
SATURDAY, APRIL 10th, 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 VERY LIBERAL OFFER ACTIVITIES IN MONTH OF MARCH As a medium of rendering Commenting on the acti. and Essen two. It is estima some assistance to the efforts vities of the Royal Air Forted that on each of these CARD OF THANKS of the National Price Control ce during the past month raids no less than one thouCommissica, to permit the of March, the Minister of sand bombs were Rodolfo Johnson and family dischar citizens of San Jose and the British Aviation stated that ged. The important war pro Quilla, Lila Johnson and other relatives immediate surroundings ob twenty one day and night duction centers of Munich, taining their supplies of fresh attacks had been effected Stuttagart, Nuremburg and through this medium, sincerely extend their wholefish at rates more moderate on enemy objectives in Eu Duisburg were also heavily hearted appreciation and gratitude to the many than those in existance, we rope at a cost of 190 machichastized. The enemy subfriends, fellow sportsmen and other sympathizers learn the Management of the nes. As against this intensi marine bases of St. Nazaire who sent their condolence by means of Cards, Letters, Pacific Electric Railway have fied offensive, the Germans and Hamburg were also sub Floral Wreaths, etc. and for attending the funeral intimated their willingness to are stated to have realizedjected to bombing of of their darling Mother.
the transport the article from only occasional raids over most disastrous character.
Puntarenas to the Capital England in which they sufDOROTHY JOHNSON The raids effected by the free of transportation char fered the loss of sixty machi North American units over who slept in Peace on the 1st. instant.
nes in addition to thirty six European territory during This is certainly an exceed destroyed over European the same month resulted in ingly liberal offer and will territory.
the destruction of 142 be highly appreciated by all.
The newly installed Director se attacks Berlin suffered for nineteen of their own.
During the course of the enemy planes in exchange) LONG ESTABLISHED INDUSTRY TO CEASE OPERATING of the National Electric Sys three disastrous The manufacturing of Ice! the industrial and economic bombings tem, has, ealso learn, proand other very useful articles. life of th ecommunity; the mised to in every way pos PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS TO RECEIVE 25 for human consumption by suspension of its operations, sible co operate with all efPER the Costa Rica Soda Water as announced from the 15th.
forts tending to relieve the CENT SALARY INCREASE Company of this city has, for of the current month, will, present economic stringency.
a long number of years, oc therefore, be widely felt.
Is there, we wonder, a We welcome the informacupied an important place in Though the principals of the heart, sufficiently charitably tion that the high function.
Company have advanced their disposed to come to the aid aries have approved a twenwillingness to accept orders of the depressed conditions ty five per cent increase in BROWNE ABRAHAMS for the supplying of ice from of this side of the Republic?
the salaries of the professors the Florida Farm Factory, and teachers serving the EduCOMPRAMOS this will rot, in the least, cational Department of the make amends for the loss TOMORROW FOOTBALL Republic.
which the cessation of the The increase has been sanc COCOS. COPRA. ACEITE DE COCO city activities, is bound to ENCOUNTER tioned in view of the abnorproduce.
Apartado 362 We expect to have as our mal rise in the cost of living.
It is sincerely hoped the special guests, from this af Our educationists certainly. LIMON.
way be soon be made clear ternoon, a team of Foot merit this augmentation of for a resumption of operatheir remunerations.
ballers from Rios; they tions.
are slated to contact the Ju piters of our city for the hon ca Banana Company Hosours of the great exercise. pital.
ES RICO EN VITAMINAS RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO The match will take pla We extend a cordial wel FACIL DE PREPARAR EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, ce tomorrow, and will be de come to the friends from LIMON dicated to Dr. and Mrs. Os Tres Rios and anticipate a UN ALIMENTO 100 DE When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come car Pacheco of the Costa Ri well contested engagement.
ALTO VALOR NUTRI to the above named Restaurant. the service you have TIVO long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup style. Cool AMONG THE WEEK END VISITORS drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
PARA NIÑOS ADULTOS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Over last week end our city the master of the local Lod: We buy Costa Rica Lottery EXIJALO EN TODOS LOS was visite by many prominge, and Sr. Monge, M, efOCTAVIUS THOMPSON ent persons from the Interior. fected a visit of inspection to NEGOCIOS (Better known as Edwin)
Among them were our widely the Limon Masonic sphere.
Proprietor. Box 52 regarded ex Governor, don They left by Sunday pas Ricardo Aivarado and his fassenger train. We much admir FINAL DIVIDEND DECLARED IN ESTATE JOHN mily, from Cartago. where ed the happy fraternal greet they are now residing. Others ings extended the visitors KEITH BANK were don Arturo Faith, don, prior to the departure of their We note that the Truestees month of June this year. The Gonzalo Monge and don Gon train. Among those who made in charge or the assests of the amounts unpaid after that zalo Marin Torres of San Jo up the send off party were Estate of the John Keith date will be lodged with the se.
Col. Sanabria, the highly Bank, being administered in Civil Judicial Authorities fon We uncierstand that Sr. esteemed Director of our Mi Bankruptcy, have declared a final disposition.
Faith is the Most Worthy litary Band, don Miguel MaFRIO CALIENTE ES DELICIOSO final divicend after the rate It is understood that crem Abdelnour, Grand Master of the Masonic driz, don Juan of three per cent on the ditors resident in this city and Fraternity in Costa Rica, and and other well regarded genclaims of the depositors and the nearby townships will accompanied by Sr. Marin, tlemen.
receive their dividends at the ADULTS Payment of the respective local Branch of the Banco Na BETTER WORLD FOOD POLICY RICH IN VITAMINS amounts started on the 1st of cional, as on previous occaSays Sir John Orr nations were able to enjoy EASY TO PREPARE the present month and will sions.
world food policy, based on a diet fully adequate for continue up to the end of the SOLD IN ALL BUSINESS human needs, should be the health. This would be the HOUSES foundation upon which the first step toward fulfilling If you are really keen about having hair cut done the better world should be the great revolutionary pro way and style you like it, then you should go to Dixon built. There is no measuremise contained in the Alan Barber Shop West of the City Market.
which would do more for ic Charter. the promise the promotion of human wel to bring freedom from want fare.
to all men in all lands LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY What a message of hope Whould be given the people of the world if the British FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS Commonwealth of Nations, the States of America, CHANGE OF DAIF FOR the Soviet Union, China and ENTERTAINMENT LIMON SOAP FACTORY all the Allied Nations issued a united declaration that this policy would be appli The announcement has been PRODUCTORA DE JABONES DE CALIDAD ed until the peoples of all released that in order to co(Fundada en 1910)
operate with the Outing of JOSE ACHION Ng the Girls League, slated for Easter Monday at Estrada, Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS Comerciante detallista the Drama, under the aus pices of the Methodist Wo; Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, men League, will be present Artículos de Ferretería y Eléc ed in the city Church on the GARRON e HIJOS tricos; todo se encuentra en night of Tuesday the 27th. este establecimiento. instanţ insetad of the night of the 26th. as previously LIMON APARTADO 417 PRECIOS DE SITUACION announcedcumento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacio terjo de Cultura y Juventud Costa Ric CHOCOLACTO


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