
on No disease of the mind can more fatally disable It from benevolence, the chief duty of social beings, than in homour or peevishness; for though it breaks not out in paroxysms of outrage, nor burst into turbulence Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 and blood shed it wears out happiness by slow corror YEAR VIII LIMON, APRIL 17h. 1943 No. 370 sion and small injuries incessantly repeated. It may, be considered as the canker of life, that destroys its vigour and checks its improvement, that creeps on THE DESTRUCTION OF THE AXIS FORCES IN NORTH AFRICA with houny depredations and taints and vitiates what On the 10th instant it was, tant city of Kairouan. It, ed to have fallen in tre hand it cannot consume.
officially released that among was found in flames. re of the Frist British Army, the the important gains for that port of the fight for the cap North Americans and the THE HIGH PRICE OF BEEF Camuto date was the capture of Gen ture of the valued position sta French, whose advances are ernal Aberto Manniarini wth tes that the British destroy continuing successfully despi For sometime past the purchasing public have been, all his staff and soldiers. He eightern of the forty ene te much difficulties. In their literaily, up in arms against the high price of Beef in The was the Commander in Chief my mechanized machines advance between Sfaz and city market, the responsibility for which has, in many insofthe Italian Sahara Army. It and the weak rear guard su Sousse, the Allied troops co tanecs, we gathur, been heaped on the butchers and cutters has been asserted that the rrended aimost without fir vered we are assured, 120 ki Germans left them destitude ing a shot. Recent drives bylometros iu forty eight hour.
Recen: investigation has however, revealed that the live of all motorized equipment, the Eighth British Army is The troops of General Mont stock is are being sold at ridiculous price. We have been having taken them for their said to have driven back the gomery are reported to have assured that as much as ninety centimos per kilo, live own use in their flight befo enemy abcut one hundred mi re established contact with weight, has been exacted, on ocacsions, by the catile re the Allied armies les and to have effected the those of Rommel in the re decleis, which places a value of nearly five hundred colones On the morning of Tues capture of 20. 000 prisoners. gion of Enfidaville, while to for an ordinary steer for butchery. At this rate, the butcher day of the week in course, bringing the total taken from the west and southwest the is beng called upon to pay for the very blood and other General Montgomery forces the advance from Alemein to other three Allied armies ope in union with other Allied more than one hundred thous rate in the mountains which waste matter in the animal body, and as he cannot include troops, occupied the impor Other thousands are stat surround Tunez and Bizerta, these in his trade activities, he is forced to raise the price at less than twenty miles in of the saleable stuff.
PAN AMERICANDAY places, from those On their part, the supplieus declare that in consepoints The fourteenth day of April, have characterized the od quence of the great scarcity of beef cattle and the many On Wednesday last Germa commemorates, each year the World.
hard and fast regulations being enforced on importations, anniversary of the Pan Ameri.
ny suffered one of the grea Admitting that measures of test aerial losses by the des they are compelled to raise the live price to cover their can Union, an Organization is understanding struction of seventy three of increased expenses. Accepting that we have a limited which preceded the Western have sprung and Some her machines in the aerodroHemisphere Solidarity Pacmall amount of blood spilledmes of Siciy and eleven mo supply of the cattle suitable for butchery purposes, we do an offspring ofthe raging 191 among some of the nations of not believe this presents any justification for the prices re in aeral combats. The versal conflict.
this New World, yet by the charged. It is our opinion that the Law of Control should The families of the Ameri xercise of timely counsels loss by the Allied forces were can nations linked themselves these difficulties were cauickels only three. This clear superio be applied to the things that are few as well as to those that abound It should be remembered, in the final analysis, together to promote a conm on removed and sound intelli. Irity leads qualified observers that it is the consumer who foots the bill.
civilization, under a system of gence and reasoning prerion. to expect a rapid decision in mutual understanding the Tunisian campaign.
We urge the placing of equitable prices on beef cattle peaceful efforts, to smooth out We pay homage at this time. After fierce fighting the and pigs and the intentification of the rearing of goats and such diffic as might fion to the Mother Union of the first British army under com sheer. Our Fish Industry should also we submit, be pleced time to time appear the mericas, more especially as iemand of General Anderson scene. This Pan American on a co operative basis governmentally or privately. Fish realize that it paved the way defeate the enemy toops and nion was founded nearly fifty for the new Powerful Tdeall obtained occupation of abounds in the sea; the supply is inexhaustible. Of the years ago. The seed then plant which has absorbed the iwon the strategic position of Les industry were properly handled, the public would be able ed, had a very successfy one American nations. This sen situates only 35 miles to secure the commodity at prices which would necessitate growth, blossomed aichly done homogenious whole io tu west of Tunez.
Cattle Breeders seeing to the reduction of their quotations.
produced marvellous fruit and ordinate their common efforts the fact is prominent that dur not only in defence of the inte ZU The price of pork would also have to be reduced. Every ing so length ened a period grity of our institution and intelligent being knows that fish, goat flesh and mutton years and despite the diversi hemisphere, but to assist in Africa are freed of the aggres are very nutritions articles for human consumption ties of race, language, custom the fight until the oppressed sive and despotic activities of and rival tendencies, on con brethren of Europe, Asia and Hitlerism, Fascism and ShinTO AID OUR CACAO INDUSTRY tinent has not been subjected toism.
to acts of aggression, disorder The information has been her, the creation of a Cocoa Wanton effo ts for dominance PRICE OF BANANAS TAKES UPWARD TREND IN don Raúl Velásquez, Chief of as the means of grantine cur released that by the medium o Producers Co operative Scheme ni mastery and war, such as S.
the Economie Agricultural producters the most effective tion and Production Statistics, assistance, and based soma.
WANTED. WANTER. WANTED of San José, a very important what the plans inder Black and White Puppy project was, a few days ago which the Institute of the new submitted to the Minister offence of Coffee is conducten.
with long hair, that will not grow very big.
From the United States of Agriculture, our esteemed con We congratulate don Raul America comes the report thar Mariano Montealegre on his initiative and hope this Please bring to the the price of Banana, has ad connection with our Cacao further effort in the interests AMERICAN CONSULATE, Limon City vanced to six and seven doldustry.
of our economic resuscitation lars for each first class on. The project suggests, we wa will be fruitful.
Additional recent analysis is.
CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL stated to have proved that this If you are really keen about having hair cut done the popular fruit exercises very way and style you like it, then you should go to. Dixon SCIENCE TO MEET indiportant action over the in Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
The announcement has been testinal and digestive system: Delegates from the respce of the human body and made that the Consultati e tive Republics, have been induces, at the same time, DoCouncil of the Inter American vited to participate in inis great vitamin force with bigh Institute of Agricultura great branch of activities lograde food value, specially roBUY AND SAVE MONEY AT Science will celebrate th in the promotion of knowledge in commended for the fighting first reunion in San José zo e the cultivation of plants and forces of the nation.
time during the approacning plants and the raising of crops.
month of May. It has been de Don Mariano Montealegre, the nate that in this Zone there are It is exceedingly imforrucidedwe understand, that the Secretary of Agriculture. thousands of bunches going to Win a Big Bag of Groceries Demand your Ticket important Body will hold meet been named Costa Rica re ings, bi annually in our Tapi presentative.
waste for lack of marketing Share in 45. 00 Merchandise Prizes each week.
tal facilities. As among the diedges of the Continental Soliela Red Beans, lb. 30 Starch, Ib. 75 rity there is that which Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar. 00 sures that no member shali HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA Salt, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot 50 suffer economically in onse. Sapolio. 00 Klim, tin 25 LIMON CITY quence of their adhesion to aid Island Palm Soap 60 Oats, lb. 80 in the destruction of the ene Lard, lb. 80 Rice, Ib. 35 Special Attention and Price for Families.
mies of our democratic insti.
Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath tutions, we are hoping ouers We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh THE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
for assistance will reach she Merchandise CANTINE WELL ASSORTED cars of those in authority. He HIGH STANDARD ATTENTIONes propiedad de la Biblioted that desireth to wpciones puguel Sobrangen hazame del sitema national de briguella del Ministerio de cuba Aventu. ROVEEDORA seek must be persistent in on a LA PROVEEDORA 15


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