limón St. Mark Church and grave by Catechist Daysley. The del 15 del presente mes de abrii en adelante, y que aceptará órMother Union, with which FLORIDA ICE AND the deceased was associated, denes para marquetas de hielo empacadas de la finca was appreciably represented La Florida among the concourse of mour FARM CO ners and sympathizers. The ATLANTIC VOICE extends to WE THINK DIFFERENTLY LA its deepest condolence FLORIDA The war shows there friend Rodolfo and th eother (Condensed from Britain To day. ned MADERAS to think il sorrowing relatives. May the War has caused the abo mittee appointed to consi terms of limited markets FABRICA DE HIELO scul of our departed one be lishment of things that are der land utilization in the and as what is possible ever at Rest.
bad as well as things that rural areas of England, ma in war is not are good when men shake de it a basic assumption ssible in peace, the people impo their heads and say peace of all its recommendation of Britain have made th will not bring Utopia, their that the policy of the gov same resolve as the people SASTRERIA MODERNA words are an admission that ernment include the setting of the United States. tha: a better state of things is ex up of a Central Planning henceforward their produ NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS pected. It is not a small ma Authority, the maintenance cers will think in terms We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, tter that the atmosphere of of a prosperous agriculture, the practically inexhausti Elegant Fittings.
war should have made us the resuscitation of village cable needs of consumer.
Next Door: La Miniatura and 20 yds. East pitch our claims high and and country life, and the for the necessities and com Unidad Sanitaria impat ently demand more preservation of rural ameni forts of life, and plan, ir of civilization than it SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES co operation with friendly ever given before. This, in it! If it be objected that this countries, to promote self, indicates a new state of, is an aspiration whose fulfil ever. expanding outwars mind. We are thimking di ment rests on circumstances and inward, flow of good fferently. The war has sha which will not exist after between them. No limit ti ken us ont of routine, and the war, the answer is that war production bas been in abolished many illusions though conditions may not posed bythe consumer which inh bited the human be the same, the war has there need be none for pes mind and retarded progress. shown that they can be sha ce production. There are a The war has compelled us pedto our needs when the ways peonte in need of mor, to get rid of many of the will to do so is sufficiently goods to consume.
conventional ways of living powerful. The wal has War has opened our eye and thinking. It has taught shown, not, of course, that to the mistakes of the past that within a wide range the laws of economics can to the vision of a new sc of human activity there is rease to operate. but that cial order, and to the possi no such thing as the impos they can be made to serve bility of realizing it on con sible: that many conditions our purpose and not defeat dition that we have the sawhich we regarded as ines us when we clearly realize me ardour for winning the capable consequecses of eco what we need.
peace as for winning the nomic las were due to de What can be done in war same ardour for wining the fects in thinking, or habits time, can be done in peace peace as for winning th based on outworn experienthough the obietives war, and an equal readines ce. We have learnt that ma will be different. Under for sacrifice, scipline, an ny of the old generaliza war conditions in British. scientific co operation. Th tions were false and that we consumption goods are pro broadway is visible stret have far more power than vided for the whole populaching far ahead. Marchin we supposed to shape facts tion on a limited scale, with along it, with all the Unitei to satisfy our needs. view to war time subsis. Nationas, we intend, first British Agriculture, 80 tence. so much for every win the war, and then, wit gravely depressed before one, but not more. The ba the same companions and the war, is now more flou lance of the production is others of like mind, to wi rishing than it ha sbeen at to feed the war machine. the Peace.
any time for half a century, and the government and na like your ods. and the hair cut too. One amuse tion have registered their the other satisfies. said a new client the other day, afte resolve that its maintenance getting fixed up at. Dixon Barber Shop West of th Durante la bataila brivánica contra los aleniznes en Gre shall be a major plank in City Market.
cia, el sargento hn Daniel Hinton desobede: enco las ór the post war programme.
Caciunt The report of an official coHOTEL HISPANO AMERICA FROM GUACIMO some very approriate hyms.
FRENTE AL MAR CIUDAD DE LIMON The Rev. Forde, Pastor rather attractive wed by Mr. Robert Cyrus, of the Church, was most im ERNEST LEWIS. Propietario ding was solemnized in the while Miss Collins, a sister pressive in the perfomance Guacimo Baptist Church on of the Groom, performed of the ceremony. splendid Atención y precio especial para familias.
the 30th. of the past month. the duties of Chief Brides reception was afterwards Cuartos frescos y confortables con Baño The contracting parties maid. She was charmingly held. Among the guests EL MEJOR COMEDOR DEL PUERTO were Mr. William Berrick attired. The Bride was rich from Limon were the Misses CANTINA BIEN SURTIDA Collins and Miss Josephine ly kowned and made a plea Violet McFarlane and MiEmadline Brown. The Bride sing picture. An improvised riam Edwards.
ATENCION ESMERADA was given away in marriage choir seasoninngly rendered Guacimo Scribe. Anton has ties.
al BITTE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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