
SATURDAY, April 17th. 1943 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE INDEPENDIENTES OF TRES RIOS DECORATED BY MRS. OSCAR PACHECO Mastering the Play rom start to finish, the visitors completely closed out the Home Team.
The Fiv Goals registered were gained by high standard performances THE CARIBBEAN PACKING COMPANY THE CACAO FARMER FRIEND WE ALWAYS BUY CACAO RUBBER?
Rubber Reserve Co.
on The match was dedicated to was brilliantly sent to Hazel Doctor and Mrs. Oscar Pacho who widely lost the shot. Tres co of the local hospital. The Rios then fell into a difficulty spectacle on our playground and a penalty was ruled. Up last Sunday afternoon gave went their protest, but the Re.
WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR semblance of a World Serie. feree maintained his ruling.
There was an overwhelming However, Jackson, who was de number of Fans.
puted to collect the fine instead The Doctor and his much of using the rod of castisement esteemed wife were accompani like a good sportsman, directi.
ed in the special guest circle byly kicked the ball several yards CINE MUNDIAL our Police Commander, Col. In from the goalkeeper. The rest rique Esquivel, Mr. and Mrs. period arrived with two points Luis Carazo and Miss Man for Tres Rios and Nil for LIMON garet Scott of the American Limon.
Colony. When all was ready On resuming, the homesters the medico. escorted by the were seen to have experienced The week Russian war actiCaptains of the Teams, to the a shuffling Pecco and Cam vities include a two hour bom WITH THE RUSSIANS attempts of the enemy to recrosse the Donetz have been repe.
starting point, effected the ini pos were replaced by Goudie bardment of the power stations, the baste fronts. In the south lled with heavy enemy losses.
tial kick toward the west portadand Solano.
actillery factories, railway sta west of Leningrade the Nazis To the west of Rostov the Ger guarded by Enrique Salazar of The visitors were given the tions and military stores in Ko left 2, 000 dead on the field. On mans also suffered serious los Tres Rios. Amid loud sheers benefit of a left corner stroke enigsburg, East Prussia.
the Smolensk front, the Soviet ses.
the Doctor resumed his seat. new flare of fighting is re guns silenced several German Moscow report states that a timely pass to center, where onthe aggressive and dribble ported in the northern sector of bateries, while all the renewed during the month of March vaThe Play. Tres Rios effect no effect resulted. Jackson et the ball fell to a half angula: a pass to Hazel who lost the rious contingents of guerrilla varriors in Ukranie positio nand slipped into oft shot. Totie moved into a son effected side. corner play appeared best of the visitors, moved into sational shuffle and getting the considerable destruction to the to the advantage of the visienemy rearguarded transport tors and the ball Kickel intonately the shot was ineffective.
striking position, but unfort system.
an effective position, but was The visitors again scored on the Increased aerial and artillery abiy defenden by Stanley Wade initiative of Garito. Defeat for attacks in the Volkhov sectom Limon famous center back. At of the Leningrade region is sup this stage, the right wing of the homesters was now ohvious. It was seen that they posed to indicate a new sprinng the visiting team displayed offensive on this front.
icrceful attacks; so did Me were failing in all their attemThe Royal Air Force continue Lean their left extreme wherts. The fourth point was reto inflict terrible damage gistered by Madriz and the had scarcely failed in marking fifth by Garita.
Germany war industry: durhis immediate opponent.
ing last Wednesday night StutBy and infringement, the At this juncture we would gard one of the important pigskin was worked against have liked to have been able centers for the manufacture of Tres Rios but freed of damag. to stay the hand of the old electric appliances was submi.
ing effects. An opportunity mantel piece to see if a prolong tted to a violent bombing. Itacame for our Boys a correeted time would have helped our lian industrial centers and portpass by Pecca was noted, side to regain lost ground huit were also attacked.
Jackson sent it on to Carlito the Sun did not stand still over Hayling who effected a kick Gideon. The end came and Danzig, Germany principal base for transmiting provisions several feet off the gaard rajl Enrique Salazar, our own iiand other essentials to the forJupiter faced a contrary wind monense, who had so magiA spectacular action followeri. cally defended for Tres Rios ces operating in Russia was bom when Chipos, a six footer af was lifted on the shoulders of bed intensely last Thursday.
the invading side earned the one of the men of the victoMr. Winston Churchill y su señora entran en su re In the Caucacian region the first goal. time of attacks rious side and taken before sidencia en el número 10 de la Calle Downing después Soviets are said to be driving and counter attacks waxed the guests of honour.
de que el Primer Ministro Británico regresó del Medio the Nazis to the coast of the warmly, and again Chippos at The Medals of honour. the Black Sea.
peated his former effective gift of the Doetor, were eifecu shot the second goal was regis. vely pinned on each player liy tered. Fate again worker Mrs. Pacheco. NEW DAILY aaginst Jupiter. when a pass When in Limon call in at Dixon for a Cosmolitars On Monday last, the 12th.
prototype hair. ut or shave. Dixon Barber Shop. West instant, Ultima Hora made of the city Market. like your ads. and the hair cut too. One amuses afternoon news organ. We have its debut in the Capital, as an the other satisfies. said a new client the other day, after been very favourably inepes.
getting fixed up at. Dixon Barber Shop West of the sed with the issues we have CAFE HOLNESS City Market had the pleasure of reading, Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street and as we note it is being of.
MORE ASSASSINATIONS fered the public after the rate directly in front the Football Ground.
According to the press of ven the death penalty by the of five céntimos per copy it This New Eating and Refreshing Spot Prague, another lot of Zchecos! Germans for having been de should quickly attain a wide circulation.
vakians have been executed by clared guilty of sabotage and is now at the Public Service the Nazis. Five were aceusel anti Nazi activities. They also We heartily congratulate our of the crime of high treasor: burned a wooded district in good friends don Mariano HerCOMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD against the Reich for having Croate in reprisal for the vieraill nández the Editor, and den AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPRELuis Soto the Administraassociated themselves viti ment of a train filled with Ger tor, on their effort and wish it ME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
secret hostile organizations. man troops.
a long and most Three suffered the deati pe successful career.
nalty for violating food vegar lations, and another for the serious crime of listening in on Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark ot the back a foreign radio broadcast.
de su recibo que dice: of recoir! which reads: For the crime of condueting. This bill must be paid at our office before printery clandestingly, which Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month published anti Nazi propagan de los primeros 10 días de cada mes da, fifty one Poles were shot.
Be so geod as to comply with thig request and do not Among them was a woman, a Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena cblige us to suspend our service, a step which widow, of seventytwo years of de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
age, the oner of the building in which the printery had been ectablished.
Twenty eight French Tailroad workers were, ac or ling Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
con advice from Argel.


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