
If we would continually bear in mind our relation to The Father of Being, by whom we are placed in this world and who has ulotted us the part we are to bear in the Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 general system of life, we will be easily persuaded to resign our own incliination to Unerring Visdom and do the YEAR VIII LIMON, MAY Ist. 1943 No. 371 work decreed for us with cheerfulness and diligence, THE WORLD WAR PASSING THE KICK TRAVELLERS ON ESTRELLA BRANCH LINE arer and ncarer ap, sault against the strategic ba Since the app cancer NEED MORE RAILWAY ACCOMMODATION ble re ses of Tunez and Bizerta des last article regarding the right SWD the terrible warfare pite the tense efforts of the Price of Beel. and oi bers on vaging in Nazis to check the advance. dealing with the food puesto Even the inos casual observer must have noted the North Africa over long Is is als: reported that the generally, we have hedivaly very large number of persons who utilize the bi weekly months the complete des recen: effort of Hitler to con humorous comments, paricu freight and passenger combination service operated by the truction of the enemy figh duct a somewhat intensified larly by meat cu ters and pig Management of our Railway System from this city along 12 list advi. offensive in Russia had failed rearers. We have also had it with heavy losses among his from one of the most progres the Estrella Branch Line.
sive pig rearing locations of mies had broken through ien and machinery. The. We have been assured that, from the viewpoint of acthe Axis defencos in the viets, on the other hand are this Zone that when it becaune known that the high price comodation, all goes well to as far as Penshurst where the mountainous regions and registering valuable gains charged for pork in our city may initiate their final asTo page 11 service ends, hut that the travellers, whose business necesmarket was attributeI o the farmers, who had effected in sitate their going on to Pandora, are in urgent need of WANTED. WANTER WANTED was claimed grea: increases in more adequate transportation facility than that afforded by the price of the livestock Black and White Puppy much alarm arose. While qui the present tram. The capacity of this car can no longer, we te willing to accept the summ are told, satisfactorily take care of the ever increasing with long hair, that will not grow very big ers version, how can number of passengers between those two points. The tram Please bring to the dispel completely the buthers Tarvuaint scating capacity is about twelve, we gather, while, it is AMERICAN CONSULATE, Limon City ing ourselves first with all claimed, the present movement often taxes it for the ac the required information?
commodation of more than twice that number.
As we cannot readily 26 As it is evident there exists a genuine necessity for an LIC. DON TEODORO PICADO, PRESIDENT OF quire this kae. edge, we salg increase of accommodation, we trust that in bringing the gest that the Price Control THE NATIONAL CONGRESS, WAS THE RECICommission establish weishing matter, by this medium, to the attention of the Company scales at all the live 20 selPIENT OF GRAND WELCOME BY OUR very genial Management, it wont be long ere we learn of ling centers and proh! the CITIZENRY sale of butchery animals withe remedy being effected.
thout being first weighed, in order to fi xhe price to be Very much in advance o1 focated by the throng of exacted from the purchasers a ADINIEKU the time fixed for the arri, well intentioned well wis En La Paz UNTUK.
reasonable margin being ailow val of the special train hers and admirers.
which was ed for profit. It is understood bringing In his dual capacity of that such scales exist in ceidon Teodoro Picado and his President of the National tain centers in the interior. The party on a visit to our cly Congress and Candidate of Fiscal authorities stationed in on the evening of Sunday the National Republican the coastal towns and agriculthe 18th. instant, an onts Party for the Republic tural regions could help in tanding number of our peo Presidency, don Teodoro this vespect.
ple, drawn from all classes, with the able assistance of assembled at the station to the members of his party, similar measure should be extend them that sincere effected the official. and applied to our ſeathered stock; and hearty welcome so cha social functions during the for there is every reason To racteristic of our citizenry. later hours of the same evs complain when one is chargOn the Train arrival they ning, and returned to the ed 1. 50 per pound ve blocked every exit. The lo capital the following day. weight and 00 per pound cal authorities, however, It was most pleasing to in the warket for mongrel quickly took charge of the have had the distinguished fowis.
distinguished visitors, but party as the guests of While on the subject of experienced the greatest dicity for even so very brief weight, we are of the opinion ficulty, obviously, in saving a period.
that is time for a rigid endon. Teodoro from being curl forcement of the regulation which demands all traders to use only such scales as will per BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT mit their customers to personally note the weight of El presidente de Bolivia, general Enrique Peñaranda, de la unc bienvenida en la ciudad de La Paz al vicepresidente de los article being bought.
Patados Unidos, señor Henry Wallace.
וננים LA PROVEEDORA alle as against Red Beans, lb. 30 Starch, Ib. 45 NOTABLE INCREASES IN OUR RUBBER AND HONEY TRADE Kerosene, bot 50 Bosco, jar. 00 Sait, lbs. 35 Sweet Oil, bot 50 According to the informa of 662 kilos sent out the improvement, they aggrega Sapolio 00 Klim, tin 25 tion recently released by country in the year 1986 led 292. 730 kilos, with a va Island Palm Soap 60 Oats, Ib. 80 the Director of the Depart and valued at 889. 00 dol lue equivalent to 27. 859 dol Lard, Ib. 80 Rice, ib. 35 ment of National Statistics, lars.
lars, as against 8, 824 kilos cur Rubber and Honey tra Last year Honey ex in 1940 and 9, 924 kilos in We offer you Courtesy, Lower Prices and Fresh de shewed very marked im poris also shewed marked 1941.
Merchandise provement during the past year.
Rubber exportations LA PROVEEDORA If you are really keen obout having hair cut done the stated to have totalled way and style you like it, then you should go fo. Dixon 241. 483 kilos with a value Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
of 196. 838, LIMON the much smaller quantity UTETEZURICITEIT ITUOLIT T: HOTEL HISPANO. AMERICA UNITED FRUIT CO VICE PRESIDENT ON SHORT VISIT LIMON CITY Among the distinguished, the several matters of vi productive of the greatest Special Attention and Price for Families.
transients who arrived here tal importance to which at good, and be the means of Cool and Comfortable Rooms with Bath last Sunday was Mr. Turntention was directed was our experiencing a resumpTHE BEST DINING HALL OF THE PORT.
bull, the Vice President of that the suspension of tion of some, at least, of the CANTINE WELL ASSORTED the United Fruit Company. our Banana trade, especial Company activities in this HIGH STANDARD ATTENTION He came from the Compa ly as it effects this section of Zone, in so far as the handny headquarters in Bos the Republic. It is our fon. ling of our locally produced ERNEST CECIL LEWIS, Proprietor ton, dest hope the issue will be fruit is concerned.
It is hented that among Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
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