p. 12


SATURDAY Anril 17th. 1943 PAGE 12 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN רון in It was a war trte 10 were FACTS ABOUT BRITISH IT WAS BRITISH WHAT VICTORY WILL SIR BERNHARD GERMANY BLEAK SCIENCE IN WAR BOMB MEAN MONTGOMERY MODERN WARTIME LIFE Behind closed doors curtain CRUSADER traveller to Germany thuis ed in secrecy British Recently there arrived science The strength of a nacion is Switzerland a group of winter would have been asteni leads the world. Fco every firet LONDON, April. Mucho shed to notice that life, espe which can be revealed concern dren from the north of France in its homes. If family life is and developments at least ten year old boy from one of the national wellbeing are in peril. gomery success is due to the continue as though theed Gems ing their wartime discoveries Among them was an eight not healthy the foundations of General Sir Bernhard Mont cially in Berlin, appeared to For most people probably tact that he is a man of dee man people were not engaged must remain untold until the target towns, who had their homes are in the front of rengious conviction, reports the in a war to death. The visitor war is over. But sufficient news lost his arm in a raid.
His Swiss hosts begar to their thoughts when they weekly pictorial review Th would be struck, however, by of their activities has beer show him a lot of sympathy, think seriously about the war Posta: He has captured to the large number of women in given to make it clear but the boy would have none and its issues. The world imagination not on. mourning and wounded in during the few years Britis. diers lacking limbs.
of it. Drawing himself un, hener is defending his home. The because of his ability as it so: These science has made history il very title of Home Guard tells arer and his thoroughness as a were the only two exterior fields which are both connect said proudly: What do as but because matter?
British its own story. The soldier organiser, signs that strikingly recalleri ed and unconnected with warbomb.
North Africa sends his hoine orings to modern the gravity of the times.
He spirit of the medieval crusa This story was told by thoughts from abroad.
But if the traveller stayed paper says. The longer he would soon notice The greatest discovery of ine Massigli, who recently resapod knows that the front line de aer, this this apparently normal from France and has been ad fence of Britain these days words he addressed to his stin, long war. Radio location, the war a facade most closly guarded secret, is pointed Fighting French Na in Tunisia. The Navy guards shen he headed, the sou ife was often panin Eastern Command of Banan. Objects that adorned the shop.
and feeds the.
tional Commissioner for Poi)
undoubtedly the greatest The ravaged and oppressed beiore he left for Egyp: wer windows were only imitations vention made by any country reign Affairs.
homes of the occupied lards the following: read my br In chic restaurants he wouli!
row at war. It revolutionizer and the disrupted familie of bl every way anat reconime. be told, often rudely. that all the air defence of Great Bi loit for this mid war discovery Germany itself are evidence of you to do Sanne. U15 tables were reserved for clients ein and her Allies, and though Alexander what Nazi domination would godly man tre glory is nor fornly. If he took refuge in himself alone; the enemy Fleming, a in its infancy, it played a great goes to Professor British medical mean.
Is fashionable bar, he would fina lart in the victory of the Pattie scientist, who has been work It is good to see the coner in the Devil and to externo a few silent clients listening of Britain.
ing for ten years on the mi of British Government and aim is the work of the Lord. to a tired orchestra but almos!
racle mould which holds out people for the rapid provision General Montgomery family, nothing to drink.
British scientists quickly so great a hope to sufering of houses the framework of which goes back to the first!
The appearance of an agree.
vanquished hitler much vaun humanity.
the home; for better educa Viscount Montgomery in ine. able life was maintained ed seoret weapon TE The famous sulphapyridine tion; and for the adoption of early 17th century, nas keep up appearances. That is magnetic mine. Within a drug, first produce in a Brit yet further measures of social cused now finished. Nothing is hic MANY DISTINGUISHED few weeks of the outbreak ofish laboratory, has saved tho security.
den nowadays. Tribune de the war degaussing apparatus sands of lives since the begin CHURCHMEN, Victory will mean happier Lausanne)
put an end to its dangers.
ning of the war. It is estimar days and better condition. Lets liers and administrators Science too, has fought and led that in the years 1939 41 u. sey 01 sənpəsino əndəu sn Itis own father was an Ancli. MORALE IN GERMANY. largely beaten the mine on ten thousand lives were cavits coming.
can Eishop. llis younger boland. The mine detector, with in Britain alone by its use in ther, Captain Montgomewhich sapper are now equip cases of spotted fever. Der ry, is a Chaplain. Another The war has now reached a brother is Director of Many stage when developments in ped, played its part in the vioseven thousand lives SECRET ARMS TOTAL tory of the Battle of Egypt. saved by its use in pneumonia wer in Kenya, and a th:0, Germany and the occupied Had it not been for the speedy cases. It was the use of sulTHIRD OF BRITISH Lieutenant Colonel Montgome countries demand as much at ry, is at the Staff College attention as removal of anti tank or anti phathiazole a member of he the battle fronte personnel mines the British ad sulphapyridine family, which OUTPUT Quetta India. General Moei There has been trouble in the vance could have been achiev Iliastened Mr. Churchill recogomery immense power over German High Command er ed only at the cost of tremea very from his recent illaess.
men arises from his own deep since last autumn when litir dous casualties.
Important wartime discove.
LONDON. April One, inner discipline, which is due assumed the Supreme Com third of Great Britain vast to this religious tradition. ic mand. From then on the Ger ries have ben made in the proWea cause he himself voluntarily mans have suffered repeated Britain can justifiable claim perties of Vitamin The hig, war output is in secret to have perfected the most best death rate in modern wa: pons which at the siart of the endures every hardship waich defeats and it is rumored that famous aircraft engine in the is due to shock. It has been war existed only in the minds he asks his men to undergo General Halder recently vist world in the Rolls Royce Mer found in various British expeof their inventors, Oliver 91 no sacrifice is too great fored Headouarters and expre.
lin engine. Since the war broke timents that Vitamin inject telton, Minister of Production them.
sed his frank opinion of His out it has been constantly im. ed into the spine has an effect levealed today at the angrai ler strategy proved. Flying at undreamed sufficient to luncheon of the Institution a SAYINGS Meanwhile, things are. Riot prevent death of altitudes has been made pos tom shock. Those experiments unemical Engineers too good on the home from: dible by the evolution of new are being pressed forward.
new arms are being deveispue where Goebbels is becoming untinually, and it is the Wit The cost of the war is still the central figure, and it is sign magneto types, which can pr)
duce efficient ignition at levis rising. We are steadily reachin; nificant that people now talk Food as a weapon.
wabinet determination to oin While the full noontide of our ur the war and the Nazi leader where the air is extremely ra experiments in dehydration strip the Germans in proceso Tefied.
took place in many countries ing novel instruments of des strength. We must see it with amazing frankness. Tha that our money is well spent food situation is strained and In explosives Britain back before the war, truction, he added.
Britain has Lyttelton gave this viciuto first for victory in war and it remains to be seen how long room boys have made some of rioneered and developed its of the war effort: then for victory in peace. German society can survive.
the greatest and most secret wartime use. With the geneBritain produced in Febca: Sir Kingsley Wood, Chancellor Foreign labor in Germany advances of the war. Bon. bs, rous help of the United States for instance, have increased in this has meant that British ry more than four times as sua of the Exchequer constitutes a grave threat and Now that we have the conditions in the occupici Weight from 500 lbs. to 000 food has been maintainerten a ny heavy bombers as in wer and the means to bruary, 1942 Ths. In defence, Britain scien high nutritive level, and more!
co ope countries are such that any rate the three Services (Swedish rists have been equally Schemous quantities of shipring Output of munitions of con thing may happen.
all best be likened to the pennic Newspape. as witness the increasing 11 space saved both in the inpertsorts was about 40 per Cart in a threepenny bit for their in ber of kills made by Bricit of food to Britain and the ex greater than in February terdependence. Our only CIanti aircraft gunners. It was port of food to British Forces year ago.
nounced only recently that overseas.
In the last quarter of 124: as a result of a new mechanica! Science has likewise played the structure weight lonks Admiral Denis Boyd, Fifth Sec fuse anti aircraft shells can an important part in securing true comparison) of aircraft Lord.
Women Voluntary Ser now be made to burst accura a balanced diet in warfine production was about 75 per vices of Great Britain War crimes are no longer serve 000. 000 tely at a height half as great The addition of Vitamins Acent higher than the avera 200 meals again as formerly. Ack ack and to national margarine, quarterly production of 194i. rivileged crimes, immune 000. 000 hot drinks to nem gunners are now gainst ordinary repressive mea bers of the Forces shooting of Vitamin and calciun to in 000 down eight enemy aircraft for the national wheatmeal bread By the fourth quarter of lad sures, They take their place canteens every month?
the same number of rounds are two instances of the con sear the rate of output of among the crimes of common needed to shoot down one in tribution of science to the na like stores. weapons, amou law. Their perpetrators will be 1940.
Sertion health.
nition, tanks, etc. was ou brought to judgment. are fighting and working Britain latest food discove ole that of the average rate it Pierlot, Belgian Prime Minis save the world from Nazısm Medical research saving thosry. Torulautilis, will help to 1941.
ter. Mr. Attlee, Deuty sands in mid war is one of the solve the post war food crisis In the post war period, Premier.
great medical discoveries in Europe. Produced afrer se This increased output has when we have cvercome th. Hitler has lost the war. ve!
which has been made in recent verel years experiment by the ceen achieved largely by de initial shortages we shall went we have not won it. Those years. Penicillin, when fully British Department of Scien velopments by scientists and a steady flow of purchasing people in occupied countries Cleveloped promises to become tific Industrial Research, it is industrial enginneers, increas power coming from the mass cannot hold out for ever, and a powerful weapon against di a kind of yeast in light flakes ed efficiency of labor and in of the people, to keep employ the sooner the war is over, the sease. Already in experimen rich in Vitamin and protein. creased efficiency of management steady and to help smaller will be the Europear has been proved to be a It supplies full nutrition, and ment, Lyttelton said. It is a cuilding that higher standard cemetery. Jan Masaryk hundred times more germici can be cheaply manufactured magnificent testimony to eve of life which we all desire an Vice Premier of Czechoslov dal than any known drug. Cre. fomostiga mopiedaduolaikasta Nacional Miguerolash Walnegdealnddonai nadbisedat del Minstehuice kundra y Suventud, Costa Rica.
is all who kia.
to valry is to serve God, King and DO YOU KNOW THAT anc ui


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