
ST. MARK CHURCH MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ARCHITECT AND BUILDER TIE ORIENTAL BARBER Cháuacteristically the An Years of practical knowledge, Mr. William Mc Creath, JAS. SCOTT SHOP efficient, neat, accurate. These glicans associated with the one of our leading musiLocated in front former my highest ambition Any design St. Mark Church held cians, has clearly shewn he The lure of other fields in wood turned out with gratiMotive Power Club in 3rd.
their annual Holy Week is that flower, whose subs of labour has laid its grip lying results. Office and shop) Avenue is the new parlour of and Easter Services. Those tance was being wasted in on Mr. James Scott, one of sth. Avenue, North the only Oriental Barber Shop on Good Friday and Easter the desert air, for, by mas our citizens who was gained CHAS RODEN.
in this city. All sanitary Day were well attended. tering in so masterly a man much esteem among all arrangemerits. Barber with he dedication of the lener, the repairs to the organ classes. He has proven him CABINET AND UNDERTAK years of practice in all classes cently repaired Organ was he has proven himself pos self a sincere adherent of ING SHOP. Specializes in mak. of the Hair Cutting Art. trial fa feature the added serupa sessed of outstanding abili clean sport and has participent and the bine. Curniture cand will convince the most to early service ty.
ime Sunday morning, while the charm of the glorious pated in many events. Thus every other branch of was work. stocked.
LIONEL MONDOLL the re: occupying of the gal anniversary also distinguis ball was played in his ho Vee us before going elsewhere.
lery, by the Choir, helped hed the service in the even nour on the morning of Prices moderate. 4th. Street, to spread the volume of ing. Penetratingly the Choir Sunday the 18th. April, the natrance Gamez Lumber splendid singing. The dedi rendered the anthem Yard. SYDNEY catory ceremony, by participating teams being BECKFORD, English Tweeds Sergs the They have taken away my the Bananero and DogManager.
can säill be har at Rector, was profoundly im Lord. Mrs. Daysley 80 gers. The scene was bright WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Reasonable Prices at pressive. The work connec lemnly rendered solo also and charming. Mr.
Lebert ECONOMY. Everything in mated with the repairing of arrested attention. The Rec Brown and his musicians JACK ORANE Sucs.
chinery made or repaired, from the instrument has undoubltor whole heartedly conTHE PEOPLE HOUSE attendance, and a Pin to a Crane. See us. We tedly confirmed the well gratulated and thanked Mr. their items served as a popu fearry an Limon assortment of Beds, founded lines.
McCreath, and also reite lar stimulus.
Springs and other useful things Full many a gem of purest rated his gratitute as well!
well as that of Mrs. Evans and encounter with six runs The Doggers won the at all times. Building No. 89 ATLANTIC BAR AND ray serene, a North Fifth Avenue.
The dark unfathomed caves the Parish in general to all gainst five by their oppo THOMPSON, Proprietor.
RESTAURANT of oceans bear.
who contributed to the nents. The players were en The very best and highest Full many a flower is born Funds which were exclusi tertained by Mr. Scott THE RESETTER WITH IMBisit to blush unseen, vely used in covering the the Molness Cafe.
PROVEMENTS. clean up to grade native and foreign Li And waste its substance in cost of the repairs to the date Barber Parlour Centrally quors always stocked No adulthe desert air.
located on Commerce Short instrument.
Avenue! teration Our Order HTUDESTUTE almost opposite Teatro Arras. Service the best inthe City.
ty. Pleasant, reliable courteous 4th Avenue and 7th. Street.
Proprietor Very pleasing it was to Address all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos have had Miss Iris Bruce NEW HARLEM BAR AND CAPE OF GOOD HOPE ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a with us after her lengthy RESTAURANT. The Best drinks WHAT IS THAT: absence in the interior whe: a ROIG prepared by Crawford your store where re she now resides in the in Grant, Genuine native and for you will find all you need in terest of her health. Her ve eign liquors stocked Our Cusi the la test styles and BOX 523 very Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 ry robust physique gives ne service the most up to date. cheap. Is is very comfortable SAN JOSE evidence of the beneficial CRAWFORD AND Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos influence of the milder cli Proprietors.
GRANT, to reach, because it is in the Limon Market.
WITHOUT Miss Iris was a widely LODGE TO STAGE SINGING CONTEST regarded Limonense prior to the breaking of Much is being heard of this city and several of the her good health, outstandEASTER CAROL the Singing Contest slated Line Towns, and will, it is ingly participated in most to be given on the 18th. ins expected, present a AT ESTRADA ANGLICAN CHURCH most of the efforts effected for tant, under the auspices of interesting and elevating the intellectual advancethe Loval Bathseda Lodge function. We congratulate ment of our people; she Tuning in with the Easter of the other religious deof the Independent Order the Management of the fra earned great honours for Season the members og the nominations of the district of Odd Fellows, Manchester ternity for the effort to re her elocutionary and other Aglican Church of St. Ja and vicinity was highly apUnity.
vive the art, and wish them literary qualifications. We mes, Estrada, are said to ha preciated and gave evidence The competitors are being the best success.
wish her further gains in ve assembled many talente of that christian unity selected, we gather from her new location.
ed personages in the presenwhich should always be an tation of an Easter Carol on outstandirg feature of the Sunday the 25th. ultimo, Season ceremonials.
which was wendered with The furction was very efharmonious effectiveness. fectively directed by Mr. Is The co operation of a larmael Murray of Matina. The prelude consisted of a conPERSONAL SHORTS gregational hymn followed by prayer and Miss Laney Scripture our widely wer. one Lessor) Refitations were regarded contributed by the Misses young Limoneses, who now Webb. Clarke, Hazel, PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR resides in the Capital, was and Vose, Holder, among the large number of Anglin and Møsters excursionists who were our Wedderburn and Webb. So guests during the morat Season just Sommelos were also richly render concluded. She was heartily wels. Hamilton and Mrs.
ed by Miss Holder, Mrs.
comed by her numerous friends, merous Vose; the latter was ably ac companied by Miss Smith Mr. Eric Coleman, on the organ. The duet, led was also heartily greeted by his by Miss A, Ellis, was highly hosts of friends and well harmonizing. Mrs. Vose, the wishers. He, too, has been ed with her in the prepara organist. and those associatallsiding in San Jose for ration and presentation of quite some time, where, it is understood, he is making the splendid programs were good. He was congratulated for gay crowd in the St. Mark their efforts.
Parish Hall last Monday NVN night.
After an extended vaca: JOSE ACHION Ng REMEMBER tion, spent in the neighbour ring Republic of Nicaragua, Comerciante detallista the land of her nativity, Mrs. Rona Simmons is a Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, WE PAY THE BEST PRICES gain with us. It is obvious Artículos de Ferretería y Elécshe has greatly benefitted tricos; todo se encuentra en from the change. We glad este establecimiento.
ly greet HERO ge number of the adherents PRECIOS DE SITJACION Limón Trading Company of Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra among the wide y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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