
PAGE 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, April 17th. 1943 LAST WEEK END VISITOR IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY It afforded us much pleasure SASTRER LA MODERNA Last Tuesday, the 13th. instant, brought to us the to have had Miss Wynn of Rio Hondo as a visitor over the close of three sorrowing years since death robbed us NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS past week end of our affectionate and loving Mother It is understood that We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, Miss Wynn is associated with tire Elegant Fittings.
FRANCIS CAMPBELL teaching staff of the Anglican Next Door: La Miniatura and 20 yds. East School of that district; she is Unidad Sanitaria (who died on April 13th. 1940)
also an adherent of the P:ivate Time can never cause us to fail in cherishing School Teachers Association.
SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES Our fond, sincere and never surrendering memory; You were our delight, our comfort and grest guide, No earthly balm can heal the wound in our hearts.
Uriah Campbell. Anita Philips. Matilda By DERIC PEARSON Cole. Mary Stewart and Grand children WATER FACTORY There has been much com world what dreadful people mentary by people in different Jews were, but that was Fábrica de Hielo y sectors maintaining that Jews enough, because most peop make wars out never fight in with any fair amount of ment THE MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF DENNIS MC FARLANE Refrescos them these people are agents of perspective do not swallow After having enjoyed wide es. in addition to his advance age Hitler, working for his propa Gobbels propaganda. So teem in Limon religious, of more than seventy year ganda, sometimes consciously order to smash the power fraternal and social spheres for will readily dispel from therr Limón sometimes unconscious! y. it Jews another method had to a lengthy period of years, Mr. minds that part of the theory being unknown to themselves found. Therefore, a campaig Dennis McFarlane death was which associates him with the that they are acting for the was started to frighten u disclosed on Sunday the 11th climbing of the fruit tree. FLORIDA ICE AND Führer. It is for this reason Jews, and ultimately to exte Some amount of mystery is as The deceased was a native that communicated with Ma minate them. Let us try to sociated with the sad occu of the parish of Portland in rian Zyd, who has been corres turing the Jews in internme rence. His body was found un the Islan dof Jamaica, whence FARM CO pondent in Paris and London camps. someone in German der a coconut tree in a farm he migrated to this country for Yiddish newspapers in Li suggested. Yes, that a go located along the Railway Sansuring the early 1900 It has LA FLORIDA thuania, Rumania, Palestine, idea. said another Nazi lon ta Rosa track about three and leen reliably stated that lurSouth Africa and the Uniteding to have his sadistic, glut MADERAS one half miles from the city ing these many years, he lived States.
nous tastes satisfied. So t!
respectifully and gained the FABRICA DE HIELO Mr. Zyd came to see me and Jews were lashed to death wi Having no othe relative popular acclaim of mostly evetalked to me about Jews in a whip, tied to trees and beat than his sick wife, frien is and my person who contacted him.
the forces fighting for the Urit till they dropped, and as other syrupathizers journeyed His remains were deposited his aged widow we extend our asked him to send me a report, escaped to this country info ed Nations and Democracy. German Jewish girl, who to the spot, and by aid of a in their last resting place at heartfelt sympathy. May the because wished the Latin ed me, she had seen her pump car brought the renaine the forenoon hour of eleven on soul of our departed citizen to the city at about 10. 30 Monday the 12th. instant. To be at rest.
American people to know every cousin go through this tortu According to the statements thing concerning what Jers and worse than that, she sai of eye witnesses, there vere really doing. Mr. Zyd there were trained dogs left MRS. SARAH SAMUELS CROSSES THE GREAT told me traces of battery on the man many interesting the foot of the tree to pull hi body. His shoes were ofi DIVIDE things and before he left me to pieces. No, this was aot feet and lying beside the wosaid, Please give me figures torture him any more. He dy We are in receipt of the in. where she lived up to the time and they must be correct already unconscious, if not The farm on which au formation that the sad event of her sad passing.
gures dead. It was to please the fortunate citizen body was took place at Almirante on Tues The Rev. Cooper, of the zi guard spectators. They h: found is, we are told, privately day the 9th of March Anglican Cure, assisted by the Mr. Zyd has now sent is to be satisfied.
owned and under the preMystic Lodge and the Baptist report to me and if you read Hitler and Goebbels wish Mrs. Samuels was old tion of a watchman. Bany Women Auxiliary paid tribute on you will find the figures utterly vanquish the Jews bronchel theories have been resident our city and a pro to her remains.
asked for, but before looking order to get themselves pow at them want you to read a ful in the financial forld, as to the possible cause of minent member sf the Baptist The deceased in survived by few points that should be death, but those who knew the Church, where, on several occa her daughters. Mrs. Lilian that they can control the characteristic good principes sions, she acted as organist and Williams and Miss Laurel noted.
man people and feather the which were imbedded in the served in the choir. She left us muels of Almirante; her Hitler remarked before ti. is son, own nests.
war started that Britain and life career of Mr. McFarlane, inany years ago for Almirante cur popular townsman, Mr.
Finding that torturing the her allies won the war of 1914. did not frighten the Jews na Wilfred Samuels; her daugt 1918 by propaganda and that fficiently, they thought th her in law Mrs. Clarisa Sa Germany would win the next would try to exterminate the RESTAURANTE EL PROGRESO muels Keer of San Jose and war by the same method. There Here are some facts. In on EASTERN END, FRONT OF TEATRO ARRASTY, other relatives to whom the fore, he called in Dr. Goebbels. area of Poland alone 6, 000 Je I MON TLANTIC VOICE Tenders its Dr. Goebbels did Iris best. He are being killed daily. In When in this City from the Line Towns and Coasts come profound condolence.
told everyone throughout the whole of Poland more th: to the above named Restaurant. the service you have. 1000, 000 Jews have been a long desired. Meals, Mondongo Soup (Creole style. Cool nihilated.
drinks of all kinds prepared according to orders.
DOCTOR SHAW ON SICK LIST 130, 000 Jews we deported in 1941 to Transdn OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The Atlantic Voice jerns, to be near his bedside. We sin tria, Rumania. About 60, 000 We buy Costa Rica Lottery with much regret that Dr. cerely wish he will soon reco these are already dead and a OCTAVIUS THOMPSON Shaw of Siquirres is in ill ver and completely regain his remaining 70, 000 are starvin (Better known as Edwin)
health and has been confined former sound health. Continued in Next Issue. Proprietor. Box 52 to his residence for the sa several days. Our good citizen, It no loafers den No idle gossips, no obscene lan his daughter, the widow of one guage permitted. The ideal place for children is at Dixon late Mr. Victor Hayling, left Instructor Cubano Barber Shop West of the City Market.
Agentes de la CERVECERIA GAMBRINUS GARRON e HIJOS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Erramangrert testaafael Romero, de La Habana, Cuba, imparte instrucción a los reclutas del eiército norteamericano


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