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PAGE 12 SATURDAY, APRIL 10th 1943 JO BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN MUNICH STUDENTS HANGED BY NAZIS SEAFORTHS HELD THE RIDGE GENERAL MONTGOMERY GENIUS IN ACTION BERLIN AGAIN IN FLAMES GIFT OF RAF. WINGS HONORS CHURCHILL was to 39 WS STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Blown up on a tank within have just met a man who Any respite from bombing LONDON, April. The ho Three young students of Ma 15 yards of the enemy, fired at worked for many weeks along which Berlin now experiences of wearing the coveted nich University were senten hy anti tank shells, machine side General Montgomery. He must be merely one of appreved to death and hanged lost guns and mortars, and chasa pictures Monty as a military hension. Each raid grows deal Air Force wings was acorde week after the Gestapo inad along the road by six Germaris genius with an almost psychic lier, more dstructive. The lat today to Prime Minister Wi.
discovered an anti Nazi group all firing tommy guns at him power of foreseeing the course est, delivered after a two week ton Churchill, who knows how a sergeant of the Seaforth of a battle.
interval of stormy weather, is to pilot an airplane. Mr. Chu within the school which wrote Highlanders is still alive to tell He was always a jump foficially pronounced the heavichill, who holds the honorary and distributed seditious tract. the tale.
ahead of Rommel. he told me est yet. Wreckage from the rank of air commodore, the among the students. This co He is Sergeant Syd Allen, Montgomery never relaxes: last visitation had not been equivalent of brigadier gere rrespondent has received the aged 31, of Lemington street fighting is his relaxation. cleared away wlien a fresh ral, has never hitherto loger information through private Leicester, who has been in the When the battle is on he site load of explosives, double any privileged to wear the rig channels from a reliable source Seaforths for the past 15 years, in his headquarters, usually in ever unloosed London. When got back to. ihe a very forward area. Puffing spread badge when in his Royal more devastation in the Bavarian capital.
Force uniform. number of prominent stu company found had been his pipe or chewing the stem through the city. No capital in reported killed, and mind you he sees every message, and the world except Warsaw has Notifying the Prime dents were arrested, among it wasn surprised. ll never on the basis of this intelligence had to take such punishment ter of this latest adina them a Count Metternich, wao, have more narrow escapes in gives on the spot word Evidence is beginning to ac. his numerous honors, Air however, was released later one short hour and get away mouth orders to commanders cumulate on the effect of these shall Sir Bertine Sutton we But it is presumed that the with it, Sergeant Aller old in the field raids. It has been reporte The keen interest you Gestapo may designate stil me.
If he has any doubts, he that the assault while Berlin My company was part of al jumps into his airplane and was celebrating Luftwaffe more victims for the hangman in service flying in its force of tanks, sappers, un flies off to see for himself. Day killed 2, 000 persons, ler early days; the leading from among those now held ners, etc. which 30, 000 homeless and destroyed you took in ne erents wh on suspicion of being implicar along the road from DEDUCTION 700 buildings in the center of led to creation of the ed in the plot.
Homs. was on the leading the city. Fires lit by the Brit. Air Force; your completio The secret State police swoop tank with my platoon, clinging On one occasion he called for ish incendiaries and fed ny over 30, 000 miles of flying hanged turned back as he was on the sides, ready to deal with an air officer at his headquar. block busters burned for three duty during he present led away and reportedly shout. any opposition.
ters and, pointing to an ons days. Such ruin is a tremen and the position vou ho ed down on the university in We got it all right. As ve cure part of the desert map. dous strain on German econo the midst of a lecture One of rounded a bend on the road an said: If you get there in about my, part of a mouting strain relation to the service anti tank gun opened fire com thirty minutes time. think which is said to have reduced nister of Defense const the three men subsequently point blank range. The tank you will find quite a lot of ene enemy plane output hy 30 per unique qualifications and ed to a fellow student, Count stopped with a shudder. my tanks, armoured cars and cent. In Tunisia the Luftware combine to make it pecul Metternich, Tell my parents tank commander was killed supply vehicles. They ought to falters before our furious air appropriate what You s11 attack, observers surmise, chief receive this award.
not to expect me home to and the driver wounded.
have got there by then. The hills rose sheer froni so much of squadron of fightr bom ly because night. This comment its In his message of than enought to implicate Metter each side of the road and the bers took off and just made strength must be held on the Germans were firing down on the target in half an hour home front. German blows in Mr. Churchi) saia: nich, who after his arrest won us, not 15 yards away. They When they arrived they found Russia lack their former po. At this moment we hts release when he proved gave us every thing, machine a tempting collection of ar wer while the air support they say without vanity that his innocence. The Gestao guns barked, rifles blazed, and moured and soft vehicles require is partly pinned down Royal Air Force is second closed the university for the grenades came flyin among which they bombed and straf in the Reich none. At this moment it it day. When classes reopened us.
ed with their cannon.
It merely so happens tha spearpoint of the British Not just from front and General Montgomery sleeps the Nazis are being paid hack fensive against that pre many students were missing, sides of us, either. The enemy in snatches of one or two for the misery they delighted cruel enemy who boasted prompting the belief that was behind us as well. We did hours, so that he remains in to spread when they ruled the meanwhile they had been ar the obvious thing. Jumper? into intimate contact with the bal skies. Berlin has made itself a he would erase the cities rested.
a gully at the side of the mad. tle throughout the twenty four major military objective. our native land and hope Anti Nazi tracts attacking hours.
will be kept under concentra lay all lands under his toil the regime violently and cail. TOMMY GUN CHISA ed fire as long as it remains thrall. As this world con ing Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hit WHAT EMPIRE the heart of the Nazi fortress deepens, the future of the ler and his lieutenants a band We lay doggo for a bit, and came for yal Air Force glows with. MEANS of murderers and trieves have five of the enemy ward to look at the knockedSAYINGS brighter, fiercer light. been distributed resudarly at out tank. We waited till they The most strinking fact Mr. Churchill has been the university during the past were close and opened about the British Empire is volved in several plane few months, this correspondent You should have seen them just that it is not an empire Our non stop bom in raids learned. The anti Nazi faction run back at all, in the abusive sease of on Germany are the opening shaps and has had one or in narrow escapes. He flen plane of the school reportedly in During this time got the the word. Britain, Canada, bars of the march on Europe cluded many of the most soplatoon away one by one, and Australia, New Zeland, South. Captain Harold Balfour, Ua before many of the present day military fliers were born cially prominent students. was the last man left. Mortar Africa and Eire are free and der Secretary for Air.
and made many fhgits als Young aristocrats and sons bombs started to come down independent nations, united by of leading industrial families, where I, was lying, and de ties of kinship and the shar regard squalor as a for passenger in land plant as well as fervent Catholics, cided the only thing to do wasing of common ideals. It is lu midable giant, far harder to at seaplanes and airships.
were believed to have been to make a break for it dicrous to represent the others tack than giant want. Sirmade his first long fight, las prompted by idealistic and pa blazing jeep and three as in any way owned or zul William Beveridge.
ing nearly one hour, on Deo triotic motives to denounce tonner made it as light as day. ed by Britain. But in the regime.
2, 1913, and his first solo fligh ran on to the road, and six quarters the idea seems slow The Government are work.
By having the ringleaders Germans with tommy. guns set in dying.
ing out plans to avoid the ri.
in May of 1914.
hanged, the Gestapo delibe off in chase. They couldn India will join that company diculous spectacle of wides.
rately chose the most ignomi have been 50 yards away, and of free nations after the war. pread destitution and poverty nous method provided ny Ger. as turned and saw them they Several colonies and depe:1 with millions of people idle.
man law to put a condemned opened up, and ran after me. dencies are at different stages They are seeking to bring a We are looking for an even person death. Hanging can think how got on the road to self gobernment measure of stability into world increasing production of eus:ally is reserved for the low away. Bullets were whizzing and nationhood.
prices. Mr. Attlee, Do craft throughout this year est civilian criminals. Even a all over the place. If they had That there are mistakes in minions Secretary.
Our managements, techsleiar soldier caught stealing can stood and taken aim was a the long story no soud and insist on the firing squad. The deep sympathy we gonner.
deny, but, broad and large we workers doing As a result of the Munich in But somehow managed to can offer our record to the have for Russia in her suffer splendid job today, and cident, universities all over get back to a ridge, where world with confidence and ing and our thankfulness for temper and tempo of the Germany now are being comh found the rest of the company pride.
her victories are preparing the dustry has never been iezt ed for slackers. The Deitsche The company commander had If men want to see what way for closer co operation Sir Stafford Cripps, Mins Allgemeine Zeitung says that heard had been killed. empire means in the old than seemed possible a few of Aircraft Production.
students who are taking nun. My pursuers had given a sense a tyranny of one years ago. The Archbishop essential subjects anl whose the chase by this time, and people exacting tribute from of York. To day we face east, attitudes and low marks was mighty thankful to be others they can find lamenstamp them as undesirable able to breathe safely again. table instance of it in the ex We have other armies, all determination. We have ne gressively, with confiderea students nivzi be veeded out The Seaforths on this ridge plotation by Germany of the over the world, waiting to and trans! erreri to war indus held the enemy at bay until, occupied lands.
show at the Eighth Army, left a defeat unavenged; tries. Women stadients also attacked from both flanks, the With us, empire, increasing for all its achievements, is not do not propose to do so nov will be affected by the general Germans were forced to with ly and of set purpose. means unique. Sir James Grigg, Field Marshal Sir Archiba house cleaning.
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